path: root/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
2 files changed, 140 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/bin/custodian-dequeue b/bin/custodian-dequeue
index a02a75c..49ed052 100755
--- a/bin/custodian-dequeue
+++ b/bin/custodian-dequeue
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
# custodian-dequeue [ -h | --help ]
# [ -m | --manual]
-# [ -f | --flush ]
# [ -l | --logfile FILE]
# [ -S | --server ]
# [ -s | --single ]
@@ -18,8 +17,6 @@
# -m, --manual Show this manual, and exit.
-# -f, --flush Flush the queue, removing all jobs.
# -l, --logfile Specify the path to the logfile to run.
# -S, --server Specify the host:port for the beanstalkd queue.
@@ -199,26 +196,6 @@ class Custodian
puts msg if ( ENV['VERBOSE'] )
- #
- # Flush the queue.
- #
- def flush_queue!
- log_message( "Flushing queue" )
- while( true )
- begin
- job = @queue.reserve(1)
- id = job.id
- log_message( "Deleted job #{id}" )
- job.delete
- rescue Beanstalk::TimedOut => ex
- log_message( "The queue is now empty" )
- return
- end
- end
- end
@@ -366,7 +343,6 @@ if __FILE__ == $0 then
opts = GetoptLong.new(
- [ "--flush", "-f", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--manual", "-m", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ "--logfile", "-l", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
@@ -379,8 +355,6 @@ if __FILE__ == $0 then
case opt
when "--verbose":
ENV["VERBOSE"] = "1"
- when "--flush":
- ENV["FLUSH"] = "1"
when "--logfile":
$LOGFILE = arg
when "--repeat":
@@ -436,13 +410,6 @@ if __FILE__ == $0 then
worker = Custodian.new( $SERVER, $LOGFILE )
- #
- # Are we flushing the queue?
- #
- if ( ENV['FLUSH'] )
- worker.flush_queue!
- exit(0)
- end
# Single step?
diff --git a/bin/custodian-queue b/bin/custodian-queue
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7eaa182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/custodian-queue
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# custodian-queue - Work with the queue.
+# custodian-queu [ -h | --help ]
+# [ -m | --manual]
+# [ -f | --flush ]
+# [ -s | --stats]
+# [ -S | --server ]
+# -h, --help Show a help message, and exit.
+# -m, --manual Show this manual, and exit.
+# -f, --flush Flush the queue, removing all jobs.
+# -s, --stats Show the pending jobs.
+# -S, --server Specify the host:port for the beanstalkd queue.
+# This tool is designed to inspect the beanstalkd queue.
+# Steve Kemp <steve@bytemark.co.uk>
+require 'beanstalk-client'
+require 'getoptlong'
+# Entry-point to our code.
+if __FILE__ == $0 then
+ $SERVER = ""
+ $FLUSH = false
+ $STATS = false
+ $help = false
+ $manual = false
+ begin
+ opts = GetoptLong.new(
+ [ "--flush", "-f", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--manual", "-m", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--server", "-S", GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
+ [ "--stats", "-s", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]
+ )
+ opts.each do |opt, arg|
+ case opt
+ when "--stats":
+ $STATS = true
+ when "--flush":
+ $FLUSH = true
+ when "--server":
+ $SERVER = arg
+ when "--help":
+ $help = true
+ when "--manual":
+ $manual = true
+ end
+ end
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ puts "Option parsing failed: #{ex.to_s}"
+ exit
+ end
+ #
+ # CAUTION! Here be quality kode.
+ #
+ if $manual or $help
+ # Open the file, stripping the shebang line
+ lines = File.open(__FILE__){|fh| fh.readlines}[1..-1]
+ found_synopsis = false
+ lines.each do |line|
+ line.chomp!
+ break if line.empty?
+ if $help and !found_synopsis
+ found_synopsis = (line =~ /^#\s+SYNOPSIS\s*$/)
+ next
+ end
+ puts line[2..-1].to_s
+ break if $help and found_synopsis and line =~ /^#\s*$/
+ end
+ exit 0
+ end
+ #
+ # Create the object
+ #
+ queue = Beanstalk::Pool.new([$SERVER])
+ #
+ # Showing stats?
+ #
+ if ( $STATS )
+ stats = queue.stats()
+ puts "There are #{stats['current-jobs-ready'] || 0} jobs pending."
+ exit( 0 )
+ end
+ #
+ # Are we flushing the queue?
+ #
+ if ( $FLUSH )
+ while( true )
+ begin
+ job = queue.reserve(1)
+ job.delete
+ rescue Beanstalk::TimedOut => ex
+ exit( 0 )
+ end
+ end
+ end