AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-05-16Updated http protocoltest to connect over both IPv4 and 6.Patrick J Cherry
2013-11-22 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-11-22 Added trivial TCP-connect test for postgresqlSteve Kemp
2013-11-22 Updated tests to succeed.Steve Kemp
2013-11-22 Added IMAP protocol-test.Steve Kemp
2013-10-15 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-10-15 We now allow "with cache busting", and "without cache busting".Steve Kemp
2013-10-15 Fixed test cases to succeed.Steve Kemp
2013-10-08 Attempt to avoid caching artifacts on all URL-testing bySteve Kemp
2013-10-08 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-10-08 Updated to send via UDP, without system.Steve Kemp
2013-10-07 fixed escaping.Steve Kemp
2013-10-04 Ensure we quit netcat after sending.Steve Kemp
2013-10-04 Show the test-target in the graphite listSteve Kemp
2013-10-04 Graphite alerter.Steve Kemp
2013-10-04Added tag release-0.10-6 for changeset d6899b72fdaaSteve Kemp
2013-10-04 New releaserelease-0.10-6Steve Kemp
2013-10-04 We don't depend on beanstlkSteve Kemp
2013-08-09 Fixed syntax error.Steve Kemp
2013-08-09 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-08-06 Added more logging of bad IPs.Steve Kemp
2013-08-05 DNSBL test.Steve Kemp
2013-08-05 Ignore the dnsbl test.Steve Kemp
2013-08-01Updated the cool-off period to work after every failed test, bar thePatrick J Cherry
2013-07-11 Read the alert-source for mauve-notifier form the settings object.Steve Kemp
2013-07-11 Added new global variable "alert_source", for use withSteve Kemp
2013-07-11 Updated the first IPv6 range.Steve Kemp
2013-07-11 New releaseSteve Kemp
2013-07-11 Added 2001:41c9::/32 as a Bytemark range.Steve Kemp
2013-07-09 Don't restart services unless they existSteve Kemp
2013-06-24Updated the code to be more module.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24The worst-case for testing a time-period, and one used in theSteve Kemp
2013-06-24Avoid using a bogus timeperiod.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24Removed obsolete debug-code.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24 Use our utility class for time-period testing.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24 Updated comment to reflect reality.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24Use the global timeout-period for DNS lookups.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24Updated the tests to ensure the "current hour" is valid.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24Allow the code to load when the ruby LDAP module is not present.Steve Kemp
2013-06-24 Added Custodian::Util::TimeSpanSteve Kemp
2013-06-24 Updated the expected records now Steve's domain has moved.Steve Kemp
2013-05-30Added tag releas-0.10-2 for changeset 984b599acde5Steve Kemp
2013-05-30 Avoid hardcoding the alert destination in Bytemark-specific scripts.releas-0.10-2Steve Kemp
2013-05-29 Updated to read the alert-target from the configuration file.Steve Kemp
2013-05-21 Ensure that jobs last for 300 seconds, rather than the default of 120.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 Updated to test the kind of argument correctly.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 The banner matching now copes with a string or a regexp.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 We must read a line from the socket if doing a banner comparison.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 Fixed the FTP-test to use a regexp not a string match.Steve Kemp
2013-05-20 Updated to read from the socket.Steve Kemp