diff options
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/byteback-backup b/byteback-backup
index 430975e..ffc4186 100755
--- a/byteback-backup
+++ b/byteback-backup
@@ -1,179 +1,179 @@
-# Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server (just some command line
-# tools and SSH setup). We aim to make sure this backups are easy, complete
-# and safe for most types of hosting customer.
-# See 'man byteback' for more information.
-require 'trollop'
-require 'resolv'
-@sources = ["/"]
-@exclude = ["/swap.file", "/var/backups/localhost"]
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
-def verbose(message)
- print "#{message}\n"
-opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :destination, "Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)",
- :type => :string
- opt :source, "Source paths",
- :type => :strings
- opt :verbose, "Show rsync command and progress"
- opt :retry_number, "Number of retries on error",
- :type => :integer,
- :default => 3
- opt :retry_delay, "Wait number of seconds between retries",
- :type => :integer,
- :default => 1800
- opt :ssh_key, "SSH key for connection",
- :type => :string,
- :default => "/etc/byteback/key"
-@ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key]
-@verbose = opts[:verbose] ? "--verbose" : nil
-@sources = opts[:source] if opts[:source]
-@destination = opts[:destination]
-@retry_number = opts[:retry_number]
-@retry_delay = opts[:retry_delay]
-if !@destination && File.exists?("/etc/byteback/destination")
- @destination ="/etc/byteback/destination").chomp
-error("Must suply --destination or put it into /etc/bytebackup/destination") unless @destination
-_dummy, @destination_user, @destination_host, colon, @destination_path =
- /^(.*)?(?:@)([^:]+)(:)(.*)?$/.match(@destination).to_a
-error("Must be a remote path") unless colon
-# Validate & normalise source directories
-error("No sources specified") if @sources.empty?
-@sources = do |s|
- s = s.gsub(/\/+/,"/")
- error("Can't read directory #{s}") unless File.readable?(s)
- s
-# Guess destination for backup
-if !@destination
- guesses = []
- hostname = `hostname -f`
- do |dns|
- suffix = hostname.split(".")[2..-1].join(".")
- ["byteback." + suffix].each do |name|
- [Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA,
- Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A].each do |record_type|
- next if !guesses.empty? # only care about first result
- guesses += dns.getresources(name, record_type)
- end
- end
- end
- if guesses.empty?
- error "Couldn't guess at backup host, please specify --destination"
- end
- # ick, do I really have to do this to get a string represnetion of
- # the IP address?
- #
- guess = guesses.first.inspect
- match = / (.*)>$/.match(guess)[1]
- error "Result #{guesses} is not an IP" if !match
- @destination = "byteback@#{match[1]}:#{HOSTNAME}/current/"
- verbose "Guessed destination=#{@destination} from #{guess}"
-# Test ssh connection is good before we start
-error("Could not read ssh key #{@ssh_key}") unless File.readable?(@ssh_key)
-def ssh(*args)
- ["ssh",
- "-o", "BatchMode=yes",
- "-x", "-a",
- "-i", @ssh_key,
- "-l", @destination_user
- ] +
- args
-error("Could not connect to #{@destination}") unless
- system(*ssh("byteback-receive", "--ping", @verbose))
-# Call rsync to copy certain sources, returns exit status (see man rsync)
-def rsync(*sources)
- # Default options include --inplace because we only care about consistency
- # at the end of the job, and rsync will do more work for big files without
- # it.
- #
- args = [
- "rsync",
- "--archive",
- "--numeric-ids",
- "--delete",
- "--inplace",
- "--rsync-path",
- "rsync --fake-super",
- "--rsh",
- ssh.join(" "),
- "--delete",
- "--one-file-system",
- "--relative"
- ]
- args << "--verbose" if @verbose
- args += { |x| ["--exclude", x] }.flatten
- args += sources
- args << @destination
- print { |a| / /.match(a) ? "\"#{a}\"" : a }.join(" ")+"\n" if @verbose
- system(*args)
- return $?.exitstatus
-RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON = [10,11,20,21,22,23,24,30]
-# Run the file copy, retrying if necessary
-loop do
- status = rsync(*@sources)
- if status === 0
- break
- elsif RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON.include?(status)
- if @retry_number > 0
- @retry_number -= 1
- sleep @retry_delay
- redo
- else
- error("Maximum number of rsync retries reached")
- end
- else
- error("Fatal rsync error occurred (#{status})")
- end
-# Mark the backup as done on the other end
-error("Backup could not be marked complete") unless
- system(*ssh("sudo", "byteback-snapshot", "--snapshot", @verbose))
+# Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server (just some command line
+# tools and SSH setup). We aim to make sure this backups are easy, complete
+# and safe for most types of hosting customer.
