path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
21 files changed, 77 insertions, 1893 deletions
diff --git a/lib/custodian/parser.rb b/lib/custodian/parser.rb
index 4e6bfef..7f5838e 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/parser.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/parser.rb
@@ -1,10 +1,20 @@
-require 'json'
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/tcp.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/dns.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/ftp.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/http.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/jabber.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/ldap.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/ping.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/rsync.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/ssh.rb'
+require 'custodian/protocoltest/smtp.rb'
+require 'custodian/testfactory'
@@ -42,9 +52,7 @@ class MonitorConfig
attr_reader :timeout
- # An array of job-objects.
- #
- # TODO: This is just an array of hashes at the moment.
+ # An array of test-objects, which are subclasses of our test-factory.
attr_reader :jobs
@@ -66,20 +74,6 @@ class MonitorConfig
- #
- # Get the current value of the timeout figure.
- #
- def get_timeout()
- @timeout
- end
- #
- # Set the timeout value.
- #
- def set_timeout( new_val )
- @timeout = new_val
- end
@@ -185,8 +179,6 @@ class MonitorConfig
val.push( hosts )
if ( is_macro?( name ) )
@@ -194,6 +186,8 @@ class MonitorConfig
@MACROS[name] = val
+ true
@@ -229,6 +223,30 @@ class MonitorConfig
+ #
+ # Return multiple copies of a line for each macro-target
+ #
+ def expand_macro( input )
+ r = Array.new()
+ if ( input =~ /^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/ )
+ macro=$1.dup
+ rest=$2.dup
+ end
+ if ( is_macro?( macro ) )
+ get_macro_targets(macro).each do |host|
+ r.push( "#{host} #{rest}" )
+ end
+ else
+ r.push( input )
+ end
+ r
+ end
# Parse a single line from the configuration file.
@@ -258,7 +276,6 @@ class MonitorConfig
define_macro( line )
elsif ( line =~ /^(\S+)\s+must\s+ping(.*)/ )
# Ping is a special case because the configuration file entry
# would read:
@@ -283,193 +300,29 @@ class MonitorConfig
elsif ( line =~ /^\S+\s+must\s+run\s+([^\s]+)(\s+|\.|$)/i )
- # Get the service we're testing, and remove any trailing "."
- #
- # This handles the case of:
- #
- # LINN_HOSTS must run ssh.
- #
- service = $1.dup
- service.chomp!(".")
- #
- # Target of the service-test.
- #
- targets = Array.new
- target = line.split( /\s+/)[0]
- #
- # If the target is a macro then get the list of hosts to
- # which the test will apply.
- #
- if ( is_macro?( target ) )
- targets = get_macro_targets( target )
- else
- #
- # Otherwise a list of one, literal, entry.
- #
- targets.push( target )
- end
- #
- # All our service tests, except ping, require a port - we setup the defaults here,
- # but the configuration file will allow users to specify an alternative
- # via " on XXX ".
- #
- case service
- when /ssh/ then
- port=22
- when /jabber/ then
- port=5222
- when /ldap/ then
- port=389
- when /^https$/ then
- port=443
- when /^http$/ then
- port=80
- when /rsync/i then
- port=873
- when /ftp/i then
- port=21
- when /telnet/i then
- port=23
- when /smtp/i then
- port=25
- when /dns/i then
- port=53
- end
- #
- # Allow the port to be changed, for example:
+ # Expand the macro if we should
- # must run ssh on 33 otherwise ..
- # must run ftp on 44 otherwise ..
- # must run http on 8000 otherwise ..
- #
- if ( line =~ /\s+on\s+([0-9]+)/ )
- port = $1.dup
- end
+ tests = expand_macro( line )
- # The array of JSON objects we will return to the caller.
+ # The array of objects we will return to the caller.
ret = Array.new()
# For each host in our possibly-macro-expanded list:
- targets.each do |host|
+ tests.each do |macro_expanded|
- #
- # The test we'll apply.
