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+## Configuration
+### Debugging
+In case a model plugin doesn't work correctly (ios, procurve, etc.), you can enable live debugging of SSH/Telnet sessions. Just add a `debug` option containing the value true to the `input` section. The log files will be created depending on the parent directory of the logfile option.
+The following example will log an active ssh/telnet session `/home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/log/<IP-Adress>-<PROTOCOL>`. The file will be truncated on each consecutive ssh/telnet session, so you need to put a `tailf` or `tail -f` on that file!
+log: /home/oxidized/.config/oxidized/log
+ default: ssh, telnet
+ debug: true
+ ssh:
+ secure: false
+### Privileged mode
+To start privileged mode before pulling the configuration, Oxidized needs to send the enable command. You can globally enable this, by adding the following snippet to the global section of the configuration file.
+ enable: S3cre7
+### Removing secrets
+To strip out secrets from configurations before storing them, Oxidized needs the the remove_secrets flag. You can globally enable this by adding the following snippet to the global sections of the configuration file.
+ remove_secret: true
+Device models can contain substitution filters to remove potentially sensitive data from configs.
+As a partial example from ios.rb:
+ cmd :secret do |cfg|
+ cfg.gsub! /^(snmp-server community).*/, '\\1 <configuration removed>'
+ (...)
+ cfg
+ end
+The above strips out snmp community strings from your saved configs.
+**NOTE:** Removing secrets reduces the usefulness as a full configuration backup, but it may make sharing configs easier.
+### Disabling SSH exec channels
+Oxidized uses exec channels to make information extraction simpler, but there are some situations where this doesn't work well, e.g. configuring devices. This feature can be turned off by setting the `ssh_no_exec`
+ ssh_no_exec: true
+### SSH Proxy Command
+Oxidized can `ssh` through a proxy as well. To do so we just need to set `ssh_proxy` variable.
+ name: 0
+ model: 1
+ enable: 2
+ ssh_proxy: 3
+### Advanced Configuration
+Below is an advanced example configuration. You will be able to (optionally) override options per device. The router.db format used is `hostname:model:username:password:enable_password`. Hostname and model will be the only required options, all others override the global configuration sections.
+username: oxidized
+password: S3cr3tx
+model: junos
+interval: 3600
+log: ~/.config/oxidized/log
+debug: false
+threads: 30
+timeout: 20
+retries: 3
+prompt: !ruby/regexp /^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/
+ enable: S3cr3tx
+groups: {}
+pid: ~/.config/oxidized/
+ default: ssh, telnet
+ debug: false
+ ssh:
+ secure: false
+ default: git
+ git:
+ user: Oxidized
+ email:
+ repo: "~/.config/oxidized/oxidized.git"
+ default: csv
+ csv:
+ file: ~/.config/oxidized/router.db
+ delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
+ map:
+ name: 0
+ model: 1
+ username: 2
+ password: 3
+ vars_map:
+ enable: 4
+ cisco: ios
+ juniper: junos
+### Advanced Group Configuration
+For group specific credentials
+ mikrotik:
+ username: admin
+ password: blank
+ ubiquiti:
+ username: ubnt
+ password: ubnt
+and add group mapping
+ model: 0
+ name: 1
+ group: 2
+For model specific credentials
+ junos:
+ username: admin
+ password: password
+ ironware:
+ username: admin
+ password: password
+ vars:
+ enable: enablepassword
+ apc_aos:
+ username: apc
+ password: password
+### RESTful API and Web Interface
+The RESTful API and Web Interface is enabled by configuring the `rest:` parameter in the config file. This parameter can optionally contain a relative URI.
+# Listen on
+# Listen on
+### Triggered backups
+A node can be moved to head-of-queue via the REST API `GET/POST /node/next/[NODE]`.
+In the default configuration this node will be processed when the next job worker becomes available, it could take some time if existing backups are in progress. To execute moved jobs immediately a new job can be added:
+next_adds_job: true
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+# Hooks
+You can define arbitrary number of hooks that subscribe different events. The hook system is modular and different kind of hook types can be enabled.
+## Configuration
+Following configuration keys need to be defined for all hooks:
+ * `events`: which events to subscribe. Needs to be an array. See below for the list of available events.
+ * `type`: what hook class to use. See below for the list of available hook types.
