path: root/lib/mauve/configuration.rb
diff options
authorPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-04-13 17:03:16 +0100
committerPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-04-13 17:03:16 +0100
commit89a67770e66d11740948e90a41db6cee0482cf8e (patch)
treebe858515fb789a89d68f94975690ab019813726c /lib/mauve/configuration.rb
new version.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mauve/configuration.rb')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/configuration.rb b/lib/mauve/configuration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b11e1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mauve/configuration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
+require 'object_builder'
+require 'mauve/server'
+require 'mauve/web_interface'
+require 'mauve/person'
+require 'mauve/notification'
+require 'mauve/alert_group'
+require 'mauve/people_list'
+require 'mauve/source_list'
+# Seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks... More than that, we
+# really should not need it.
+class Integer
+ def seconds; self; end
+ def minutes; self*60; end
+ def hours; self*3600; end
+ def days; self*86400; end
+ def weeks; self*604800; end
+ alias_method :day, :days
+ alias_method :hour, :hours
+ alias_method :minute, :minutes
+ alias_method :week, :weeks
+module Mauve
+ ## Configuration object for Mauve.
+ #
+ #
+ # @TODO Write some more documentation. This is woefully inadequate.
+ #
+ #
+ # == How to add a new class to the configuration?
+ #
+ # - Add a method to ConfigurationBuilder such that your new object
+ # maybe created. Call it created_NEW_OBJ.
+ #
+ # - Create a new class inheriting from ObjectBuilder with at least a
+ # builder_setup() method. This should create the new object you want.
+ #
+ # - Define attributes for the new class are defined as "is_attribute".
+ #
+ # - Methods for the new class are defined as methods or missing_method
+ # depending on what one wishes to do. Remember to define a method
+ # with "instance_eval(&block)" if you want to call said block within
+ # the new class.
+ #
+ # - Add a "is_builder "<name>", BuilderCLASS" clause in the
+ # ConfigurationBuilder class.
+ #
+ # That should be it.
+ #
+ # @author Matthew Bloch, Yann Golanski
+ class Configuration
+ class << self
+ attr_accessor :current
+ end
+ attr_accessor :server
+ attr_accessor :last_alert_group
+ attr_reader :notification_methods
+ attr_reader :people
+ attr_reader :alert_groups
+ attr_reader :people_lists
+ attr_reader :source_lists
+ attr_reader :logger
+ def initialize
+ @notification_methods = {}
+ @people = {}
+ @people_lists = {}
+ @alert_groups = []
+ @source_lists = SourceList.new()
+ @logger = Log4r::Logger.new("Mauve")
+ end
+ def close
+ server.close
+ end
+ end
+ class LoggerOutputterBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ def builder_setup(outputter)
+ @outputter = outputter.capitalize+"Outputter"
+ begin
+ Log4r.const_get(@outputter)
+ rescue
+ require "log4r/outputter/#{@outputter.downcase}"
+ end
+ @args = {}
+ end
+ def result
+ @result ||= Log4r.const_get(@outputter).new("Mauve", @args)
+ end
+ def format(f)
+ result.formatter = Log4r::PatternFormatter.new(:pattern => f)
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value=nil)
+ if value.nil?
+ result.send(name.to_sym)
+ else
+ @args[name.to_sym] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class LoggerBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_builder "outputter", LoggerOutputterBuilder
+ def builder_setup
+ logger = Log4r::Logger.new("Mauve")
+ @default_format = nil
+ @default_level = Log4r::RootLogger.instance.level
+ end
+ def result
+ @result = Log4r::Logger['Mauve']
+ end
+ def default_format(f)
+ @default_formatter = Log4r::PatternFormatter.new(:pattern => f)
+ #
+ # Set all current outputters
+ #
+ result.outputters.each do |o|
+ o.formatter = @default_formatter if o.formatter.is_a?(Log4r::DefaultFormatter)
+ end
+ end
+ def default_level(l)
+ if Log4r::Log4rTools.valid_level?(l)
+ @default_level = l
+ else
+ raise "Bad default level set for the logger #{l}.inspect"
+ end
+ result.outputters.each do |o|
+ o.level = @default_level if o.level == Log4r::RootLogger.instance.level
+ end
+ end
+ def created_outputter(outputter)
+ #
+ # Set the formatter and level for any newly created outputters
+ #
+ if @default_formatter
+ outputter.formatter = @default_formatter if outputter.formatter.is_a?(Log4r::DefaultFormatter)
+ end
+ if @default_level
+ outputter.level = @default_level if outputter.level == Log4r::RootLogger.instance.level
+ end
+ result.outputters << outputter
+ end
+ end
+ class ProcessorBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_attribute "sleep_interval"
+ def builder_setup
+ @result = Processor.instance
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ class UDPServerBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_attribute "port"
+ is_attribute "ip"
+ is_attribute "sleep_interval"
+ def builder_setup
+ @result = UDPServer.instance
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ class TimerBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_attribute "sleep_interval"
+ def builder_setup
+ @result = Timer.instance
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ class HTTPServerBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_attribute "port"
+ is_attribute "ip"
+ is_attribute "document_root"
+ def builder_setup
+ @result = HTTPServer.instance
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ class NotifierBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_attribute "sleep_interval"
+ def builder_setup
+ @result = Notifier.instance
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ end
+ class ServerBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ is_builder "web_interface", HTTPServerBuilder
