path: root/worker
diff options
authorSteve Kemp <steve@steve.org.uk>2012-11-13 17:22:43 +0000
committerSteve Kemp <steve@steve.org.uk>2012-11-13 17:22:43 +0000
commitab3961ec0603140ac5730f90b067c01e9d73d070 (patch)
treeeacbf6a3573759ea0f1ee8348a09ca39d60028b7 /worker
parenta977d57759bbe20ae6a6eff6ef1af29a6b7ff936 (diff)
Renamed and moved files around.
--HG-- rename : util/multi-ping => bin/multi-ping rename : parser/parser.rb => bin/parser.rb rename : worker/worker => bin/worker rename : worker/tests/README => lib/README rename : worker/tests/ftp.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ftp.rb rename : worker/tests/http.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb rename : worker/tests/https.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/https.rb rename : worker/tests/jabber.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/jabber.rb rename : worker/tests/ldap.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ldap.rb rename : worker/tests/ping.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ping.rb rename : worker/tests/rsync.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/rsync.rb rename : worker/tests/smtp.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/smtp.rb rename : worker/tests/ssh.rb => lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ssh.rb
Diffstat (limited to 'worker')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1739 deletions
diff --git a/worker/tests/README b/worker/tests/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8b6d3..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- This directory contains the protocol-tests.
- For the protocol "xxx" we must have:
- - The file called xxx.rb
- - The definition of class "XXXTest" - note upper-case
- The class must implement the methods:
- run_test()
- error()
- 'run_test' will be called to run the test, returning true if passed, and false
- otherwise. In the event of a test failure 'error' will return something useful.
diff --git a/worker/tests/ftp.rb b/worker/tests/ftp.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 63b6714..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/ftp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-require 'timeout'
-require 'socket'
-# This class is responsible for performing tests against a remote FTP server
-class FTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data["target_host"]
- port = @test_data["test_port"]
- puts "FTP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20]
- socket.close()
- if ( banner =~ /^220/ )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't report OK: #{banner}"
- end
- rescue
- @error = "FTP exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "Timed-out connecting #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc. failure."
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "mirror.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ftp",
- "test_port" => 21,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "The FTP server no worky",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- tst = FTPTest.new( test )
- if ( tst.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts tst.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/http.rb b/worker/tests/http.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 0d4cdd3..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/http.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/https'
-require 'uri'
-class HTTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The HTTP status, the HTTP response body, and the error text
- # we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :status, :body, :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have an URL
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing URL for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Do the fetch, if this success then we'll have the
- # @status + @text setup
- #
- if ( getURL (@test_data["target_host"] ) )
- #
- # Do we need to test for a HTTP status code?
- #
- if ( @test_data["http_status"] )
- puts "Testing for HTTP status code: #{@test_data['http_status']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( @status != @test_data['http_status'].to_i)
- @error = "#{@error} status code was #{@status} not #{@test_data['http_status']}"
- end
- end
- #
- # Do we need to search for text in the body of the reply?
- #
- if ( @test_data['http_text'] )
- puts "Testing for text in the response: #{@test_data['http_text']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if (! @body.match(/#{@test_data['http_text']}/i) )
- @error = "#{@error} The respond did not contain #{test_data['http_text']}"
- end
- end
- return true if ( @error.nil? )
- return false
- end
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
- #
- # Retrieve a HTTP page from the web.
- #
- # NOTE: This came from sentinel.
- def getURL (uri_str)
- begin
- uri_str = 'http://' + uri_str unless uri_str.match(/^http/)
- url = URI.parse(uri_str)
- http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
- http.open_timeout = 3
- http.read_timeout = 3
- if (url.scheme == "https")
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- end
- response = nil
- if nil == url.query
- response = http.start { http.get(url.path) }
- else
- response = http.start { http.get("#{url.path}?#{url.query}") }
- end
- @status = response.code.to_i
- @body = response.body
- return true
- rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH => ex
- @error = "no route to host"
- return false
- rescue Timeout::Error => ex
- @error = "time out reached"
- return false
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => ex
- @error = "Connection refused"
- return false
- rescue => ex
- raise ex
- return false
- end
- return false
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "http://www.steve.org.uk/",
- "test_type" => "http",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_port" => 80,
- "test_alert" => "Steve's website is unavailable",
- "http_text" => "Steve Kemp",
- "http_status" => "200"
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- http = HTTPTest.new( test )
- if ( http.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts http.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/https.rb b/worker/tests/https.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 49cdcef..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/https.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/https'
-require 'uri'
-class HTTPSTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The HTTP status, the HTTP response body, and the error text
- # we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :status, :body, :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have an URL
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing URL for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Do the fetch, if this success then we'll have the
- # @status + @text setup
- #
- if ( getURL (@test_data["target_host"] ) )
- #
- # Do we need to test for a HTTP status code?