+### Events
+ * `node_success`: triggered when configuration is succesfully pulled from a node and right before storing the configuration.
+ * `node_fail`: triggered after `retries` amount of failed node pulls.
+ * `post_store`: triggered after node configuration is stored (this is executed only when the configuration has changed).
+ * `nodes_done`: triggered after finished fetching all nodes.
+## Hook type: exec
+The `exec` hook type allows users to run an arbitrary shell command or a binary when triggered.
+The command is executed on a separate child process either in synchronous or asynchronous fashion. Non-zero exit values cause errors to be logged. STDOUT and STDERR are currently not collected.
+Command is executed with the following environment:
+Exec hook recognizes following configuration keys:
+ * `timeout`: hard timeout for the command execution. SIGTERM will be sent to the child process after the timeout has elapsed. Default: 60
+ * `async`: influences whether main thread will wait for the command execution. Set this true for long running commands so node pull is not blocked. Default: false
+ * `cmd`: command to run.
+## Hook configuration example
+ name_for_example_hook1:
+ type: exec
+ events: [node_success]
+ cmd: 'echo "Node success $OX_NODE_NAME" >> /tmp/ox_node_success.log'
+ name_for_example_hook2:
+ type: exec
+ events: [post_store, node_fail]
+ cmd: 'echo "Doing long running stuff for $OX_NODE_NAME" >> /tmp/ox_node_stuff.log; sleep 60'
+ async: true
+ timeout: 120
+### githubrepo
+This hook configures the repository `remote` and _push_ the code when the specified event is triggerd. If the `username` and `password` are not provided, the `Rugged::Credentials::SshKeyFromAgent` will be used.
+`githubrepo` hook recognizes following configuration keys:
+ * `remote_repo`: the remote repository to be pushed to.
+ * `username`: username for repository auth.
+ * `password`: password for repository auth.
+ * `publickey`: publickey for repository auth.
+ * `privatekey`: privatekey for repository auth.
+When using groups repositories, each group must have its own `remote` in the `remote_repo` config.
+``` yaml
+ push_to_remote:
+ remote_repo:
+ routers: git@git.intranet:oxidized/routers.git
+ switches: git@git.intranet:oxidized/switches.git
+ firewalls: git@git.intranet:oxidized/firewalls.git
+## Hook configuration example
+``` yaml
+ push_to_remote:
+ type: githubrepo
+ events: [post_store]
+ remote_repo: git@git.intranet:oxidized/test.git
+ username: user
+ password: pass
+## Hook type: awssns
+The `awssns` hook publishes messages to AWS SNS topics. This allows you to notify other systems of device configuration changes, for example a config orchestration pipeline. Multiple services can subscribe to the same AWS topic.
+Fields sent in the message:
+ * `event`: Event type (e.g. `node_success`)
+ * `group`: Group name
+ * `model`: Model name (e.g. `eos`)
+ * `node`: Device hostname
+Configuration example:
+``` yaml
+ hook_script:
+ type: awssns
+ events: [node_fail,node_success,post_store]
+ region: us-east-1
+ topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1234567:oxidized-test-backup_events
+AWS SNS hook requires the following configuration keys:
+ * `region`: AWS Region name
+ * `topic_arn`: ASN Topic reference
+Your AWS credentials should be stored in `~/.aws/credentials`.
+## Hook type: slackdiff
+The `slackdiff` hook posts colorized config diffs to a [Slack]( channel of your choice. It only triggers for `post_store` events.
+You will need to manually install the `slack-api` gem on your system:
+gem install slack-api
+Configuration example:
+``` yaml
+ slack:
+ type: slackdiff
+ events: [post_store]
+ channel: "#network-changes"
+Note the channel name must be in quotes.
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+## Output
+### Output: File
+Parent directory needs to be created manually, one file per device, with most recent running config.
+ file:
+ directory: /var/lib/oxidized/configs
+### Output: Git
+This uses the rugged/libgit2 interface. So you should remember that normal Git hooks will not be executed.
+For a single repositories for all devices:
+``` yaml
+ default: git
+ git:
+ user: Oxidized
+ email:
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.git"
+And for groups repositories:
+``` yaml
+ default: git
+ git:
+ user: Oxidized
+ email:
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/git-repos/default.git"
+Oxidized will create a repository for each group in the same directory as the `default.git`. For
+``` csv
+This will generate the following repositories:
+``` bash
+$ ls /var/lib/oxidized/git-repos
+default.git first.git second.git
+If you would like to use groups and a single repository, you can force this with the `single_repo` config.
