path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
3 files changed, 916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/multi-ping b/bin/multi-ping
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0d2add5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/multi-ping
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -w
+# multi-ping - IPv4 and IPv6 ping tool
+# multi-ping [ -h | --help ] [-m | --manual] hostname1
+# -h, --help Show a help message, and exit.
+# -m, --manual Show this manual, and exit.
+# -v, --verbose Show verbose errors
+# The multi-ping tool is designed to be IPv4/IPv6-agnostic ping tool,
+# which removes the need to know if you're pinging an IPv4 host or an
+# IPv6 host.
+# The tool works by resolving the hostname specified upon the command line,
+# and invoking "ping" or "ping6" upon the result - using the correct one for
+# the address which has been returned.
+# Steve Kemp <steve@bytemark.co.uk>
+require 'getoptlong'
+require 'socket'
+# Options set by the command-line. These are all global.
+$help = false
+$manual = false
+opts = GetoptLong.new(
+ [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ '--manual', '-m', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ] )
+ opts.each do |opt,arg|
+ case opt
+ when '--help'
+ $help = true
+ when '--manual'
+ $manual = true
+ end
+ end
+rescue => err
+ # any errors, show the help
+ warn err.to_s
+ $help = true
+# CAUTION! Here be quality kode.
+if $manual or $help
+ # Open the file, stripping the shebang line
+ lines = File.open(__FILE__){|fh| fh.readlines}[1..-1]
+ found_synopsis = false
+ lines.each do |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ break if line.empty?
+ if $help and !found_synopsis
+ found_synopsis = (line =~ /^#\s+SYNOPSIS\s*$/)
+ next
+ end
+ puts line[2..-1].to_s
+ break if $help and found_synopsis and line =~ /^#\s*$/
+ end
+ exit 0
+# Get the address to ping.
+hostname = ARGV.shift
+# If we have no host then abort
+if ( hostname.nil? )
+ puts "Usage: #{$0} hostname"
+ exit 1
+# The IP we'll deal with
+ip = nil
+# Lookup the IP, catching any exception
+ Socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 'echo').each do |a|
+ ip = a[3]
+ end
+rescue SocketError
+ puts "Failed to resolve: #{hostname}"
+ exit 1
+# Was the result an IPv4 address?
+if ( ip =~ /^([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+).([0-9]+)$/ )
+ #
+ # If so invoke "ping"
+ #
+ if ( system( "ping -c 1 #{ip} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null" ) == true )
+ puts "#{hostname} alive."
+ exit 0
+ else
+ puts "ping4 failed - #{hostname} [#{ip}]"
+ exit 1
+ end
+elsif ( ip =~ /2001/ )
+ #
+ # Was the result an IPv6 address?
+ #
+ if ( system( "ping6 -c 1 -w1 #{ip} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null" ) == true )
+ puts "#{hostname} alive."
+ exit 0
+ else
+ puts "ping6 failed - #{hostname} [#{ip}]"
+ exit 1
+ end
+# All done.
diff --git a/bin/parser.rb b/bin/parser.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0ce4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+# Notes
+# Macros may be defined either literally, or as a result of a HTTP-fetch.
+# Macro names match the pattern "^[0-9A-Z_]$"
+require 'beanstalk-client'
+require 'getoptlong'
+require 'json'
+# This is a simple class which will parse a sentinel configuration file.
+# Unlike Sentinel it is not using a real parser, instead it peels off lines
+# via a small number of very simple regular expressions - this should be flaky,
+# but in practice it manages to successfully parse each of the configuration
+# files that we currently maintain @ Bytemark.
+# TODO:
+# 1. Explicitly abort and panic on malformed lines.
+# 2. Implement HTTP-fetching for macro-bodies.
+# Steve
+# --
+class MonitorConfig
+ #
+ # A hash of macros we found.
+ #
+ attr_reader :MACROS
+ #
+ # A handle to the beanstalkd queue.
+ #
+ attr_reader :queue
+ #
+ # The filename that we're going to parse.
+ #
+ attr_reader :filename
+ #
+ # Constructor
+ #
+ def initialize( filename )
+ @MACROS = Hash.new()
+ @queue = Beanstalk::Pool.new([''])
+ @file = filename
+ if ( @file.nil? || ( ! File.exists?( @file) ) )
+ raise ArgumentError, "Missing configuration file!"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Define a macro, from the configuration file.