- #
- if ( @test_data["http_status"] )
- puts "Testing for HTTP status code: #{@test_data['http_status']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( @status != @test_data['http_status'].to_i)
- @error = "#{@error} status code was #{@status} not #{@test_data['http_status']}"
- end
- end
- #
- # Do we need to search for text in the body of the reply?
- #
- if ( @test_data['http_text'] )
- puts "Testing for text in the response: #{@test_data['http_text']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if (! @body.match(/#{@test_data['http_text']}/i) )
- @error = "#{@error} The respond did not contain #{test_data['http_text']}"
- end
- end
- return true if ( @error.nil? )
- return false
- end
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
- #
- # Retrieve a HTTP page from the web.
- #
- # NOTE: This came from sentinel.
- def getURL (uri_str)
- begin
- uri_str = 'http://' + uri_str unless uri_str.match(/^http/)
- url = URI.parse(uri_str)
- http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
- http.open_timeout = 3
- http.read_timeout = 3
- if (url.scheme == "https")
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- end
- response = nil
- if nil == url.query
- response = http.start { http.get(url.path) }
- else
- response = http.start { http.get("#{url.path}?#{url.query}") }
- end
- @status = response.code.to_i
- @body = response.body
- return true
- rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH => ex
- @error = "no route to host"
- return false
- rescue Timeout::Error => ex
- @error = "time out reached"
- return false
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => ex
- @error = "Connection refused"
- return false
- rescue => ex
- raise ex
- return false
- end
- return false
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "http://www.steve.org.uk/",
- "test_type" => "http",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_port" => 80,
- "test_alert" => "Steve's website is unavailable",
- "http_text" => "Steve Kemp",
- "http_status" => "200"
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- http = HTTPSTest.new( test )
- if ( http.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts http.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/jabber.rb b/worker/tests/jabber.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index ab628d5..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/jabber.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from a Jabber server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class JABBERTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- @error = ""
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "Jabber testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20]
- socket.close()
- if ( banner =~ /xml version/i )
- puts "Jabber alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "Jabber exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "chat.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "jabber",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "Chat is down?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = JABBERTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/ldap.rb b/worker/tests/ldap.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index e15f4e0..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/ldap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an LDAP server.
-class LDAPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Until the test runs we have no error.
- #
- @error = ""
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "LDAP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- socket.close()
- puts "LDAP alive" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- rescue
- @error = "Exception connecting to host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "auth.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ldap",
- "test_port" => 389,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "LDAP is down?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = LDAPTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/ping.rb b/worker/tests/ping.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index d6ac877..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/ping.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a ping response from the remote host.
-class PINGTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- @error = ""
- #
- # Find the binary
- #
- binary = nil
- binary = "./util/multi-ping" if ( File.exists?( "./util/multi-ping" ) )
- binary = "../util/multi-ping" if ( File.exists?( "../util/multi-ping" ) )
- binary = "../../util/multi-ping" if ( File.exists?( "../../util/multi-ping" ) )
- if ( binary.nil? )
- @error = "Failed to find 'multi-ping'"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Get the hostname to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- puts "ping testing host #{host}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( system( "#{binary} #{host}" ) == true )
- puts "PING OK" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Ping failed. TODO: Mtr"
- return false
- end
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error()
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "upload.ns.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ping",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "Pingly faily",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = PINGTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/rsync.rb b/worker/tests/rsync.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 02f2dfa..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/rsync.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an rsync server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class RSYNCTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- @error = ""
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "rsync testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20]
- socket.close()
- if ( banner =~ /rsyncd/i )
- puts "rsync alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "rsync exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "upload.ns.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "rsync",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "DNS upload service failure",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = RSYNCTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/smtp.rb b/worker/tests/smtp.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index aa577d6..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/smtp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an SMTP server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class SMTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error".