+``` yaml
+ default: git
+ git:
+ single_repo: true
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.git"
+### Output: Git-Crypt
+This uses the gem git and system git-crypt interfaces. Have a look at [GIT-Crypt]( documentation to know how to install it.
+Additionally to user and email informations, you have to provide the users ID that can be a key ID, a full fingerprint, an email address, or anything else that uniquely identifies a public key to GPG (see "HOW TO SPECIFY A USER ID" in the gpg man page).
+For a single repositories for all devices:
+``` yaml
+ default: gitcrypt
+ gitcrypt:
+ user: Oxidized
+ email:
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices"
+ users:
+ - "0x0123456789ABCDEF"
+ - "<>"
+And for groups repositories:
+``` yaml
+ default: gitcrypt
+ gitcrypt:
+ user: Oxidized
+ email:
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/git-repos/default"
+ users:
+ - "0xABCDEF0123456789"
+ - "0x0123456789ABCDEF"
+Oxidized will create a repository for each group in the same directory as the `default`. For
+``` csv
+This will generate the following repositories:
+``` bash
+$ ls /var/lib/oxidized/git-repos
+default.git first.git second.git
+If you would like to use groups and a single repository, you can force this with the `single_repo` config.
+``` yaml
+ default: gitcrypt
+ gitcrypt:
+ single_repo: true
+ repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices"
+ users:
+ - "0xABCDEF0123456789"
+ - "0x0123456789ABCDEF"
+Please note that user list is only updated once at creation.
+### Output: Http
+POST a config to the specified URL
+ default: http
+ http:
+ user: admin
+ password: changeit
+ url: ""
+### Output types
+If you prefer to have different outputs in different files and/or directories, you can easily do this by modifying the corresponding model. To change the behaviour for IOS, you would edit `lib/oxidized/model/ios.rb` (run `gem contents oxidized` to find out the full file path).
+For example, let's say you want to split out `show version` and `show inventory` into separate files in a directory called `nodiff` which your tools will not send automated diffstats for. You can apply a patch along the lines of
+- cmd 'show version' do |cfg|
+- comment cfg.lines.first
++ cmd 'show version' do |state|
++ state.type = 'nodiff'
++ state
+- cmd 'show inventory' do |cfg|
+- comment cfg
++ cmd 'show inventory' do |state|
++ state.type = 'nodiff'
++ state
++ end
+- cmd 'show running-config' do |cfg|
+- cfg = cfg.each_line.to_a[3..-1].join
+- cfg.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, ''
+- cfg.sub! /^(ntp clock-period).*/, '! \1'
+- cfg.gsub! /^\ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ bandwidth[^\n]*\n*(
++ cmd 'show running-config' do |state|
++ state = state.each_line.to_a[3..-1].join
++ state.gsub! /^Current configuration : [^\n]*\n/, ''
++ state.sub! /^(ntp clock-period).*/, '! \1'
++ state.gsub! /^\ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ bandwidth[^\n]*\n*(
+ (?:\ [^\n]*\n*)*
+ tunnel\ mpls\ traffic-eng\ auto-bw)/mx, '\1'
+- cfg
++ state = state
++ state.type = 'nodiff'
++ state
+which will result in the following layout
+``` \ No newline at end of file
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+# Ruby API
+The following objects exist in Oxidized.
+## Input
+ * gets config from nodes
+ * must implement 'connect', 'get', 'cmd'
+ * 'ssh', 'telnet, ftp, and tftp' implemented
+## Output
+ * stores config
+ * must implement 'store' (may implement 'fetch')
+ * 'git' and 'file' (store as flat ascii) implemented
+## Source
+ * gets list of nodes to poll
+ * must implement 'load'
+ * source can have 'name', 'model', 'group', 'username', 'password', 'input', 'output', 'prompt'
+ * name - name of the devices
+ * model - model to use ios/junos/xyz, model is loaded dynamically when needed (Also default in config file)
+ * input - method to acquire config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file)
+ * output - method to store config, loaded dynamically as needed (Also default in config file)
+ * prompt - prompt used for node (Also default in config file, can be specified in model too)
+ * 'sql', 'csv' and 'http' (supports any format with single entry per line, like router.db)
+## Model
+### At the top level
+A model may use several methods at the top level in the class. `cfg` is
+executed in input/output/source context. `cmd` is executed within an instance
+of the model.