+ #
+ def define_macro( line )
+ name = nil
+ val = Array.new
+ #
+ # Get the name
+ #
+ name = $1.dup if ( line =~ /^([A-Z_]+)\s+/ )
+ #
+ # Get the value
+ #
+ if ( line =~ /fetched\s+from\s+(.*)[\r\n\.]*$/ )
+ #
+ # HTTP-fetch
+ #
+ val.push( "steve")
+ val.push("kemp")
+ elsif ( line =~ /\s(is|are)\s+(.*)\.+$/ )
+ #
+ # Literal list.
+ #
+ tmp = $2.dup.split( /\s+and\s+/ )
+ tmp.each do |entry|
+ val.push( entry )
+ end
+ end
+ @MACROS[name] = val
+ end
+ #
+ # Return a hash of our current macro-definitions.
+ #
+ # This is used only by the test-suite.
+ #
+ def macros
+ end
+ #
+ # Is the given string of text a macro?
+ #
+ def is_macro?( name )
+ !@MACROS[name].nil?
+ end
+ #
+ # Return an array of hosts if the given string was a macro identifier.
+ #
+ def get_macro_targets( name )
+ @MACROS[name]
+ end
+ #
+ # Parse a single line from the configuration file.
+ #
+ def parse_line( line )
+ #
+ # A blank line, or a comment may be skipped.
+ #
+ return if ( ( line =~ /^#/ ) || ( line.length < 1 ) )
+ #
+ # The specification of mauve-server to which we should raise our alerts to.
+ #
+ return if ( line =~ /Mauve\s+server(.*)source/ )
+ #
+ # Look for macro definitions, inline
+ #
+ if ( line =~ /^([A-Z]_+)\s+are\s+fetched\s+from\s+([^\s]+)\.?/ )
+ define_macro( line )
+ elsif ( line =~ /^([0-9A-Z_]+)\s+(is|are)\s+/ )
+ define_macro( line )
+ elsif ( line =~ /\s+must\s+ping/ )
+ #
+ # Target
+ #
+ targets = Array.new
+ #
+ # Fallback target is the first token on the line
+ #
+ target = line.split( /\s+/)[0]
+ #
+ # If the target is a macro
+ #
+ if ( is_macro?( target ) )
+ targets = get_macro_targets(target)
+ else
+ targets.push( target )
+ end
+ #
+ # The alert-failure message
+ #
+ alert = "Ping failed"
+ if ( line =~ /otherwise '([^']+)'/ )
+ alert=$1.dup
+ end
+ #
+ # Store the test(s)
+ #
+ targets.each do |host|
+ test = {
+ :target_host => host,
+ :test_type => "ping",
+ :test_alert => alert
+ }
+ if ( !ENV['DUMP'].nil? )
+ puts ( test.to_json )
+ else
+ @queue.put( test.to_json )
+ end
+ end
+ elsif ( line =~ /\s+must\s+run\s+([^\s]+)\s+/i )
+ #
+ # Get the service we're testing, and remove any trailing "."
+ #
+ # This handles the case of:
+ #
+ # LINN_HOSTS must run ssh.
+ #
+ service = $1.dup
+ service.chomp!(".")
+ #
+ # Target of the service-test.
+ #
+ targets = Array.new
+ target = line.split( /\s+/)[0]
+ #
+ # If the target is a macro
+ #
+ if ( is_macro?( target ) )
+ targets = get_macro_targets( target )
+ else
+ targets.push( target )
+ end
+ #
+ # Alert text
+ #
+ alert = "#{service} failed"
+ if ( line =~ /otherwise '([^']+)'/ )
+ alert=$1.dup
+ end
+ #
+ # All our service tests require a port - we setup the defaults here,
+ # but the configuration file will allow users to specify an alternative
+ # via " on XXX ".
+ #
+ case service
+ when /ssh/ then
+ port=22
+ when /jabber/ then
+ port=5222
+ when /ldap/ then
+ port=389
+ when /^https$/ then
+ port=443
+ when /^http$/ then
+ port=80
+ when /rsync/i then
+ port=873
+ when /ftp/i then
+ port=21
+ when /telnet/i then
+ port=23
+ when /smtp/i then
+ port=25
+ end
+ #
+ # But allow that to be changed
+ #
+ # e.g.
+ #
+ # must run ssh on 33 otherwise ..
+ # must run ftp on 44 otherwise ..
+ # must run http on 8000 otherwise ..
+ #
+ if ( line =~ /\s+on\s+([0-9]+)/ )
+ port = $1.dup
+ end
+ targets.each do |host|
+ test = {
+ :target_host => host,
+ :test_type => service,
+ :test_port => port,
+ :test_alert => alert
+ }
+ #
+ # HTTP-tests will include the expected result in one of two
+ # forms:
+ #
+ # must run http with status 200
+ #
+ # must run http with content 'text'
+ #
+ # If those are sepcified then include them here.
