path: root/lib/mauve/notifiers/xmpp.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mauve/notifiers/xmpp.rb')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/notifiers/xmpp.rb b/lib/mauve/notifiers/xmpp.rb
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index 0000000..d216788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mauve/notifiers/xmpp.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+require 'log4r'
+require 'xmpp4r'
+require 'xmpp4r/xhtml'
+require 'xmpp4r/roster'
+require 'xmpp4r/muc/helper/simplemucclient'
+require 'mauve/notifiers/debug'
+#Jabber::debug = true
+module Mauve
+ module Notifiers
+ module Xmpp
+ class CountingMUCClient < Jabber::MUC::SimpleMUCClient
+ attr_reader :participants
+ def initialize(*a)
+ super(*a)
+ @participants = 0
+ self.on_join { @participants += 1 }
+ self.on_leave { @participants -= 1 }
+ end
+ end
+ class Default
+ include Jabber
+ # Atrtribute.
+ attr_reader :name
+ # Atrtribute.
+ attr_accessor :jid, :password
+ # Atrtribute.
+ attr_accessor :initial_jid
+ # Atrtribute.
+ attr_accessor :initial_messages
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @mucs = {}
+ @roster = nil
+ end
+ def logger
+ @logger ||= Log4r::Logger.new self.class.to_s
+ end
+ def reconnect
+ if @client
+ begin
+ logger.debug "Jabber closing old client connection"
+ @client.close
+ @client = nil
+ @roster = nil
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ logger.error "#{ex} when reconnecting"
+ end
+ end
+ logger.debug "Jabber starting connection to #{@jid}"
+ @client = Client.new(JID::new(@jid))
+ @client.connect
+ logger.debug "Jabber authentication"
+ @client.auth_nonsasl(@password, false)
+ @roster = Roster::Helper.new(@client)
+ # Unconditionally accept all roster add requests, and respond with a
+ # roster add + subscription request of our own if we're not subscribed
+ # already
+ @roster.add_subscription_request_callback do |ri, stanza|
+ Thread.new do
+ logger.debug("Accepting subscription request from #{stanza.from}")
+ @roster.accept_subscription(stanza.from)
+ ensure_roster_and_subscription!(stanza.from)
+ end.join
+ end
+ @roster.wait_for_roster
+ logger.debug "Jabber authenticated, setting presence"
+ @client.send(Presence.new.set_type(:available))
+ @mucs = {}
+ logger.debug "Jabber is ready in theory"
+ end
+ def reconnect_and_retry_on_error
+ @already_reconnected = false
+ begin
+ yield
+ rescue StandardError => ex
+ logger.error "#{ex} during notification\n"
+ logger.debug ex.backtrace
+ if !@already_reconnected
+ reconnect
+ @already_reconnected = true
+ retry
+ else
+ raise ex
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def connect
+ self.reconnect_and_retry_on_error { self.send_msg(@initial_jid, "Hello!") }
+ end
+ def close
+ self.send_msg(@initial_jid, "Goodbye!")
+ @client.close
+ end
+ # Takes an alert and converts it into a message.
+ #
+ # @param [Alert] alert The alert to convert.
+ # @return [String] The message, either as HTML.
+ def convert_alert_to_message(alert)
+ arr = alert.summary_three_lines
+ str = arr[0] + ": " + arr[1]
+ str += " -- " + arr[2] if false == arr[2].nil?
+ str += "."
+ return str
+ #return alert.summary_two_lines.join(" -- ")
+ #return "<p>" + alert.summary_two_lines.join("<br />") + "</p>"
+ end
+ # Attempt to send an alert using XMPP.
+ # +destination+ is the JID you're sending the alert to. This should be
+ # a bare JID in the case of an individual, or muc:<room>@<server> for
+ # chatrooms (XEP0045). The +alert+ object is turned into a pretty
+ # message and sent to the destination as a message, if the +conditions+
+ # are met. all_alerts are currently ignored.
+ #
+ # The only suported condition at the moment is :if_presence => [choices]
+ # which checks whether the jid in question has a presence matching one
+ # or more of the choices - see +check_jid_has_presence+ for options.
+ def send_alert(destination, alert, all_alerts, conditions = nil)
+ #message = Message.new(nil, alert.summary_two_lines.join("\n"))
+ message = Message.new(nil, convert_alert_to_message(alert))
+ if conditions
+ @suppressed_changed = conditions[:suppressed_changed]
+ end
+ # MUC JIDs are prefixed with muc: - we need to strip this out.