+#### `cfg`
+`cfg` may be called with a list of methods (`:ssh`, `:telnet`) and a block with
+zero parameters. Calling `cfg` registers the given access methods and calling
+it at least once is required for a model to work.
+The block may contain commands to change some behaviour for the given methods
+(e.g. calling `post_login` to disable the pager).
+#### `cmd`
+Is used to specify commands that should be executed on a model in order to
+gather its configuration. It can be called with:
+* Just a string
+* A string and a block
+* `:all` and a block
+* `:secret` and a block
+The block takes a single parameter `cfg` containing the output of the command
+being processed.
+Calling `cmd` with just a string will emit the output of the command given in
+that string as configuration.
+Calling `cmd` with a string and a block will pass the output of the given
+command to the block, then emit its return value (that must be a string) as
+Calling `cmd` with `:all` and a block will pass all command output through this
+block before emitting it. This is useful if some cleanup is required of the
+output of all commands.
+Calling `cmd` with `:secret` and a block will pass all configuration to the
+given block before emitting it to hide secrets if secret hiding is enabled. The
+block should replace any secrets with `'<hidden>'` and return the resulting
+Execution order is `:all`, `:secret`, and lastly the command specific block, if
+#### `comment`
+Called with a single string containing the string to prepend for comments in
+emitted configuration for this model.
+If not specified the default of `'# '` will be used (note the trailing space).
+#### `prompt`
+Is called with a regular expression that is used to detect when command output
+ends after a command has been executed.
+If not specified, a default of `/^([\w.@-]+[#>]\s?)$/` is used.
+#### `expect`
+Called with a regular expression and a block. The block takes two parameters:
+the regular expression, and the data containing the match.
+The passed data is replaced by the return value of the block.
+`expect` can be used to, for example, strip escape sequences from output before
+it's further processed.
+### At the second level
+The following methods are available:
+#### `comment`
+Used inside `cmd` invocations. Comments out every line in the passed string and
+returns the result.
+#### `password`
+Used inside `cfg` invocations to specify the regular expression used to detect
+the password prompt. If not specified, the default of `/^Password/` is used.
+#### `post_login`
+Used inside `cfg` invocations to specify commands to run once Oxidized has
+logged in to the switch. Takes one argument that is either a block (taking zero
+parameters) or a string containing a command to execute.
+#### `pre_logout`
+Used to specify commands to run before Oxidized closes the connection to the
+switch. Takes one argument that is either a block (taking zero parameters) or a
+string containing a command to execute.
+#### `send`
+Usually used inside `expect` or blocks passed to `post_login`/`pre_logout`.
+Takes a single parameter: a string to be sent to the switch.
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+## Source
+### Source: CSV
+One line per device, colon seperated. If `ip` isn't present, a DNS lookup will be done against `name`. For large installations, setting `ip` will dramatically reduce startup time.
+ default: csv
+ csv:
+ file: /var/lib/oxidized/router.db
+ delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
+ map:
+ name: 0
+ ip: 1
+ model: 2
+ username: 3
+ password: 4
+ vars_map:
+ enable: 5
+Example csv `/var/lib/oxidized/router.db`:
+### Source: SQL
+ Oxidized uses the `sequel` ruby gem. You can use a variety of databases that aren't explicitly listed. For more information visit Make sure you have the correct adapter!
+### Source: MYSQL
+`sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev`
+The values correspond to your fields in the DB such that ip, model, etc are field names in the DB
+ default: sql
+ sql:
+ adapter: mysql2
+ database: oxidized
+ table: nodes
+ user: root
+ password: rootpass
+ map:
+ name: ip
+ model: model
+ username: username
+ password: password
+ vars_map:
+ enable: enable
+### Source: SQLite
+One row per device, filtered by hostname.
+ default: sql
+ sql:
+ adapter: sqlite
+ database: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.db"
+ table: devices
+ map:
+ name: fqdn
+ model: model
+ username: username
+ password: password
+ vars_map:
+ enable: enable
+### Source: HTTP
+One object per device.
