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authorPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2012-06-07 15:26:53 +0100
committerPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2012-06-07 15:26:53 +0100
commitd67ea28693088e4d7039069b52541777eb7aa989 (patch)
parent456459820f46dc2423a62ee2f9384a51e4f76a8e (diff)
Updated DuringRunner to cache calls to the calendar more.
2 files changed, 95 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/notification.rb b/lib/mauve/notification.rb
index 57d82d2..745660a 100644
--- a/lib/mauve/notification.rb
+++ b/lib/mauve/notification.rb
@@ -124,14 +124,20 @@ module Mauve
def no_one_in(people_list)
return true unless Configuration.current.people[people_list].respond_to?(:people)
+ @test_time = @time if @test_time.nil?
- # Cache the results to prevent hitting the calendar too many times.
+ # This is cached by itself, since calendar calls are rounded to the
+ # nearest minute. However this cache expires with the during runner,
+ # which isn't so insane..
- @no_one_in_cache ||= Hash.new
+ test_time = @test_time - @test_time.sec
- return @no_one_in_cache[people_list] if @no_one_in_cache.has_key?(people_list)
+ @no_one_in_cache ||= Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = Hash.new}
- @no_one_in_cache[people_list] = Configuration.current.people[people_list].people(@time).empty?
+ return @no_one_in_cache[people_list][test_time] if @no_one_in_cache[people_list].has_key?(test_time)
+ @no_one_in_cache[people_list][test_time] = Configuration.current.people[people_list].people(test_time).empty?
# Returns true if the current hour is in the list of hours given.
@@ -248,7 +254,7 @@ module Mauve
@during = nil
@every = nil
@level = nil
- end
+ end
# @return [String]
def to_s
diff --git a/test/tc_mauve_notification.rb b/test/tc_mauve_notification.rb
index f78ec27..b8fb904 100644
--- a/test/tc_mauve_notification.rb
+++ b/test/tc_mauve_notification.rb
@@ -214,25 +214,97 @@ EOF
Configuration.current = ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config)
- stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/api/attendees/support_shift/2011-08-01T00:00:00").
- to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(%w(test1 test2)))
+ #
+# 5.times.each do |hr|
+# end
- stub_request(:get, "http://localhost/api/attendees/support_shift/2011-08-01T00:05:00").
- to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([]))
- dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now)
- assert(!dr.send(:no_one_in, "support"))
+ dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) {
+ no_one_in("support")
+ }
+ #
+ # Stub the URL
+ #
+ url ="http://localhost/api/attendees/support_shift/#{Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00")}"
+ stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(%w(test1 test2)))
+ assert(!dr.now?)
- # advance by 5 minutes, and try again -- we should get the same answer.
+ #
+ # Advance by 5 minutes, and try again -- we should get the same answer,
+ # since the DuringRunner's time does not change.
+ #
Timecop.freeze(Time.now + 5.minutes)
- assert(!dr.send(:no_one_in, "support"))
- # However a new runner should return true.
- dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now)
- assert(dr.send(:no_one_in, "support"))
+ assert(!dr.now?)
+ #
+ # Roll back 5 minutes.
+ #
+ Timecop.freeze(Time.now - 5.minutes)
+ #
+ # That last round of requests should only have hit the midnight URL once.
+ #
+ assert_requested(:get, url, :times => 1)
+ WebMock.reset!
+ #
+ # Set up a new runner.
+ #
+ dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) {
+ no_one_in("support")
+ }
+ #
+ # This time our URL returns an empty list.
+ #
+ stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([]))
+ assert(dr.now?)
# We expect a warning about an empty list.
+ #
+ #
+ # This should make a new request to the 00:05 URL
+ #
+ assert_requested(:get, url, :times => 1)
+ WebMock.reset!
+ #
+ # Set up a new runner.
+ #
+ dr = DuringRunner.new(Time.now, nil) {
+ no_one_in("support")
+ }
+ #
+ # Set up our stubs. The first is to catch any iterations done by find_next.
+ #
+ stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/localhost\/api\/attendees\/support_shift\/(.*)/).
+ to_return do |request|
+ t = Time.parse(request.uri.path.split("/").last)
+ if t >= Time.now and t < Time.now + 5.minutes
+ {:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump(%w(test1 test2))}
+ else
+ {:status => 200, :body => YAML.dump([])}
+ end
+ end
+ assert(!dr.now?)
+ assert_equal(Time.now + 5.minutes, dr.find_next(0))
+ logger_pop
+ logger_pop
+ #
+ # This should make 5 requests, one in an hours time (the initial step) +
+ #
+ WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.each do |request, count|
+ assert_equal(1, count, "URI #{request.uri.to_s} requested more than once during find_next()")
+ end
def test_bank_holiday