path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
7 files changed, 755 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/byteback-backup b/bin/byteback-backup
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac9165a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-backup
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server (just some command line
+# tools and SSH setup). We aim to make sure this backups are easy, complete
+# and safe for most types of hosting customer.
+# See 'man byteback' for more information.
+require 'resolv'
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback/util'
+require 'byteback/log'
+include Byteback::Util
+include Byteback::Log
+ME = $PROGRAM_NAME.split('/').last
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ banner "#{ME}: Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server\n "
+ opt :destination, 'Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)',
+ type: :string
+ opt :source, 'Source paths',
+ type: :strings,
+ default: ['/']
+ opt :exclude, 'Paths to exclude',
+ type: :strings,
+ short: 'x'
+ opt :verbose, 'Show debugging messages'
+ opt :retry_number, 'Number of retries on error',
+ type: :integer,
+ default: 3
+ opt :retry_delay, 'Number of seconds between retries after an error',
+ type: :integer,
+ default: 300
+ opt :ssh_key, 'SSH key filename',
+ type: :string,
+ default: '/etc/byteback/key',
+ short: 'k'
+ opt :help, 'Show this message',
+ short: 'h'
+ banner "\nAdditional excludes can be specified using /etc/byteback/rsync_filter, which is an rsync filter file. See the rsync man page for information on how this works.\n"
+@ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key]
+@verbose = opts[:verbose] ? '--verbose' : nil
+@sources = opts[:source] if opts[:source]
+@excludes = opts[:exclude] if opts[:exclude]
+@destination = opts[:destination]
+@retry_number = opts[:retry_number]
+@retry_delay = opts[:retry_delay]
+# Read the default destination
+if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/destination')
+ @destination ='/etc/byteback/destination').chomp
+# Set the default SSH key
+if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/key')
+ @ssh_key = '/etc/byteback/key'
+# Check our destination
+if @destination =~ /^(?:(.+)@)?([^@:]+):(.+)?$/
+ @destination_user, @destination_host, @destination_path = [Regexp.last_match(1), Regexp.last_match(2), Regexp.last_match(3)]
+ fatal('Destination must be a remote path, e.g.')
+# Validate & normalise source directories
+@sources = ['/'] if @sources.nil?
+fatal('No sources specified') if @sources.empty?
+@sources = do |s|
+ s = s.gsub(/\/+/, '/')
+ fatal("Can't read directory #{s}") unless File.readable?(s)
+ s
+# Automatically exclude anything mounted on a non-local filesystem, plus
+# various cache and temporary directories common on Bytemark & Debian
+# systems
+if @excludes.nil?
+ btrfs
+ ext2
+ ext3
+ ext4
+ reiserfs
+ xfs
+ nilfs
+ jfs
+ reiser4
+ zfs
+ rootfs
+ )
+ /swap.file
+ /tmp
+ /var/backups/localhost
+ /var/cache/apt/archives
+ /var/lib/php5
+ /var/tmp
+ )
+ MOUNT_HEADINGS = %w( spec file vfstype mntops freq passno )
+ .map(&:to_sym)
+ mounts ='/proc/mounts').split("\n").map do |line|
+ Hash[' '))]
+ end
+ @excludes =
+ mounts
+ .select { |m| !PROBABLY_LOCAL.include?(m[:vfstype]) }
+ .map { |m| m[:file] } +
+ { |f| File.exist?(f) }
+@excludes = do |e|
+ e.gsub(/\/+/, '/')
+fatal('Must suply --destination or put it into /etc/bytebackup/destination') unless @destination
+# Test ssh connection is good before we start
+fatal("Could not read ssh key #{@ssh_key}") unless File.readable?(@ssh_key)
+def ssh(*ssh_args)
+ args = ['ssh',
+ '-o', 'BatchMode=yes',
+ '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=5',
+ '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=30',
+ '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60',
+ '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes',
+ '-x', '-a',
+ '-i', @ssh_key,
+ '-l', @destination_user,
+ @destination_host
+ ] +
+ ssh_args
+ .map { |a| a ? a : '' }
+ log_system(*args)
+fatal("Could not connect to #{@destination}") unless
+ ssh('byteback-receive', '--ping', @verbose) == 0
+# Call rsync to copy certain sources, returns exit status (see man rsync)
+def rsync(*sources)
+ # Default options include --inplace because we only care about consistency
+ # at the end of the job, and rsync will do more work for big files without
+ # it.