- #
- test = {
- :target_host => host,
- :test_type => service,
- :test_port => port,
- :verbose => true,
- :timeout => @timeout
- }
- #
- # Sanity check the hostname for ping-tests, to
- # avoid this security hole:
- #
- # $(/tmp/exploit.sh) must run ping ..
- #
- if ( service == "ping" )
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid hostname for ping-test: #{host}" unless( host =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9:\-\.]+)$/ )
- end
- #
- # Alert text will have a default, which may be overridden.
- #
- alert = "#{service} failed on #{host}"
- if ( line =~ /otherwise '([^']+)'/ )
- alert=$1.dup
- end
- #
- # Store the alert
- #
- # Note: We do this in the loop so that we can have "on $host" with
- # the per-test hostname inserted.
- #
- test[:test_alert] = alert
- #
- # TCP-tests will include a banner, optionally
- #
- if ( test[:test_type] =~ /tcp/ )
- if ( line =~ /\s+with\s+banner\s+'([^']+)'/ )
- test[:banner]=$1.dup
- else
- puts "You did not specify a banner to match against in line: #{line}"
- end
- end
- #
- # HTTP-tests will include the expected result in one of two forms:
- #
- # must run http with status 200
- #
- # must run http with content 'text'
- #
- # If those are sepcified then include them here.
- #
- # Note we're deliberately fast and loose here - which allows both to
- # be specified:
- #
- # http://example.vm/ must run http with status 200 and content 'OK'.
- #
- #
- if ( test[:test_type] =~ /^https?/ )
- #
- # If a status code is specified use it; otherwise default
- # to 200.
- if ( line =~ /\s+with\s+status\s+([0-9]+)\s+/ )
- test[:http_status] = $1.dup
- else
- test[:http_status] = 200
- end
- #
- # If a content-check is in place then use it.
- #
- if ( line =~ /\s+with\s+content\s+'([^']+)'/ )
- test[:http_text]=$1.dup
- end
- end
+ job = nil
- #
- # These are special cased for the DNS types
- #
- if ( test[:test_type] =~ /dns/ )
- #
- # Sample line:
- #
- # DNSHOSTS must run dns for www.bytemark.co.uk resolving A as ''.
- #
- #
- if ( line =~ /for\s+([^\s]+)\sresolving\s([A-Z]+)\s+as\s'([^']+)'/ )
- test[:resolve_name] = $1.dup
- test[:resolve_type] = $2.dup
- test[:resolve_expected] = $3.dup
- end
+ begin
+ job = Custodian::TestFactory.create( macro_expanded )
+ ret.push( job )
+ rescue => ex
+ puts "ERROR: #{ex}"
+ return nil
- #
- # Add the job to the results.
- #
- ret.push( test )
@@ -520,7 +373,7 @@ class MonitorConfig
if ( block_given? )
if ( ret.kind_of?( Array ) )
ret.each do |probe|
- yield probe
+ yield probe.to_s
@@ -531,14 +384,3 @@ class MonitorConfig
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- p = MonitorConfig.new( "/home/steve/hg/custodian/cfg/steve.cfg" );
- p.parse_file do |test|
- puts "Test: #{test} received"
- end
- p.jobs.each do |job|
- puts "Job: #{job}"
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/dns.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/dns.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d9f9fd..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/dns.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-require 'resolv-replace'
-# This is a protocol tester for DNS.
-class DNSTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to monitor
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing host to test against."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have test-specific keys.
- #
- if ( @test_data["resolve_name"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing host to resolve."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- if ( @test_data["resolve_type"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing type to resolve, for example A/MX/NS."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- if ( @test_data["resolve_expected"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing expected results to compare against.."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the nameserver to resolve with
- #
- nameserver = @test_data["target_host"]
- #
- # Get the record type to lookup
- #
- record = @test_data["resolve_type"]
- #
- # Get the hostname to lookup
- #
- lookup = @test_data["resolve_name"]
- #
- # Get the expected results
- #
- expected = @test_data["resolve_expected"]
- #
- # Do the lookup abort if that fails.
- #
- timeout = @test_data["timeout"].to_i
- results = resolve_via( nameserver, record, lookup, timeout )
- return false if ( results.nil? )
- #
- # Show the results if we found something.