+ is_builder "listener", UDPServerBuilder
+ is_builder "processor", ProcessorBuilder
+ is_builder "timer", TimerBuilder
+ is_builder "notifier", NotifierBuilder
+ def builder_setup
+ @args = {}
+ end
+ def result
+ @result = Mauve::Server.instance
+ @result.configure(@args)
+ @result.web_interface = @web_interface
+ @result
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value)
+ @args[name] = value
+ end
+ def created_web_interface(web_interface)
+ @web_interface = web_interface
+ end
+ def created_listener(listener)
+ @listener = listener
+ end
+ def created_processor(processor)
+ @processor = processor
+ end
+ def created_notifier(notifier)
+ @notifier = notifier
+ end
+ end
+ class NotificationMethodBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ def builder_setup(name)
+ @notification_type = name.capitalize
+ @name = name
+ provider("Default")
+ end
+ def provider(name)
+ notifiers_base = Mauve::Notifiers
+ notifiers_type = notifiers_base.const_get(@notification_type)
+ @provider_class = notifiers_type.const_get(name)
+ end
+ def result
+ @result ||= @provider_class.new(@name)
+ end
+ def method_missing(name, value=nil)
+ if value
+ result.send("#{name}=".to_sym, value)
+ else
+ result.send(name.to_sym)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class PersonBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ def builder_setup(username)
+ @result = Person.new(username)
+ end
+ is_block_attribute "urgent"
+ is_block_attribute "normal"
+ is_block_attribute "low"
+ def all(&block); urgent(&block); normal(&block); low(&block); end
+ def password (pwd)
+ @result.password = pwd.to_s
+ end
+ def holiday_url (url)
+ @result.holiday_url = url
+ end
+ def suppress_notifications_after(h)
+ raise ArgumentError.new("notification_threshold must be specified as e.g. (10 => 1.minute)") unless
+ h.kind_of?(Hash) && h.keys[0].kind_of?(Integer) && h.values[0].kind_of?(Integer)
+ @result.notification_thresholds[h.values[0]] = Array.new(h.keys[0])
+ end
+ end
+ class NotificationBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ def builder_setup(*who)
+ who = who.map do |username|
+ #raise BuildException.new("You haven't declared who #{username} is") unless
+ # @context.people[username]
+ #@context.people[username]
+ if @context.people[username]
+ @context.people[username]
+ elsif @context.people_lists[username]
+ @context.people_lists[username]
+ else
+ raise BuildException.new("You have not declared who #{username} is")
+ end
+ end
+ @result = Notification.new(who, @context.last_alert_group.level)
+ end
+ is_attribute "every"
+ is_block_attribute "during"
+ ##is_attribute "hours_in_day"
+ ##is_attribute "unacknowledged"
+ end
+ class AlertGroupBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ def builder_setup(name=anonymous_name)
+ @result = AlertGroup.new(name)
+ @context.last_alert_group = @result
+ end
+ is_block_attribute "includes"
+ is_attribute "acknowledgement_time"
+ is_attribute "level"
+ is_builder "notify", NotificationBuilder
+ def created_notify(notification)
+ @result.notifications ||= []
+ @result.notifications << notification
+ end
+ end
+ # New list of persons.
+ # @author Yann Golanski
+ class PeopleListBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ # Create a new instance and adds it.
+ def builder_setup(label)
+ pp label
+ @result = PeopleList.new(label)
+ end
+ is_attribute "list"
+ end
+ # New list of sources.
+ # @author Yann Golanski
+ class AddSourceListBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ # Create the temporary object.
+ def builder_setup(label)
+ @result = AddSoruceList.new(label)
+ end
+ # List of IP addresses or hostnames.
+ is_attribute "list"
+ end
+ # this should live in AlertGroupBuilder but can't due to
+ # http://briancarper.net/blog/ruby-instance_eval_constant_scoping_broken
+ #
+ module ConfigConstants
+ URGENT = :urgent
+ NORMAL = :normal
+ LOW = :low
+ end
+ class ConfigurationBuilder < ObjectBuilder
+ include ConfigConstants
+ is_builder "server", ServerBuilder
+ is_builder "notification_method", NotificationMethodBuilder
+ is_builder "person", PersonBuilder
+ is_builder "alert_group", AlertGroupBuilder
+ is_builder "people_list", PeopleListBuilder
+ is_builder "add_source_list", AddSourceListBuilder
+ is_builder "logger", LoggerBuilder
+ def initialize
+ @context = @result = Configuration.new
+ # FIXME: need to test blocks that are not immediately evaluated
+ end
+ def created_server(server)
+ raise ArgumentError.new("Only one 'server' clause can be specified") if
+ @result.server
+ @result.server = server
+ end
+ def created_notification_method(notification_method)
+ name = notification_method.name
+ raise BuildException.new("Duplicate notification '#{name}'") if
+ @result.notification_methods[name]
+ @result.notification_methods[name] = notification_method
+ end
+ def created_person(person)
+ name = person.username
+ raise BuildException.new("Duplicate person '#{name}'") if
+ @result.people[name]
+ @result.people[person.username] = person
+ end
+ def created_alert_group(alert_group)
+ name = alert_group.name
+ raise BuildException.new("Duplicate alert_group '#{name}'") unless
+ @result.alert_groups.select { |g| g.name == name }.empty?
+ @result.alert_groups << alert_group
+ end
+ # Create a new instance of people_list.
+ #
+ # @param [PeopleList] people_list The new list of persons.
+ # @return [NULL] nada.
+ def created_people_list(people_list)
+ label = people_list.label
+ raise BuildException.new("Duplicate people_list '#{label}'") if @result.people_lists[label]
+ @result.people_lists[label] = people_list
+ end
+ # Create a new list of sources.
+ #
+ # @param [] add_source_list
+ # @return [NULL] nada.
+ def created_add_source_list(add_source_list)
+ @result.source_lists.create_new_list(add_source_list.label,
+ add_source_list.list)
+ end
+ end