+ #
+ # The timeout is set to 12 hours - rsync can spend a long time at the
+ # far end checking over its files at the far end without transfer, so we
+ # want to wait as long as possible without jeopardising the timing of the
+ # next backup run. Obviously if rsync itself takes nearly 24 hours for a
+ # given filesystem, daily backups (with this tool) are out of the question.
+ #
+ args = %w( rsync --archive --numeric-ids --delete-delay --inplace --relative --timeout 43200 )
+ args += ['--rsh', "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -x -a -i #{@ssh_key} -l #{@destination_user}"]
+ args << '--verbose' if @verbose
+ args += { |x| ['--exclude', x] }.flatten
+ #
+ # Add in the rsync excludes and sources files, if present.
+ #
+ if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/excludes')
+ args += ['--exclude-from', '/etc/byteback/excludes']
+ end
+ #
+ # Add in an rsync_filter if required.
+ #
+ if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/rsync_filter')
+ args += ['--filter', 'merge /etc/byteback/rsync_filter']
+ end
+ #
+ # To add extra rsync flags, a file can be used. This can have flags all on one line, or one per line.
+ #
+ if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/rsync_flags')
+ args += File.readlines('/etc/byteback/rsync_flags').map(&:chomp)
+ end
+ args += ['--rsync-path', 'rsync --fake-super']
+ args += sources
+ args << @destination
+ log_system(*args)
+# We treat exit statuses 0 and 24 as success; 0 is "Success"; 24 is "Partial
+# transfer due to vanished source files", which we treat as success otherwise
+# on some hosts the backup process never finishes.
+RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON = [10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30]
+# Run the file copy, retrying if necessary
+loop do
+ status = rsync(*@sources)
+ if RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_ACCEPT.any? { |s| s === status }
+ break
+ elsif RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON.any? { |s| s === status }
+ warn "rsync exited with status #{status}"
+ if @retry_number > 0
+ warn "rsync will retry #{@retry_number} more times, sleeping #{@retry_delay}s"
+ @retry_number -= 1
+ sleep @retry_delay
+ redo
+ else
+ fatal('Maximum number of rsync retries reached')
+ end
+ else
+ fatal("Fatal rsync error occurred (#{status})")
+ end
+info('Backup completed, requesting snapshot')
+# Mark the backup as done on the other end
+fatal('Backup could not be marked complete') unless
+ ssh('byteback-receive', '--complete', @verbose) == 0
diff --git a/bin/byteback-prune b/bin/byteback-prune
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d005289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-prune
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Program to free up space on the backup-storage volume, by removing
+# backups (whether by age, or importance).
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback'
+require 'sys/filesystem'
+include Byteback
+include Byteback::Log
+include Byteback::Util
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ banner "Prune old backup directories to ensure there's enough space"
+ opt :minpercent, 'Start prune when disk has less than this %age free',
+ type: :integer,
+ default: 5
+ opt :maxpercent, 'Stop prune when disk has more than this %age free',
+ type: :integer,
+ default: 10
+ opt :list, 'List backups in pruning order, no other action'
+ opt :prune, 'Prune the next backup if necessary'
+ opt :prune_force, 'Prune the next backup regardless'
+ opt :order, "Order backups by 'age' or 'importance'",
+ type: :string,
+ default: 'importance'
+ opt :verbose, 'Show debugging messages'
+@order = opts[:order]
+@verbose = opts[:verbose]
+@do_list = opts[:list]
+@do_prune = opts[:prune]
+@do_prune_force = opts[:prune_force]
+@minpercent = opts[:minpercent]
+@maxpercent = opts[:maxpercent]
+@do_prune = true if @do_prune_force
+fatal('Must specify one of --prune or --list') unless
+ (@do_prune || @do_list) &&
+ !(@do_prune && @do_list)
+fatal("Must specify --order as 'age' or 'importance'") unless
+ @order == 'age' || @order == 'importance'
+if BackupDirectory.all.empty?