- #
- if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- results.each do |res|
- puts "Result: #{res}"
- end
- end
- #
- # OK we have an array of results. If every one of the expected
- # results is contained in those results returned then we're good.
- #
- expected.split( /;/ ).each do |required|
- if ( ! results.include?( required ) )
- @error = "The expected result #{required} was not found in the results: #{results.join(",")}"
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- #
- # Resolve an IP
- #
- def resolve_via( server, ltype, name, period )
- puts "Resolving #{name} [#{ltype}] via server #{server}"
- results = Array.new()
- begin
- timeout( period ) do
- begin
- Resolv::DNS.open(:nameserver=>[server]) do |dns|
- case ltype
- when /^A$/ then
- dns.getresources(name, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::A).map{ |r| results.push r.address.to_s() }
- when /^AAAA$/ then
- dns.getresources(name, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::AAAA).map{ |r| results.push r.address.to_s() }
- when /^NS$/ then
- dns.getresources(name, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::NS).map{ |r| results.push Resolv.getaddresses(r.name.to_s()) }
- when /^MX$/ then
- dns.getresources(name, Resolv::DNS::Resource::IN::MX).map{ |r| results.push Resolv.getaddresses(r.exchange.to_s()) }
- end
- end
- rescue Exception => x
- @error = "Exception was received when resolving : #{x}"
- return nil
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "Timed-out connecting #{e}"
- return nil
- end
- results.flatten!
- return results
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "a.ns.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "dns",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => "4",
- "test_alert" => "DNS failure",
- "resolve_name" => "support.bytemark.co.uk",
- "resolve_type" => "MX",
- "resolve_expected" => ";;"
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = DNSTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ftp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ftp.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 1ecd68a..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ftp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-require 'timeout'
-require 'socket'
-# This class is responsible for performing tests against a remote FTP server
-class FTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data["target_host"]
- port = @test_data["test_port"]
- puts "FTP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout( @test_data["timeout"].to_i ) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20] unless( banner.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( ( !banner.nil? ) && ( banner =~ /^220/ ) )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't report OK: #{banner}"
- end
- rescue
- @error = "FTP exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "Timed-out connecting #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc. failure."
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "mirror.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ftp",
- "test_port" => 21,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 4,
- "test_alert" => "The FTP server no worky",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- tst = FTPTest.new( test )
- if ( tst.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts tst.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 102ffea..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/http.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-require 'custodian/webfetch'
-class HTTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have an URL
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing URL for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Run the fetch.
- #
- obj = WebFetch.new( @test_data["target_host"], @test_data["timeout"].to_i )
- #
- # If we succeeded in the fetch
- #
- if ( obj.fetch() )
- #
- # Do we need to test for a HTTP status code?
- #
- if ( @test_data["http_status"] )
- puts "Testing for HTTP status code: #{@test_data['http_status']}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( obj.status().to_i != @test_data['http_status'].to_i)
- @error = "#{@error} <p>The HTTP status-code was '#{obj.status}' not '#{@test_data['http_status']}'.</p>"
- end
- end
- #
- # Do we need to search for text in the body of the reply?
- #
- if ( @test_data['http_text'] )
- puts "Testing for text in the response: '#{@test_data['http_text']}'" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if (! obj.content.match(/#{@test_data['http_text']}/i) )
- @error = "#{@error}<p>The response did not contain our expected text '#{test_data['http_text']}'</p>"
- end
- end
- return true if ( @error.nil? )
- return false
- end
- @error = obj.error()
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "http://itsdanbull.co.uk/",
- "test_type" => "http",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 3,
- "test_port" => 80,
- "test_alert" => "Collector is unavailable",
- "http_status" => "200",
- "http_text" => "Dan Bull"
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- http = HTTPTest.new( test )
- if ( http.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts http.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/jabber.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/jabber.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a35ef28..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/jabber.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from a Jabber server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class JABBERTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "Jabber testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20] unless( banner.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( ( !banner.nil? ) && ( banner =~ /xml version/i ) )
- puts "Jabber alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "Jabber exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "chat.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "jabber",
- "test_port" => "5222",
- "timeout" => 4,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "test_alert" => "Chat is down?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = JABBERTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ldap.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ldap.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index af0addc..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ldap.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an LDAP server.
