

Maze generator and A* path finder.

It’s horrible, and needs refactoring, but it works.


There is a ruby/sinatra server, which does all of the hard work, and exposes an api.

There is a JS/p5.js front end to it, which only does UI.


GET /api/v0.1/maze
Get the MML definition of the maze
POST /api/v0.1/maze
Generate a new maze (returns MML)
GET /api/v0.1/path
Get the PML definition of the path, if any
GET /api/v0.1/path/valid
Returns the work “true” or “false” if a path has been found
POST /api/v0.1/path
Generate a new path (returns nothing)

Maze Markup Language / Path Markup Language


MML describes the maze in the following format:

40 30
10 11
22 13
1 3 4 5
30 23 2 2
  • Line 1 is the width and height of the maze
  • Line 2 is the starting x and y coordinates
  • Line 3 is the target x and y coordinates
  • Line 4 and beyond are untraversable “blocks”:
    • The first two numbers are the anchor x and y coordinates of the block
    • The second two numbers are the width and height of the block
  • All other nodes are considered traversable
  • There is no diagonal path between two untraversable nodes touching at a corner


PML describes the path in the following format:

11 12
12 13
13 13
14 13
15 13
  • Each line contains the x and y coordinates of the next step in the path
  • The start and target do not appear in the path