+ fatal('No backup directories found, need to run byteback-snapshot')
+@df_history =['HOME'])
+ @df_history.new_reading!
+rescue Errno::ENOSPC
+ if @do_list
+ warn("Couldn't write disk history file due to lack of space, ignoring")
+ else
+ warn("Couldn't write disk history file due to lack of space, going to --prune-force")
+ @do_prune = @do_prune_force = true
+ end
+rescue => anything_else
+ error("Couldn't record disk history of #{@df_history.mountpoint} in #{@df_history.history_file}, installation problem?")
+ raise
+gradient_30m = @df_history.gradient(1800)
+# Check whether we should still be pruning
+@free = @df_history.list.last.percent_free
+PRUNING_FLAG = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.byteback.pruning"
+if @do_prune_force
+ info('Forcing prune')
+elsif @free <= @minpercent && !File.exist?(PRUNING_FLAG)
+ info("Starting prune #{@free}% -> #{@maxpercent} free")
+ File.write(PRUNING_FLAG, '')
+elsif @free >= @maxpercent && File.exist?(PRUNING_FLAG)
+ info("Stopping prune, reached #{@free}% free")
+ File.unlink(PRUNING_FLAG)
+elsif File.exist?(PRUNING_FLAG)
+ info("Continuing prune #{@free}% -> #{@maxpercent}, gradient = #{gradient_30m}")
+debug("Disc free #{@free}%, 30m gradient = #{gradient_30m}")
+def snapshots_in_order
+ list = BackupDirectory.all_snapshots
+ if @order == 'importance'
+ Snapshot.sort_by_importance(list)
+ elsif @order == 'age'
+ list.sort.reverse
+ else
+ fail"Unknown snapshot sort method #{method}")
+ end
+snapshots = snapshots_in_order
+if @do_list
+ print "Backups by #{@order}:\n"
+ snapshots.each_with_index do |snapshot, index|
+ print "#{sprintf('% 3d', index)}: #{snapshot.path}\n"
+ end
+# Don't do anything if we've not got two hours of readings
+unless @do_prune_force
+ if @df_history.list.last.time - @df_history.list.first.time < 1800
+ warn('Not enough disc space history to make a decision')
+ exit 0
+ end
+exit 0 unless
+ (@do_prune && File.exist?(PRUNING_FLAG)) ||
+ @do_prune_force
+exit 0 unless @do_prune_force || gradient_30m == 0
+if snapshots.empty?
+ error('No snapshots to delete, is there enough disc space?')
+ exit 1
+info("Deleting #{snapshots.last.path}")
+log_system("/sbin/btrfs subvolume delete #{snapshots.last.path}")
diff --git a/bin/byteback-receive b/bin/byteback-receive
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b949c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-receive
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Program to receive backups and run rsync in receive mode. Must check that
+# user as authorised by SSH is allowed to access particular directory.