-class LDAPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "LDAP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- socket.close()
- puts "LDAP alive" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- rescue
- @error = "Exception connecting to host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "auth.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ldap",
- "test_port" => 389,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "LDAP is down?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = LDAPTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ping.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ping.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 309c77b..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ping.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a ping response from the remote host.
-class PINGTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Find the binary we're going to invoke.
- #
- binary = nil
- binary = "/usr/bin/multi-ping" if ( File.exists?( "/usr/bin/multi-ping" ) )
- if ( binary.nil? )
- @error = "Failed to find 'multi-ping'"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Get the hostname to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- #
- # Sanity check the hostname for ping-tests, to
- # avoid this security hole:
- #
- # $(/tmp/exploit.sh) must run ping ..
- #
- raise ArgumentError, "Invalid hostname for ping-test: #{host}" unless( host =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9:\-\.]+)$/ )
- #
- # Show the hostname.
- #
- puts "ping testing host #{host}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( system( "#{binary} #{host}" ) == true )
- puts "PING OK" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Ping failed. TODO: Mtr"
- return false
- end
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error()
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "upload.ns.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "ping",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "Pingly faily",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = PINGTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/rsync.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/rsync.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 4493d0f..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/rsync.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an rsync server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class RSYNCTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error()".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "rsync testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20] unless( banner.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( ( !banner.nil? ) && ( banner =~ /rsyncd/i ) )
- puts "rsync alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "rsync exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "upload.ns.bytemark.co.uk",
- "test_type" => "rsync",
- "test_port" => "873",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "DNS upload service failure",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = RSYNCTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/smtp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/smtp.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 5da672f..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/smtp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an SMTP server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class SMTPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "SMTP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,40] unless( banner.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( ( !banner.nil? ) && ( banner =~ /SMTP/i ) )
- puts "SMTP alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "SMTP exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "mail.steve.org.uk",
- "test_type" => "smtp",
- "test_port" => "25",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "SMTP failure",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = SMTPTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ssh.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ssh.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ee9974..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/ssh.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from an SSH server that looks
-# reasonable.
-class SSHTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- puts "ssh testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- banner = socket.gets(nil)
- banner = banner[0,20] unless( banner.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( !banner.nil? && ( banner =~ /ssh/i ) )
- puts "ssh alive: #{banner}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- else
- @error = "Banner didn't seem reasonable: #{banner}"
- return false;
- end
- rescue
- @error = "ssh exception on host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "ssh.steve.org.uk",
- "test_type" => "ssh",
- "test_port" => 2222,
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "Steve's host isn't running SSH?",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = SSHTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/tcp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/tcp.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a6770e4..0000000
--- a/lib/custodian/protocol-tests/tcp.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-require 'socket'
-require 'timeout'
-# Test that we can receive a response from a TCP server that matches
-# a given banner.
-class TCPTest
- #
- # Data passed from the JSON hash.
- #
- attr_reader :test_data
- #
- # The error text we return on failure.
- #
- attr_reader :error
- #
- # Save the data away.
- #
- def initialize( data )
- @test_data = data
- @error = nil
- #
- # Ensure we have a host to probe
- #
- if ( @test_data["target_host"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing target for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- #
- # Ensure we have a port to test.
- #
- if ( @test_data["test_port"].nil? )
- @error = "Missing port for the test."
- raise ArgumentError, @error
- end
- end
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- # Return "true" on success
- #
- # Return "false" on failure.
- #
- # If the test fails the details should be retrieved from "error".
- #
- def run_test
- #
- # Reset state from previous test.
- #
- @error = nil
- #
- # Get the hostname & port to test against.