- #
- def run_test
- @error = ""
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "SMTP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,40]
- socket.close()
- if ( banner =~ /SMTP/i )
- puts "SMTP alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "SMTP exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "mail.steve.org.uk",
- "test_type" => "smtp",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "SMTP failure",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = SMTPTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/tests/ssh.rb b/worker/tests/ssh.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 18815b4..0000000
--- a/worker/tests/ssh.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an SSH server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class SSHTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error".
- #
- def run_test
- @error = ""
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "ssh testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(3) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20]
- socket.close()
- if ( banner =~ /ssh/i )
- puts "ssh alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "ssh exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "ssh.steve.org.uk",
- "test_type" => "ssh",
- "test_port" => 2222,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "Steve's host isn't running SSH?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = SSHTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/worker/worker b/worker/worker
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c9e355..0000000
--- a/worker/worker
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-# This script will pull tests to complete from the Beanstalk Queue,
-# where they will be found in JSON form, and executes them.
-# Steve
-# --
-require 'beanstalk-client'
-require 'getoptlong'
-require 'json'
-require 'logger'
-require 'mauve/sender'
-require 'mauve/proto'
-# Implementation of our protocol tests.
-require 'tests/ftp'
-require 'tests/http'
-require 'tests/https'
-require 'tests/jabber'
-require 'tests/ldap'
-require 'tests/ping'
-require 'tests/rsync'
-require 'tests/smtp'
-require 'tests/ssh'
-# This class encapsulates the raising and clearing of alerts via Mauve.
-class Alert
- attr_reader :details
- def initialize( test_details )
- @details = test_details
- end
- #
- # Raise the alert.
- #
- def raise( detail )
- puts "RAISE: #{detail}"
- return
- update = Mauve::Proto::AlertUpdate.new
- update.alert = []
- update.source = "custodian"
- update.replace = true
- alert = Mauve::Proto::Alert.new
- alert.id = @details['test_type']
- alert.summary = "#{@details['test_host']} #{@details['test_alert']}"
- alert.detail = "The #{@details['test_type']} test failed against #{@details['test_host']}: #{detail}"
- alert.raise_time = Time.now.to_i
- update.alert << alert
- Mauve::Sender.new("alert.bytemark.co.uk").send(update)
- end
- #
- # Clear the alert.
- #
- def clear
- puts "CLEAR"
- return
- update = Mauve::Proto::AlertUpdate.new
- update.alert = []
- update.source = "custodian"
- update.replace = true
- alert = Mauve::Proto::Alert.new
- alert.id = @details['test_type']
- alert.summary = "#{@details['test_host']} #{@details['test_alert']}"
- alert.detail = "The #{@details['test_type']} test succeeded against #{@details['test_host']}"
- alert.clear_time = Time.now.to_i
- update.alert << alert
- Mauve::Sender.new("alert.bytemark.co.uk").send(update)
- end
-# This class contains the code for connecting to a Beanstalk queue,
-# fetching tests from it, and executing them
-class Custodian
- #
- # The beanstalk queue.
- #
- attr_reader :queue
- #
- # How many times we re-test before we detect a failure
- #
- attr_reader :retry_count
- #
- # The log-file object
- #
- attr_reader :logger
- #
- # Constructor: Connect to the queue
- #
- def initialize( server )
- # Connect to the queue
- @queue = Beanstalk::Pool.new([server])
- # Instantiate the logger.
- @logger = Logger.new( "worker.log", "daily" )
- if ( ENV['REPEAT'] )
- @retry_count=ENV['REPEAT'].to_i
- else
- @retry_count=5
- end
- log_message( "We'll run each test #{@retry_count} before alerting failures." )
- end
- #
- # Write the given message to our logfile - and show it to the console
- # if we're running with '--verbose' in play
- #
- def log_message( msg )
- @logger.info( msg )
- puts msg if ( ENV['VERBOSE'] )
- end
- #
- # Flush the queue.