+$LOAD_PATH << '/usr/lib/byteback'
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback'
+include Byteback::Log
+ ARGV.concat(ENV['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'].split(' '))
+byteback_host = ENV['BYTEBACK_HOST']
+fatal('BYTEBACK_HOST environment not set') unless byteback_host
+byteback_root = ENV['HOME'] + '/' + ENV['BYTEBACK_HOST']
+fatal("#{byteback_root} does not exist") unless
+# Force restores to be limited to the hostname we're connecting form
+if (ARGV[0] == 'restore')
+ ARGV[0] = 'rsync'
+ a = []
+ ARGV.each do |tmp|
+ if tmp =~ /^\/(.*)/
+ tmp = "#{byteback_host}/#{Regexp.last_match(1).dup}"
+ end
+ a.push(tmp)
+ end
+ exec(*a)
+elsif ARGV[0] == 'rsync'
+ ARGV[-1] = "#{byteback_root}/current"
+ exec(*ARGV)
+elsif ARGV[0] == 'byteback-snapshot'
+ ARGV.concat(['--root', "#{byteback_root}"])
+ exec(*ARGV)
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ opt :verbose, 'Print diagnostics'
+ opt :ping, 'Check connection parameters and exit'
+ opt :list, 'Show backed up files matching the given pattern', type: :string
+ opt :restore, 'Perform a restoration operation', type: :string
+ opt :complete, 'Mark current backup as complete'
+error('Please only choose one mode') if opts[:ping] && opts[:complete]
+if opts[:complete]
+ system('byteback-snapshot', '--root', byteback_root)
+elsif opts[:list]
+ system("cd #{byteback_root} && find . -print | grep #{opts[:list]}")
+ exit(0)
+elsif opts[:ping]
+ exit 0
+ STDERR.print "byteback-receive failed\n"
+ exit 9
diff --git a/bin/byteback-restore b/bin/byteback-restore
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48eea9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-restore
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Restore a file from the most recent backup, from the remote host.
+require 'trollop'
+# Show an error message and abort.
+def fatal(str)
+ STDERR.puts(str)
+ exit(1)
+# Run a remote command.
+def ssh(*ssh_args)
+ args = ['ssh',
+ '-o', 'BatchMode=yes',
+ '-o', 'ConnectionAttempts=5',
+ '-o', 'ConnectTimeout=30',
+ '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60',
+ '-o', 'TCPKeepAlive=yes',
+ '-x', '-a',
+ '-i', @ssh_key,
+ '-l', @destination_user,
+ @destination_host
+ ] +
+ ssh_args
+ .map { |a| a ? a : '' }
+ system(*args)
+def list_files(pattern)
+ ssh('byteback-receive', '--list', pattern)
+# We cannot use plain 'rsync' here because the receiver command will
+# see that, and rewrite our arguments.
+# To cater to this we have to wrap the rsync for the restore and we
+# do that by setting "rsync-path" to point to the receiver program.
+def restore_file(path, revision)
+ cmd = %w( rsync )
+ cmd += ['--rsh', 'ssh -o BatchMode=yes -x -a -i /etc/byteback/key -l byteback']
+ cmd += ['--rsync-path', 'restore --fake-super']
+ cmd += ['-aApzrX', '--numeric-ids']
+ cmd += ["#{@destination_host}:/#{revision}/#{path}", '.']
+ system(*cmd)
+# Parse our command-line arguments
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ banner "byteback-restore: Restore a file\n "
+ opt :file, 'The file to restore',
+ type: :string
+ opt :revision, "The version of the file to restore - default is 'latest'",
+ type: :string
+ opt :destination, 'Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)',
+ type: :string
+ opt :ssh_key, 'SSH key filename',
+ type: :string,
+ default: '/etc/byteback/key',
+ short: 'k'
+# Setup default destination and key.
+@destination ='/etc/byteback/destination').chomp if
+ File.exist?('/etc/byteback/destination')
+@ssh_key = '/etc/byteback/key' if File.exist?('/etc/byteback/key')
+# Allow the command-line to override them.
+@ssh_key = opts[:ssh_key] unless opts[:ssh_key].nil?
+@destination = opts[:destination] unless opts[:destination].nil?
+# Check our destination is well-formed
+if @destination =~ /^(?:(.+)@)?([^@:]+):(.+)?$/
+ @destination_user, @destination_host, @destination_path = [Regexp.last_match(1), Regexp.last_match(2), Regexp.last_match(3)]
+ fatal('Destination must be a remote path, e.g.')
+# If the user didn't specify a file then we're not restoring anything,
+# and we should abort.
+if opts[:file].nil?
+ fatal('You must specify a file to restore')
+# If the user specified a file, but not a revision, then we list
+# the available revisions.
+if opts[:revision].nil?