- #
- host = @test_data['target_host']
- port = @test_data['test_port']
- #
- # Get the banner we expect
- #
- banner = @test_data['banner']
- puts "TCP testing host #{host}:#{port}" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- if ( @test_data['verbose'] && ( !banner.nil? ) )
- puts "Looking for banner '#{banner}'"
- end
- begin
- timeout(@test_data["timeout"].to_i) do
- begin
- socket = TCPSocket.new( host, port )
- socket.puts( "QUIT")
- # read a banner from the remote server
- read = socket.gets(nil)
- # trim to a sane length & strip newlines.
- read = read[0,255] unless ( read.nil? )
- read.gsub!(/[\n\r]/, "") unless ( read.nil? )
- socket.close()
- if ( banner.nil? )
- return true
- else
- # test for banner
- if ( ( !read.nil? ) && ( read =~ /#{banner}/i ) )
- puts "We connected and matched the banner against '#{read}'" if ( @test_data['verbose'] )
- return true
- end
- @error = "We expected a banner matching '#{banner}' but we got '#{read}'"
- return false
- end
- rescue
- @error = "Exception connecting to host #{host}:#{port} - #{$!}"
- return false
- end
- end
- rescue Timeout::Error => e
- @error = "TIMEOUT: #{e}"
- return false
- end
- @error = "Misc failure"
- return false
- end
- #
- # Return the error text for why this test failed.
- #
- def error
- return @error
- end
-# Sample test, for basic testing.
-if __FILE__ == $0 then
- #
- # Sample data.
- #
- test = {
- "target_host" => "mail.steve.org.uk",
- "test_type" => "tcp",
- "test_port" => "25",
- "banner" => "SMTP",
- "verbose" => 1,
- "timeout" => 5,
- "test_alert" => "TCP-port failure",
- }
- #
- # Run the test.
- #
- obj = TCPTest.new( test )
- if ( obj.run_test )
- puts "TEST OK"
- else
- puts "TEST FAILED"
- puts obj.error()
- end
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/dns.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/dns.rb
index cf37abf..6c5e8db 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/dns.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/dns.rb
@@ -39,26 +39,16 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "dns-test - TODO."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
# Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ftp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ftp.rb
index db05ac4..a816bfd 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ftp.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ftp.rb
@@ -71,27 +71,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "ftp-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/http.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/http.rb
index b3f446e..1b7f442 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/http.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/http.rb
@@ -53,21 +53,10 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "http-test of #{@url}."
- end
- #
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
+ @line
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/jabber.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/jabber.rb
index e043481..9c0eb6d 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/jabber.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/jabber.rb
@@ -66,28 +66,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "jabber-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ldap.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ldap.rb
index bfda9f8..b27e5d6 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ldap.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ldap.rb
@@ -68,28 +68,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "ldap-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ping.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ping.rb
index 173f4f4..c13c17c 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ping.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ping.rb
@@ -52,21 +52,10 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "ping-test - #{@host}."
- end
- #
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
+ @line
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/rsync.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/rsync.rb
index 34745c7..8b4e84c 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/rsync.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/rsync.rb
@@ -67,28 +67,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "rsync-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
- # Run the protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/smtp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/smtp.rb
index ee52131..0d22c95 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/smtp.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/smtp.rb
@@ -68,28 +68,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "smtp-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ @line
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ssh.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ssh.rb
index b8a6354..205099e 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ssh.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/ssh.rb
@@ -68,29 +68,17 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "ssh-test of #{@host}:#{@port}."
+ return( @line )
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be
- # serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- #
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test
diff --git a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/tcp.rb b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/tcp.rb
index 21d2ecd..c14f686 100644
--- a/lib/custodian/protocoltest/tcp.rb
+++ b/lib/custodian/protocoltest/tcp.rb
@@ -94,28 +94,16 @@ module Custodian
- # Helper for development.
+ # Allow this test to be serialized.
def to_s
- "tcp-test of #{@host}:#{@port} looking for banner '#{@banner}'."
+ return( @line )
- #
- # Convert this class to JSON such that it may be serialized.
- #
- def to_json
- hash = { :line => @line }
- hash.to_json
- end
- # Run the TCP-protocol test.
+ # Run the test.
def run_test