AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-08-05 Ignore the dnsbl test.Steve Kemp
2013-08-01Updated the cool-off period to work after every failed test, bar thePatrick J Cherry
last one.
2013-07-11 Read the alert-source for mauve-notifier form the settings object.Steve Kemp
2013-07-11 Added new global variable "alert_source", for use withSteve Kemp
2013-07-11 Updated the first IPv6 range.Steve Kemp
2013-07-11 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-07-11 Added 2001:41c9::/32 as a Bytemark range.Steve Kemp
2013-07-09 Don't restart services unless they existSteve Kemp
2013-06-24Updated the code to be more module.Steve Kemp
Broke down the inside? function into a function for returning the hours in a period, and for sanitizing hour strings "14" vs. "2pm", etc. Updated test-cases to match.
2013-06-24The worst-case for testing a time-period, and one used in theSteve Kemp
parser test, is matching against a period that covers the full 24 hours. Correctly terminate this case, and add a new test-case to ensure that this is always correct.
2013-06-24Avoid using a bogus timeperiod.Steve Kemp
Our utility class for parsing time-spans uses 00-23, rather than 00-24. Update the use of the time-period to avoid the bogus "24 hour".
2013-06-24Removed obsolete debug-code.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24 Use our utility class for time-period testing.Steve Kemp
This fixes #4551, and closes #4551.
2013-06-24 Updated comment to reflect reality.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24Use the global timeout-period for DNS lookups.Steve Kemp
The rest of custodian will use the configuration file to read the timeout value (with a default of 30 seconds), but the DNS-lookups were hardwired to timeout after four seconds. This is now resolved; the DNS lookups will use the global timeout period too now.
2013-06-24Updated the tests to ensure the "current hour" is valid.Steve Kemp
This means testing values outside the range of 0-23 (inclusive). We did this already for the start & end times. This updates #4451.
2013-06-24Allow the code to load when the ruby LDAP module is not present.Steve Kemp
Although the actual protocol-test will instafail this allows the test suite to be executed without the LDAP library being present.
2013-06-24 Added Custodian::Util::TimeSpanSteve Kemp
This class is used to determine whether an "hour" is within a given hour-span. e.g. To cope with: foo must run ping except between 04-06 otherwise 'alert'. This updates issue #4551.
2013-06-24 Updated the expected records now Steve's domain has moved.Steve Kemp
2013-05-30Added tag releas-0.10-2 for changeset 984b599acde5Steve Kemp
2013-05-30 Avoid hardcoding the alert destination in Bytemark-specific scripts.Steve Kemp
2013-05-29 Updated to read the alert-target from the configuration file.Steve Kemp
2013-05-21 Ensure that jobs last for 300 seconds, rather than the default of 120.Steve Kemp
This allows job.reserve() to keep a job for a "long" time.
2013-05-20 Updated to test the kind of argument correctly.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 The banner matching now copes with a string or a regexp.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 We must read a line from the socket if doing a banner comparison.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 Fixed the FTP-test to use a regexp not a string match.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 Updated to read from the socket.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20Added tag release-0.10-1 for changeset c34e965d266aSteve Kemp
2013-05-20 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-05-20 Default to not reading a banner.Steve Kemp
2013-05-15 Honour the global timeout period.Steve Kemp
The global configuration file, /etc/custodian/custodian.cfg, has a timeout=XX setting in it. Until now we've ignored it and used a fixed timeout of 20/30 seconds. Now we fully honour the specified value.
2013-05-15 Updated the sample lines at the top of each protocol test.Steve Kemp
Full protocol-tests are documented online, in the project wiki at: https://projects.bytemark.co.uk/projects/custodian/wiki/TestDefinitionExamples
2013-05-15 Added link to mirror.Steve Kemp
2013-05-15 The TCP-test now uses a regexp.Steve Kemp
Each test has been updated to pass a regexp object to the tcp.rb primitive which actually does the socket connection. This closes #4036
2013-05-15 Correctly work if we have no settings file present.Steve Kemp
Previously we'd try to find the setting "foo" like so: @settings['foo'].to_i || 5 This would fail if the setting wasn't defined, because nil.to_i results in 0. But we must call to_i otherwise we'll have issues comparing strings/numbers.
2013-05-15 Updated comment so they match the functionality of the code.Steve Kemp
2013-05-15 Use log_message() not puts().Steve Kemp
2013-05-15 Updated to test types of integer values.Steve Kemp
2013-05-15 Added store() method for use by test case.Steve Kemp
updated comments.
2013-05-14 We only sleep between tests if we saw a failure.Steve Kemp
2013-05-14 Ensure repeat_count and sleep values are integers.Steve Kemp
2013-05-14 Bump the copyright year to 2013 too.Steve Kemp
2013-05-14Added tag release-0.9-9 for changeset f577d6ff9104Steve Kemp
2013-05-14 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-05-14 Allow retry-behaviour to be tweaked.Steve Kemp
We can now sleep between retesting, and we configure the number of repeats via the configuration file.
2013-05-14 Comment update.Steve Kemp
2013-05-13 We don't read from the socket for jabber-protocol tests.Steve Kemp
2013-05-13 Use tcp-connect onlySteve Kemp
2013-05-13 Really use sysread.Steve Kemp