path: root/views/alert.haml
diff options
authorPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-06-15 19:47:24 +0100
committerPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-06-15 19:47:24 +0100
commitfc0327f91fb134e1df994143a78c22df7d8f62e4 (patch)
tree9fb1161dbdece4428e6c65b1d555a67c7908fa9e /views/alert.haml
parent3576923edf788eecb4320e034f5afaaf625bd62e (diff)
Big interface clear up
Diffstat (limited to 'views/alert.haml')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/views/alert.haml b/views/alert.haml
index 9d25c47..41de29a 100644
--- a/views/alert.haml
+++ b/views/alert.haml
@@ -1,56 +1,80 @@
- %head
- %title #{@title}: Alert #{@alert.id}: #{@alert.get_safe_html_summary}
- %link{:rel => "stylesheet", :href => "/alerts2.css"}/
- %link{:rel => "stylesheet", :href => "/alerts-mobil.css", :media => "handheld"} /
- %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "/prototype.js"}/
- %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "/mauve_utils.js"}/
- %script{:type => "text/javascript", :src => "/datadumper.js"}/
- %body{:onLoad => "addAutoHover(); addRefresh();"}
- .head= partial("head3")
- #about_alert
- %h1.summary #{@alert.get_safe_html_subject}: #{@alert.get_safe_html_summary}
- %h2.details Alert Details
- - if @alert.detail
- .arse= partial("detail")
- - if @alert.source != @alert.subject
- %h2.source Source
- .source= @alert.get_safe_html_source
- %h2.external Alert ID external
- = @alert.get_safe_html_alert_id
- %h2.internal Alert ID internal
- = @alert.id
- %h2.raised_at Last raised
- = @alert.raised? ? @alert.raised_at : "Not yet raised"
- %h2.acknowledged_at Acknowledged
- = @alert.acknowledged? ? @alert.acknowledged_at : "Not acknowledged"
- %h2.cleared_at Cleared
- = @alert.cleared? ? @alert.cleared_at : "Not cleared"
- %h2.alert_group Alert group
- The first matching one is used:
- = AlertGroup.matches(@alert).map{|g| g.name}.join("; ")
- %h2.changes Notifications sent out
- .changes
- %ul
- - @alert.changes.each do |change|
- - if change.was_relevant?
- %li
- %strong= change.level
- = change.update_type
- notification to
- = change.person
- at
- = change.at
- %h2.actions Actions (ugly)
+ = partial('head')
+ %body
+ =partial("navbar")
+ .container
+ %h1 Alert detail
+ %table
+ %tr
+ %th.summary{:title => "Text for humans describing the nature of the alert, first 100 characters are only ones guaranteed to make it to pagers, twitter, SMS etc."} Summary
+ %td= @alert.summary
+ %tr
+ %th.summary{:title => "The server/entity that this alert concerns"} Subject
+ %td= @alert.subject
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The server/entitiy that originated the alert"} Source
+ %td= @alert.source
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "HTML fragment describing the alert in more detail, no limit on length."} Detail
+ %td= @alert.detail
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "ID set by the source of the alert."} Alert ID
+ %td= @alert.alert_id
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The groups in the Mauve server configuration that match this alert"} Alert groups
+ %td= Mauve::AlertGroup.matches(@alert).map{|g| g.name}.join("; ")
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The level of the first group in the Mauve server configuration that matched this alert"} Alert level
+ %td= @alert.level.to_s.upcase
+ -if @alert.raised?
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The time at which the alert was raised"} Raised at
+ %td= @alert.raised_at.to_s_human
+ -if @alert.acknowledged?
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The time at which the alert was acknowledged"} Acknowledged at
+ %td= @alert.acknowledged_at.to_s_human + " by " + @alert.acknowledged_by + " until " + @alert.will_unacknowledge_at.to_s_human
+ -if @alert.will_raise_at
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The time at which the alert will be automatically raised"} Will raise at
+ %td= @alert.will_raise_at.to_s_human
+ -if @alert.cleared_at
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The time at which the alert was last cleared"} Last cleared at
+ %td= @alert.cleared_at.to_s_human
+ -if @alert.will_clear_at
+ %tr
+ %th{:title => "The time at which the alert will be automatically cleared"} Will clear
+ %td= @alert.will_raise_at.to_s_human
+ %tr
+ %th Notifications sent out
+ %td
+ %ul
+ - @alert.changes.each do |change|
+ - if change.was_relevant?
+ %li
+ %strong= change.level
+ = change.update_type
+ notification to
+ = change.person
+ at
+ = change.at.to_s_human
+ %h2 Actions
- if !@alert.acknowledged?
%form{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/acknowledge"}
- %input{:type => :submit, :value => "Acknowledge this alert"}
- %h2.actions_dangerous Dangerous actions (also ugly)
- - if @alert.raised?
- %form{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/clear"}
- %input.dangerous{:type => :submit, :value => "Clear this alert"}
+ =partial("acknowledge_input")
+ - else
+ %form.hidden{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/unacknowledge"}
+ %input{:type => :submit, :value => "Unacknowledge this alert"}
+ %a#hide{:onclick => "$('form.hidden').toggle(); return false", :href=>"#"} Show other actions
- if @alert.cleared?
- %form{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/raise"}
- %input.dangerous{:type => :submit, :value => "Raise this alert"}
+ %form.hidden{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/raise"}
+ %input{:type => :submit, :value => "Raise this alert"}
+ - if @alert.raised?
+ %form.hidden{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/clear"}
+ %input{:type => :submit, :value => "Clear this alert"}
+ %form.hidden{:method => :post, :action => "/alert/#{@alert.id}/destroy"}
+ %input{:type => :submit, :value => "Destroy this alert"}