- #
- def flush_queue!
- log_message( "Flushing queue" )
- while( true )
- begin
- job = @queue.reserve(1)
- id = job.id
- log_message( "Deleted job #{id}" )
- job.delete
- rescue Beanstalk::TimedOut => ex
- log_message( "The queue is now empty" )
- return
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # Process jobs from the queue - never return.
- #
- def run!
- while( true )
- log_message( "\n" )
- log_message( "\n" )
- log_message( "Waiting for job.." )
- process_single_job()
- end
- end
- #
- # Fetch a single job from the queue, and process it.
- #
- def process_single_job
- begin
- job = @queue.reserve()
- log_message( "Job aquired - Job ID : #{job.id}" )
- #
- # Parse the JSON of the job body.
- #
- json = job.body
- hash = JSON.parse( json )
- hash['verbose'] = 1 if ( ENV['VERBOSE'] )
- #
- # Output the details.
- #
- log_message( "Job body contains the following keys & values:")
- hash.keys.each do |key|
- log_message( "#{key} => #{hash[key]}" )
- end
- #
- # Did the test succeed? If not count the number of times it failed in
- # a row. We'll repeat several times
- #
- success = false
- count = 0
- #
- # As a result of this test we'll either raise/clear with mauve.
- #
- # This helper will do that job.
- #
- alert = Alert.new( hash )
- #
- # Convert the test-type to a class name, to do the protocol test.
- #
- # Given a test-type "foo" we'll attempt to instantiate a class called FOOTest.
- #
- test = hash['test_type']
- clazz = test.upcase
- clazz = "#{clazz}Test"
- #
- # Create the test object.
- #
- obj = eval(clazz).new( hash )
- #
- # Ensure that the object we load implements the two methods
- # we expect.
- #
- if ( ( ! obj.respond_to?( "error") ) ||
- ( ! obj.respond_to?( "run_test" ) ) )
- puts "Class #{clazz} doesn't implement the full protocol-test API"
- end
- #
- # We'll run no more than MAX times.
- #
- # We stop the execution on a single success.
- #
- while ( ( count < @retry_count ) && ( success == false ) )
- if ( obj.run_test() )
- log_message( "Test succeeed - clearing alert" )
- alert.clear()
- success= true
- end
- count += 1
- end
- #
- # If we didn't succeed on any of the attempts raise the alert.
- #
- if ( ! success )
- #
- # Raise the alert, passing the error message.
- #
- log_message( "Test failed - alerting with #{obj.error()}" )
- alert.raise( obj.error() )
- end
- rescue => ex
- puts "Exception raised processing job: #{ex}"
- ensure
- #
- # Delete the job - either we received an error, in which case
- # we should remove it to avoid picking it up again, or we handled
- # it successfully so it should be removed.
- #
- log_message( "Job ID : #{job.id} - Removed" )
- job.delete if ( job )
- end
- end
-# Entry-point to our code.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- $SERVER = "";
- begin
- opts = GetoptLong.new(
- [ "--verbose", "-v", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--flush", "-f", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--server", "-S", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--repeat", "-r", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ "--single", "-s", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
- )
- opts.each do |opt, arg|
- case opt
- when "--verbose":
- ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1"
- when "--flush":
- ENV["FLUSH"] = "1"
- when "--repeat":
- ENV["REPEAT"] = arg
- when "--server":
- $SERVER = arg
- when "--single":
- ENV["SINGLE"] = "1"
- end
- end
- rescue StandardError => ex
- puts "Option parsing failed: #{ex.to_s}"
- exit
- end
- #
- # Create the object
- #
- worker = Custodian.new( $SERVER )
- #
- # Are we flushing the queue?
- #
- if ( ENV['FLUSH'] )
- worker.flush_queue!
- exit(0)
- end
- #
- # Single step?
- #
- if ( ENV['SINGLE'] )
- worker.process_single_job
- exit(0)
- end
- #
- # Otherwise loop indefinitely
- #
- worker.run!