path: root/static
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1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/static/javascript/jquery.periodicalupdater.js b/static/javascript/jquery.periodicalupdater.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca163ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/javascript/jquery.periodicalupdater.js
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * PeriodicalUpdater - jQuery plugin for timed, decaying ajax calls
+ *
+ * http://www.360innovate.co.uk/blog/2009/03/periodicalupdater-for-jquery/
+ * http://enfranchisedmind.com/blog/posts/jquery-periodicalupdater-ajax-polling/
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 by the following:
+ * Frank White (http://customcode.info)
+ * Robert Fischer (http://smokejumperit.com)
+ * 360innovate (http://www.360innovate.co.uk)
+ *
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+ var pu_log = function(msg) {
+ try {
+ console.log(msg);
+ } catch(err) {}
+ }
+ // Now back to our regularly scheduled work
+ $.PeriodicalUpdater = function(url, options, callback, autoStopCallback){
+ var settings = jQuery.extend(true, {
+ url: url, // URL of ajax request
+ cache: false, // By default, don't allow caching
+ method: 'GET', // method; get or post
+ data: '', // array of values to be passed to the page - e.g. {name: "John", greeting: "hello"}
+ minTimeout: 1000, // starting value for the timeout in milliseconds
+ maxTimeout: 8000, // maximum length of time between requests
+ multiplier: 2, // if set to 2, timerInterval will double each time the response hasn't changed (up to maxTimeout)
+ maxCalls: 0, // maximum number of calls. 0 = no limit.
+ autoStop: 0 // automatically stop requests after this many returns of the same data. 0 = disabled
+ }, options);
+ // set some initial values, then begin
+ var timer = null;
+ var timerInterval = settings.minTimeout;
+ var maxCalls = settings.maxCalls;
+ var autoStop = settings.autoStop;
+ var calls = 0;
+ var noChange = 0;
+ var originalMaxCalls = maxCalls;
+ var reset_timer = function(interval) {
+ if (timer != null) {
+ clearTimeout(timer);
+ }
+ timerInterval = interval;
+ pu_log('resetting timer to '+ timerInterval +'.');
+ timer = setTimeout(getdata, timerInterval);
+ }
+ // Function to boost the timer
+ var boostPeriod = function() {
+ if(settings.multiplier >= 1) {
+ before = timerInterval;
+ timerInterval = timerInterval * settings.multiplier;
+ if(timerInterval > settings.maxTimeout) {
+ timerInterval = settings.maxTimeout;
+ }
+ after = timerInterval;
+ pu_log('adjusting timer from '+ before +' to '+ after +'.');
+ reset_timer(timerInterval);
+ }
+ };
+ // Construct the settings for $.ajax based on settings
+ var ajaxSettings = jQuery.extend(true, {}, settings);
+ if(settings.type && !ajaxSettings.dataType) ajaxSettings.dataType = settings.type;
+ if(settings.sendData) ajaxSettings.data = settings.sendData;
+ ajaxSettings.type = settings.method; // 'type' is used internally for jQuery. Who knew?
+ ajaxSettings.ifModified = true;
+ var handle = {
+ restart: function() {
+ maxCalls = originalMaxCalls;
+ calls = 0;
+ reset_timer(timerInterval);
+ return;
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ maxCalls = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ // Create the function to get data
+ // TODO It'd be nice to do the options.data check once (a la boostPeriod)
+ function getdata() {
+ var toSend = jQuery.extend(true, {}, ajaxSettings); // jQuery screws with what you pass in
+ if(typeof(options.data) == 'function') {
+ toSend.data = options.data();
+ if(toSend.data) {
+ // Handle transformations (only strings and objects are understood)
+ if(typeof(toSend.data) == "number") {
+ toSend.data = toSend.data.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(maxCalls == 0) {
+ $.ajax(toSend);
+ } else if(maxCalls > 0 && calls < maxCalls) {
+ $.ajax(toSend);
+ calls++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Implement the tricky behind logic
+ var remoteData = null;
+ var prevData = null;
+ ajaxSettings.success = function(data) {
+ pu_log("Successful run! (In 'success')");
+ remoteData = data;
+ // timerInterval = settings.minTimeout;
+ };
+ ajaxSettings.complete = function(xhr, success) {
+ //pu_log("Status of call: " + success + " (In 'complete')");
+ if(maxCalls == -1) return;
+ if(success == "success" || success == "notmodified") {
+ var rawData = $.trim(xhr.responseText);
+ if(rawData == 'STOP_AJAX_CALLS') {
+ handle.stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(prevData == rawData) {
+ if(autoStop > 0) {
+ noChange++;
+ if(noChange == autoStop) {
+ handle.stop();
+ if(autoStopCallback) autoStopCallback(noChange);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ boostPeriod();
+ } else {
+ noChange = 0;
+ reset_timer(settings.minTimeout);
+ prevData = rawData;
+ if(remoteData == null) remoteData = rawData;
+ // jQuery 1.4+ $.ajax() automatically converts "data" into a JS Object for "type:json" requests now
+ // For compatibility with 1.4+ and pre1.4 jQuery only try to parse actual strings, skip when remoteData is already an Object
+ if((ajaxSettings.dataType === 'json') && (typeof(remoteData) === 'string') && (success == "success")) {
+ remoteData = JSON.parse(remoteData);
+ }
+ if(settings.success) { settings.success(remoteData, success, xhr, handle); }
+ if(callback) callback(remoteData, success, xhr, handle);
+ }
+ }
+ remoteData = null;
+ }
+ ajaxSettings.error = function (xhr, textStatus) {
+ //pu_log("Error message: " + textStatus + " (In 'error')");
+ if(textStatus != "notmodified") {
+ prevData = null;
+ reset_timer(settings.minTimeout);
+ }
+ if(settings.error) { settings.error(xhr, textStatus); }
+ };
+ // Make the first call
+ $(function() { reset_timer(timerInterval); });
+ return handle;
+ };