+# See 'man byteback' for more information.
+require 'trollop'
+require 'resolv'
+@sources = ["/"]
+@exclude = ["/swap.file", "/var/backups/localhost"]
+def error(message)
+ STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
+ exit 1
+def verbose(message)
+ print "#{message}\n"
+opts = Trollop::options do
+ opt :destination, "Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)",
+ :type => :string
+ opt :source, "Source paths",
+ :type => :strings
+ opt :verbose, "Show rsync command and progress"
+ opt :retry_number, "Number of retries on error",
+ :type => :integer,
+ :default => 3
+ opt :retry_delay, "Wait number of seconds between retries",
+ :type => :integer,
+ :default => 1800
+ opt :ssh_key, "SSH key for connection",
+ :type => :string,
+ :default => "/etc/byteback/key"
+@ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key]
+@verbose = opts[:verbose] ? "--verbose" : nil
+@sources = opts[:source] if opts[:source]
+@destination = opts[:destination]
+@retry_number = opts[:retry_number]
+@retry_delay = opts[:retry_delay]
+if !@destination && File.exists?("/etc/byteback/destination")
+ @destination ="/etc/byteback/destination").chomp
+error("Must suply --destination or put it into /etc/bytebackup/destination") unless @destination
+_dummy, @destination_user, @destination_host, colon, @destination_path =
+ /^(.*)?(?:@)([^:]+)(:)(.*)?$/.match(@destination).to_a
+error("Must be a remote path") unless colon
+# Validate & normalise source directories
+error("No sources specified") if @sources.empty?
+@sources = do |s|
+ s = s.gsub(/\/+/,"/")
+ error("Can't read directory #{s}") unless File.readable?(s)
+ s
+# Guess destination for backup
+if !@destination
+ guesses = []
+ hostname = `hostname -f`
+ do |dns|
+ suffix = hostname.split(".")[2..-1].join(".")
+ ["byteback." + suffix].each do |name|
+ [Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA,
+ Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A].each do |record_type|
+ next if !guesses.empty? # only care about first result
+ guesses += dns.getresources(name, record_type)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if guesses.empty?
+ error "Couldn't guess at backup host, please specify --destination"
+ end
+ # ick, do I really have to do this to get a string represnetion of
+ # the IP address?
+ #
+ guess = guesses.first.inspect
+ match = / (.*)>$/.match(guess)[1]
+ error "Result #{guesses} is not an IP" if !match
+ @destination = "byteback@#{match[1]}:#{HOSTNAME}/current/"
+ verbose "Guessed destination=#{@destination} from #{guess}"
+# Test ssh connection is good before we start
+error("Could not read ssh key #{@ssh_key}") unless File.readable?(@ssh_key)
+def ssh(*args)
+ ["ssh",
+ "-o", "BatchMode=yes",
+ "-x", "-a",
+ "-i", @ssh_key,
+ "-l", @destination_user
+ ] +
+ args
+error("Could not connect to #{@destination}") unless
+ system(*ssh("byteback-receive", "--ping", @verbose))
+# Call rsync to copy certain sources, returns exit status (see man rsync)
+def rsync(*sources)
+ # Default options include --inplace because we only care about consistency
+ # at the end of the job, and rsync will do more work for big files without
+ # it.
+ #
+ args = [
+ "rsync",
+ "--archive",
+ "--numeric-ids",
+ "--delete",
+ "--inplace",
+ "--rsync-path",
+ "rsync --fake-super",
+ "--rsh",
+ ssh.join(" "),
+ "--delete",
+ "--one-file-system",
+ "--relative"
+ ]
+ args << "--verbose" if @verbose
+ args += { |x| ["--exclude", x] }.flatten
+ args += sources
+ args << @destination
+ print { |a| / /.match(a) ? "\"#{a}\"" : a }.join(" ")+"\n" if @verbose
+ system(*args)
+ return $?.exitstatus
+RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON = [10,11,20,21,22,23,24,30]
+# Run the file copy, retrying if necessary
+loop do
+ status = rsync(*@sources)
+ if status === 0
+ break
+ elsif RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON.include?(status)
+ if @retry_number > 0
+ @retry_number -= 1
+ sleep @retry_delay
+ redo
+ else
+ error("Maximum number of rsync retries reached")
+ end
+ else
+ error("Fatal rsync error occurred (#{status})")
+ end
+# Mark the backup as done on the other end
+error("Backup could not be marked complete") unless
+ system(*ssh("sudo", "byteback-snapshot", "--snapshot", @verbose))