+ #
+ # Note we're deliberately fast and loose here - which allows both to be specified
+ #
+ # http://example.vm/ must run http with status 200 and content 'OK' otherwise 'boo!'.
+ #
+ #
+ if ( line =~ /\s+with\s+status\s+([0-9]+)\s+/ )
+ test[:http_status]=$1.dup
+ end
+ if ( line =~ /\s+with\s+content\s+'([^']+)'/ )
+ test[:http_text]=$1.dup
+ end
+ #
+ # We've parsed(!) the line. Either output the JSON to the console
+ # or add to the queue.
+ #
+ if ( !ENV['DUMP'].nil? )
+ puts ( test.to_json )
+ else
+ @queue.put( test.to_json )
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ puts "Unknown line: #{line}" if ( line.length > 2 )
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Parse the configuration file which was named in our constructor.
+ #
+ def parse_file()
+ #
+ # Parse the configuration file on the command line
+ #
+ File.open( @file, "r").each_line do |line|
+ parse_line( line)
+ end
+ end
+# Entry-point to our code.
+if __FILE__ == $0 then
+ begin
+ opts = GetoptLong.new(
+ [ "--dump", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--file", "-f", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ]
+ )
+ opts.each do |opt, arg|
+ case opt
+ when "--dump":
+ ENV["DUMP"] = "1"
+ when "--file":
+ ENV["FILE"] = arg
+ end
+ end
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ puts "Option parsing failed: #{ex.to_s}"
+ exit
+ end
+ mon = MonitorConfig.new( ENV['FILE'] )
+ mon.parse_file();
diff --git a/bin/worker b/bin/worker
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3c9e355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/worker
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+# This script will pull tests to complete from the Beanstalk Queue,
+# where they will be found in JSON form, and executes them.
+# Steve
+# --
+require 'beanstalk-client'
+require 'getoptlong'
+require 'json'
+require 'logger'
+require 'mauve/sender'
+require 'mauve/proto'
+# Implementation of our protocol tests.
+require 'tests/ftp'
+require 'tests/http'
+require 'tests/https'
+require 'tests/jabber'
+require 'tests/ldap'
+require 'tests/ping'
+require 'tests/rsync'
+require 'tests/smtp'
+require 'tests/ssh'
+# This class encapsulates the raising and clearing of alerts via Mauve.
+class Alert
+ attr_reader :details
+ def initialize( test_details )
+ @details = test_details
+ end
+ #
+ # Raise the alert.
+ #
+ def raise( detail )
+ puts "RAISE: #{detail}"
+ return
+ update = Mauve::Proto::AlertUpdate.new
+ update.alert = []
+ update.source = "custodian"
+ update.replace = true
+ alert = Mauve::Proto::Alert.new
+ alert.id = @details['test_type']
+ alert.summary = "#{@details['test_host']} #{@details['test_alert']}"
+ alert.detail = "The #{@details['test_type']} test failed against #{@details['test_host']}: #{detail}"
+ alert.raise_time = Time.now.to_i
+ update.alert << alert
+ Mauve::Sender.new("alert.bytemark.co.uk").send(update)
+ end
+ #
+ # Clear the alert.
+ #
+ def clear
+ puts "CLEAR"
+ return
+ update = Mauve::Proto::AlertUpdate.new
+ update.alert = []
+ update.source = "custodian"
+ update.replace = true
+ alert = Mauve::Proto::Alert.new
+ alert.id = @details['test_type']
+ alert.summary = "#{@details['test_host']} #{@details['test_alert']}"
+ alert.detail = "The #{@details['test_type']} test succeeded against #{@details['test_host']}"
+ alert.clear_time = Time.now.to_i
+ update.alert << alert
+ Mauve::Sender.new("alert.bytemark.co.uk").send(update)
+ end
+# This class contains the code for connecting to a Beanstalk queue,
+# fetching tests from it, and executing them
+class Custodian
+ #
+ # The beanstalk queue.
+ #
+ attr_reader :queue
+ #
+ # How many times we re-test before we detect a failure
+ #
+ attr_reader :retry_count
+ #
+ # The log-file object
+ #
+ attr_reader :logger
+ #
+ # Constructor: Connect to the queue
+ #
+ def initialize( server )
+ # Connect to the queue
+ @queue = Beanstalk::Pool.new([server])
+ # Instantiate the logger.
