path: root/lib
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2 files changed, 149 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb
index 34fc472..3a0d1bd 100755
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'net/https'
-require 'uri'
+require 'custodian/webfetch'
class HTTPTest
@@ -13,13 +11,6 @@ class HTTPTest
attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The HTTP status, the HTTP response body, and the error text
- # we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :status, :body, :error
# Save the data away.
@@ -63,20 +54,26 @@ class HTTPTest
@error = nil
+ #
+ # Run the fetch.
+ #
+ obj = WebFetch.new( @test_data["target_host"], @test_data["timeout"].to_i )
- # Do the fetch, if this success then we'll have the
- # @status + @text setup
+ # If we succeeded in the fetch
- if ( getURL(@test_data["target_host"], @test_data["timeout"].to_i ) )
+ if ( obj.fetch() )
# Do we need to test for a HTTP status code?
if ( @test_data["http_status"] )
- puts "Testing for HTTP status code: #{@test_data['http_status']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( @status != @test_data['http_status'].to_i)
- @error = "#{@error} status code was #{@status} not #{@test_data['http_status']}"
+ puts "Testing for HTTP status code: #{@test_data['http_status']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
+ if ( obj.status().to_i != @test_data['http_status'].to_i)
+ @error = "#{@error} <p>The HTTP status-code was '#{obj.status}' not '#{@test_data['http_status']}'.</p>"
@@ -86,8 +83,8 @@ class HTTPTest
if ( @test_data['http_text'] )
puts "Testing for text in the response: '#{@test_data['http_text']}'" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if (! @body.match(/#{@test_data['http_text']}/i) )
- @error = "#{@error} The response did not contain our expected text '#{test_data['http_text']}'"
+ if (! obj.content.match(/#{@test_data['http_text']}/i) )
+ @error = "#{@error}<p>The response did not contain our expected text '#{test_data['http_text']}</p>'"
@@ -96,6 +93,7 @@ class HTTPTest
return false
+ @error = obj.error()
return false
@@ -108,71 +106,6 @@ class HTTPTest
- #
- # Retrieve a HTTP page from the web.
- #
- # NOTE: This came from sentinel.
- def getURL (uri_str, timeout)
- timeout( timeout ) do
- begin
- uri_str = 'http://' + uri_str unless uri_str.match(/^http/)
- url = URI.parse(uri_str)
- http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
- http.open_timeout = timeout
- http.read_timeout = timeout
- if (url.scheme == "https")
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- end
- response = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a trailing "/"
- #
- if ( url.path.empty? )
- url.path = "/"
- end
- if nil == url.query
- response = http.start { http.get(url.path) }
- else
- response = http.start { http.get("#{url.path}?#{url.query}") }
- end
- case response
- when Net::HTTPRedirection
- then
- newURL = response['location'].match(/^http/)?
- response['Location']:uri_str+response['Location']
- return( getURL(newURL, timeout) )
- else
- @status = response.code.to_i
- @body = response.body
- end
- return true
- rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH => ex
- @error = "no route to host"
- return false
- rescue Timeout::Error => ex
- @error = "time out reached"
- return false
- rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => ex
- @error = "Connection refused"
- return false
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- rescue => ex
- @error = ex
- return false
- end
- end
- end
@@ -192,7 +125,8 @@ if __FILE__ == $0 then
"timeout" => 3,
"test_port" => 80,
"test_alert" => "Collector is unavailable",
- "http_status" => "200"
+ "http_status" => "200",
+ "http_text" => "Bytemark Monitor"
diff --git a/lib/custodian/webfetch.rb b/lib/custodian/webfetch.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c04b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/custodian/webfetch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+require 'tempfile'
+class WebFetch
+ #
+ # The URL & timeout period (in seconds) we were given in the constructor
+ #
+ attr_reader :url, :timeout
+ #
+ # The HTTP status code, and content, we received from fetching the URL
+ #
+ attr_reader :status, :text, :error
+ #
+ # Constructor
+ #
+ def initialize( url, timeout = 10 )
+ @url = url
+ @timeout = timeout
+ # defaults
+ @status = -1
+ @error = ""
+ @text = ""
+ end
+ #
+ # Perform the fetch.
+ #
+ # Return true on success.
+ #
+ def fetch
+ #
+ # Generate a temporary file to contain the header from the server.
+ #
+ tmp_head = Tempfile.new('curl-header')
+ head = tmp_head.path
+ #
+ # Generate a temporary file to contain the body from the server.
+ #
+ tmp_body = Tempfile.new('curl-body')
+ body = tmp_body.path
+ #
+ # Shell out to curl (!!!) to do the fetch.
+ #
+ system( "curl --max-time #{timeout} --silent --location --insecure --dump-header #{head} --out #{body} --silent #{@url}")
+ #
+ # If both files are size zero then we clearly failed.
+ #
+ if ( ( File.size( body ) == 0 ) ||
+ ( File.size( head ) == 0 ) )
+ #
+ # Cleanup
+ #
+ File.unlink( body ) if ( File.exists?( body ) )
+ File.unlink( head ) if ( File.exists?( head ) )
+ #
+ # Save the error.
+ #
+ @error = "Fetch failed"
+ return false
+ end
+ #
+ # Get the HTTP status code, by parsing the HTTP headers.
+ #
+ File.open( head, "r").each_line do |line|
+ if ( line =~ /HTTP\/[0-9]\.[0-9]\s+([0-9]+)\s+/ )
+ @status = $1.dup
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Get the body from the server, by parsing the temporary file.
+ #
+ File.open( body, "r").each_line do |line|
+ @text << line
+ end
+ #
+ # Cleanup. We're done.
+ #
+ File.unlink( body ) if ( File.exists?( body ) )
+ File.unlink( head ) if ( File.exists?( head ) )
+ return true
+ end
+ #
+ # Return the HTTP status code the server responded with, if the
+ # fetch was successful.
+ #
+ def status
+ @status
+ end
+ #
+ # Return the HTTP content the server responded with, if the
+ # fetch was successful.
+ #
+ def content
+ @text
+ end
+ #
+ # Return the error, if the fetch failed.
+ #
+ def error
+ @error
+ end