+ list_files(opts[:file])
+ exit(0)
+# Restore a file
+restore_file(opts[:file], opts[:revision])
diff --git a/bin/byteback-setup-client b/bin/byteback-setup-client
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8ffbfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-setup-client
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Run on a client machine to set up backups for the first time
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback/util'
+require 'byteback/log'
+include Byteback::Util
+include Byteback::Log
+def error(message)
+ STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
+ exit 1
+def verbose(message)
+ print "#{message}\n"
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ opt :hostname, 'Set host name for backups',
+ type: :string
+ opt :destination, 'Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)',
+ type: :string
+@destination = opts[:destination]
+@hostname = opts[:hostname]
+_dummy, @destination_user, @destination_host, colon, @destination_path =
+ /^(.*)?(?:@)([^:]+)(:)(.*)?$/.match(@destination).to_a
+@destination_user ||= 'byteback'
+@destination_path ||= ''
+@destination_host ||= @destination
+unless @hostname
+ @hostname = `hostname -f`.chomp
+ warn "No hostname set, using #{@hostname}\n"
+if File.readable?('/etc/byteback/key')
+ warn "Skipping key generation, delete /etc/byteback/key if that's wrong"
+ error "Couldn't generate SSH key" unless
+ system <<-KEYGEN
+ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -C "byteback client key" \
+ -N "" -f /etc/byteback/key
+key_pub ='/etc/byteback/').chomp
+error "Remote setup didn't work" unless
+ system("ssh -i /etc/byteback/key -l #{@destination_user} #{@destination_host} byteback-setup-client-receive #{@hostname} #{key_pub}")
+'/etc/byteback/destination', 'w') do |f|
+ f.print "#{@destination_user}@#{@destination_host}:#{@destination_path}"
+print "Setup worked! To take your first backup run: byteback-backup --verbose\n"
diff --git a/bin/byteback-setup-client-receive b/bin/byteback-setup-client-receive
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3673b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-setup-client-receive
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Called by byteback-setup-client to set up a new byteback-setup-client
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback/util'
+require 'byteback/log'
+include Byteback::Util
+include Byteback::Log
+def error(message)
+ STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
+ exit 1
+@hostname = ARGV.shift
+@pubkey = ARGV.join(' ')
+error('You must call this from byteback-setup-client on remote host') unless
+ @hostname &&
+ /^ssh/.match(@pubkey) &&
+@client_ip = ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'].split(' ').first
+Dir.chdir(ENV['HOME']) # don't know why we wouldn't be here
+error("Couldn't create btrfs subvolume") unless
+ system("/sbin/btrfs subvolume create #{@hostname}/current")
+if File.exist?('.ssh/authorized_keys') &&
+ warn('This key already exists in .ssh/authorized_keys on server, nothing to do!')
+'.ssh/authorized_keys', 'a+') do |fh|
+ fh.print <<-LINE.gsub(/\n/, '') + "\n"
+ #{@pubkey}
+ end
diff --git a/bin/byteback-snapshot b/bin/byteback-snapshot
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fc9aab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/byteback-snapshot
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Program to create a snapshot and/or rotate a directory of backup snapshots
+# using btrfs subvolume commands.
+require 'trollop'
+require 'byteback'
+include Byteback
+include Byteback::Log
+opts = Trollop.options do
+ opt :root, 'Backups directory (must be a btrfs subvolume)',
+ type: :string
+ opt :snapshot, '(ignored for compatibility)'
+ opt :verbose, 'Print diagnostics'
+@root = opts[:root]
+@verbose = opts[:verbose]
+fatal('--root not readable') unless"#{@root}")
+@backups =
+snapshots = @backups.snapshots
+unless snapshots.empty?
+ last_snapshot_time = snapshots.last.time
+ fatal('Last snapshot was less than six hours ago') unless
+ !last_snapshot_time ||
+ - last_snapshot_time >= 6 * 60 * 60 # FIXME: make configurable
+info 'Making new snapshot'
+info 'Finished'