+ @logger = Logger.new( "worker.log", "daily" )
+ if ( ENV['REPEAT'] )
+ @retry_count=ENV['REPEAT'].to_i
+ else
+ @retry_count=5
+ end
+ log_message( "We'll run each test #{@retry_count} before alerting failures." )
+ end
+ #
+ # Write the given message to our logfile - and show it to the console
+ # if we're running with '--verbose' in play
+ #
+ def log_message( msg )
+ @logger.info( msg )
+ puts msg if ( ENV['VERBOSE'] )
+ end
+ #
+ # Flush the queue.
+ #
+ def flush_queue!
+ log_message( "Flushing queue" )
+ while( true )
+ begin
+ job = @queue.reserve(1)
+ id = job.id
+ log_message( "Deleted job #{id}" )
+ job.delete
+ rescue Beanstalk::TimedOut => ex
+ log_message( "The queue is now empty" )
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Process jobs from the queue - never return.
+ #
+ def run!
+ while( true )
+ log_message( "\n" )
+ log_message( "\n" )
+ log_message( "Waiting for job.." )
+ process_single_job()
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Fetch a single job from the queue, and process it.
+ #
+ def process_single_job
+ begin
+ job = @queue.reserve()
+ log_message( "Job aquired - Job ID : #{job.id}" )
+ #
+ # Parse the JSON of the job body.
+ #
+ json = job.body
+ hash = JSON.parse( json )
+ hash['verbose'] = 1 if ( ENV['VERBOSE'] )
+ #
+ # Output the details.
+ #
+ log_message( "Job body contains the following keys & values:")
+ hash.keys.each do |key|
+ log_message( "#{key} => #{hash[key]}" )
+ end
+ #
+ # Did the test succeed? If not count the number of times it failed in
+ # a row. We'll repeat several times
+ #
+ success = false
+ count = 0
+ #
+ # As a result of this test we'll either raise/clear with mauve.
+ #
+ # This helper will do that job.
+ #
+ alert = Alert.new( hash )
+ #
+ # Convert the test-type to a class name, to do the protocol test.
+ #
+ # Given a test-type "foo" we'll attempt to instantiate a class called FOOTest.
+ #
+ test = hash['test_type']
+ clazz = test.upcase
+ clazz = "#{clazz}Test"
+ #
+ # Create the test object.
+ #
+ obj = eval(clazz).new( hash )
+ #
+ # Ensure that the object we load implements the two methods
+ # we expect.
+ #
+ if ( ( ! obj.respond_to?( "error") ) ||
+ ( ! obj.respond_to?( "run_test" ) ) )
+ puts "Class #{clazz} doesn't implement the full protocol-test API"
+ end
+ #
+ # We'll run no more than MAX times.
+ #
+ # We stop the execution on a single success.
+ #
+ while ( ( count < @retry_count ) && ( success == false ) )
+ if ( obj.run_test() )
+ log_message( "Test succeeed - clearing alert" )
+ alert.clear()
+ success= true
+ end
+ count += 1
+ end
+ #
+ # If we didn't succeed on any of the attempts raise the alert.
+ #
+ if ( ! success )
+ #
+ # Raise the alert, passing the error message.
+ #
+ log_message( "Test failed - alerting with #{obj.error()}" )
+ alert.raise( obj.error() )
+ end
+ rescue => ex
+ puts "Exception raised processing job: #{ex}"
+ ensure
+ #
+ # Delete the job - either we received an error, in which case
+ # we should remove it to avoid picking it up again, or we handled
+ # it successfully so it should be removed.
+ #
+ log_message( "Job ID : #{job.id} - Removed" )
+ job.delete if ( job )
+ end
+ end
+# Entry-point to our code.
+if __FILE__ == $0 then
+ $SERVER = "";
+ begin
+ opts = GetoptLong.new(
+ [ "--verbose", "-v", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--flush", "-f", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--server", "-S", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--repeat", "-r", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--single", "-s", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
+ )
+ opts.each do |opt, arg|
+ case opt
+ when "--verbose":
+ ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1"
+ when "--flush":
+ ENV["FLUSH"] = "1"
+ when "--repeat":
+ ENV["REPEAT"] = arg
+ when "--server":
+ $SERVER = arg
+ when "--single":
+ ENV["SINGLE"] = "1"
+ end
+ end
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ puts "Option parsing failed: #{ex.to_s}"
+ exit
+ end
+ #
+ # Create the object
+ #
+ worker = Custodian.new( $SERVER )
+ #
+ # Are we flushing the queue?
+ #
+ if ( ENV['FLUSH'] )
+ worker.flush_queue!
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ #
+ # Single step?
+ #
+ if ( ENV['SINGLE'] )
+ worker.process_single_job
+ exit(0)
+ end
+ #
+ # Otherwise loop indefinitely
+ #
+ worker.run!