+ destination_is_muc, dest_jid = self.is_muc?(destination)
+ begin
+ xhtml = XHTML::HTML.new("<p>" +
+ convert_alert_to_message(alert)+
+# alert.summary_three_lines.join("<br />") +
+ #alert.summary_two_lines.join("<br />") +
+ "</p>")
+ message.add_element(xhtml)
+ rescue REXML::ParseException => ex
+ logger.warn("Can't send XMPP alert as valid XHTML-IM, falling back to plaintext")
+ logger.debug(ex)
+ end
+ logger.debug "Jabber sending #{message} to #{destination}"
+ reconnect unless @client
+ ensure_roster_and_subscription!(dest_jid) unless destination_is_muc
+ if conditions && !check_alert_conditions(dest_jid, conditions)
+ logger.debug("Alert conditions not met, not sending XMPP alert to #{jid}")
+ return false
+ end
+ if destination_is_muc
+ if !@mucs[dest_jid]
+ @mucs[dest_jid] = CountingMUCClient.new(@client)
+ @mucs[dest_jid].join(JID.new(dest_jid))
+ end
+ reconnect_and_retry_on_error { @mucs[dest_jid].send(message, nil) ; true }
+ else
+ message.to = dest_jid
+ reconnect_and_retry_on_error { @client.send(message) ; true }
+ end
+ end
+ # Sends a message to the destionation.
+ #
+ # @param [String] destionation The (full) JID to send to.
+ # @param [String] msg The (formatted) message to send.
+ # @return [NIL] nada.
+ def send_msg(destination, msg)
+ reconnect unless @client
+ message = Message.new(nil, msg)
+ destination_is_muc, dest_jid = self.is_muc?(destination)
+ if destination_is_muc
+ if !@mucs[dest_jid]
+ @mucs[dest_jid] = CountingMUCClient.new(@client)
+ @mucs[dest_jid].join(JID.new(dest_jid))
+ end
+ reconnect_and_retry_on_error { @mucs[dest_jid].send(message, nil) ; true }
+ else
+ message.to = dest_jid
+ reconnect_and_retry_on_error { @client.send(message) ; true }
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ protected
+ # Checks whether the destination JID is a MUC.
+ # Returns [true/false, destination]
+ def is_muc?(destination)
+ if /^muc:(.*)/.match(destination)
+ [true, $1]
+ else
+ [false, destination]
+ end
+ end
+ # Checks to see if the JID is in our roster, and whether we are
+ # subscribed to it or not. Will add to the roster and subscribe as
+ # is necessary to ensure both are true.
+ def ensure_roster_and_subscription!(jid)
+ jid = JID.new(jid)
+ ri = @roster.find(jid)[jid]
+ if ri.nil?
+ @roster.add(jid, nil, true)
+ else
+ ri.subscribe unless [:to, :both, :remove].include?(ri.subscription)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ logger.error("Problem ensuring that #{jid} is subscribed and in mauve's roster: #{ex.inspect}")
+ end
+ def check_alert_conditions(destination, conditions)
+ any_failed = conditions.keys.collect do |key|
+ case key
+ when :if_presence : check_jid_has_presence(destination, conditions[:if_presence])
+ else
+ #raise ArgumentError.new("Unknown alert condition, #{key} => #{conditions[key]}")
+ # FIXME - clean up this use of :conditions to pass arbitrary
+ # parameters to notifiers; for now we need to ignore this.
+ true
+ end
+ end.include?(false)
+ !any_failed
+ end
+ # Checks our roster to see whether the jid has a resource with at least
+ # one of the included presences. Acceptable +presence+ types and their
+ # meanings for individuals:
+ #
+ # :online, :offline - user is logged in or out
+ # :available - jabber status is nil (available) or chat
+ # :unavailable - - jabber status is away, dnd or xa
+ # :unknown - don't know (not in roster)
+ #
+ # For MUCs: TODO
+ # Returns true if at least one of the presence specifiers for the jid
+ # is met, false otherwise. Note that if the alerter can't see the alertee's
+ # presence, only 'unknown' will match - generally, you'll want [:online, :unknown]
+ def check_jid_has_presence(jid, presence_or_presences)
+ return true if jid.match(/^muc:/)
+ reconnect unless @client
+ presences = [presence_or_presences].flatten
+ roster_item = @roster.find(jid)
+ roster_item = roster_item[roster_item.keys[0]]
+ resource_presences = []
+ roster_item.each_presence {|p| resource_presences << p.show } if roster_item
+ results = presences.collect do |need_presence|
+ case need_presence
+ when :online : (roster_item && [:to, :both].include?(roster_item.subscription) && roster_item.online?)
+ when :offline : (roster_item && [:to, :both].include?(roster_item.subscription) && !roster_item.online?)
+ when :available : (roster_item && [:to, :both].include?(roster_item.subscription) && (resource_presences.include?(nil) ||
+ resource_presences.include?(:chat)))
+ # No resources are nil or chat
+ when :unavailable : (roster_item && [:to, :both].include?(roster_item.subscription) && (resource_presences - [:away, :dnd, :xa]).empty?)
+ # Not in roster or don't know subscription
+ when :unknown : (roster_item.nil? || [:none, :from].include?(roster_item.subscription))
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError.new("Unknown presence possibility: #{need_presence}")
+ end
+ end
+ results.include?(true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end