+HTTP Supports basic auth, configure the user and pass you want to use under the http: section.
+ default: http
+ http:
+ url: https://url/api
+ scheme: https
+ delimiter: !ruby/regexp /:/
+ user: username
+ pass: password
+ map:
+ name: hostname
+ model: os
+ username: username
+ password: password
+ vars_map:
+ enable: enable
+ headers:
+ X-Auth-Token: 'somerandomstring'
+You can also pass `secure: false` if you want to disable ssl certificate verification:
+ default: http
+ http:
+ url: https://url/api
+ scheme: https
+ secure: false
+``` \ No newline at end of file
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+# Supported OS types
+ * Vendor
+ * OS model
+ * A10 Networks
+ * [ACOS](lib/oxidized/model/acos.rb)
+ * Accedian Performance Elements (NIDs)
+ * [AEN](lib/oxidized/model/aen.rb)
+ * Alcatel-Lucent
+ * [AOS](lib/oxidized/model/aos.rb)
+ * [AOS7](lib/oxidized/model/aos7.rb)
+ * [ISAM](lib/oxidized/model/isam.rb)
+ * [SR OS (Formerly TiMOS)](lib/oxidized/model/timos.rb)
+ * Wireless
+ * Alvarion
+ * [BreezeACCESS](lib/oxidized/model/alvarion.rb)
+ * APC
+ * [AOS](lib/oxidized/model/apc_aos.rb)
+ * Arista
+ * [EOS](lib/oxidized/model/eos.rb)
+ * Arris
+ * [C4CMTS](lib/oxidized/model/c4cmts.rb)
+ * Aruba
+ * [AOSW](lib/oxidized/model/aosw.rb)
+ * AudioCodes
+ * [AudioCodes](lib/oxdized/model/audiocodes.rb)
+ * Avaya
+ * [VOSS (VSP Operating System Software)](lib/oxidized/model/voss.rb)
+ * [BOSS (Baystack Operating System Software)](lib/oxidized/model/boss.rb)
+ * Brocade
+ * [FabricOS](lib/oxidized/model/fabricos.rb)
+ * [Ironware](lib/oxidized/model/ironware.rb)
+ * [NOS (Network Operating System)](lib/oxidized/model/nos.rb)
+ * [Vyatta](lib/oxidized/model/vyatta.rb)
+ * [6910](lib/oxidized/model/br6910.rb)
+ * Casa
+ * [Casa](lib/oxidized/model/casa.rb)
+ * Check Point
+ * [GaiaOS](lib/oxidized/model/gaiaos.rb)
+ * Ciena
+ * [SAOS](lib/oxidized/model/saos.rb)
+ * Cisco
+ * [ACSW](lib/oxidized/model/acsw.rb)
+ * [AireOS](lib/oxidized/model/aireos.rb)
+ * [ASA](lib/oxidized/model/asa.rb)
+ * [AsyncOS](lib/oxidized/model/asyncos.rb)
+ * [CatOS](lib/oxidized/model/catos.rb)
+ * [IOS](lib/oxidized/model/ios.rb)
+ * [IOSXR](lib/oxidized/model/iosxr.rb)
+ * [NGA](lib/oxidized/model/cisconga.rb)
+ * [NXOS](lib/oxidized/model/nxos.rb)
+ * [SMA](lib/oxidized/model/ciscosma.rb)
+ * [SMB (Nikola series)](lib/oxidized/model/ciscosmb.rb)
+ * [UCS](lib/oxidized/model/ucs.rb)
+ * Citrix
+ * [NetScaler (Virtual Applicance)](lib/oxidized/model/netscaler.rb)
+ * Coriant (former Tellabs)
+ * [TMOS (8800)](lib/oxidized/model/corianttmos.rb)
+ * [8600](lib/oxidized/model/coriant8600.rb)
+ * [Groove](lib/oxidized/model/coriantgroove.rb)
+ * Cumulus
+ * [Linux](lib/oxidized/model/cumulus.rb)
+ * DataCom
+ * [DmSwitch 3000](lib/oxidized/model/datacom.rb)
+ * DCN
+ * [DCN](lib/oxidized/model/ios.rb) - Map this to ios.
+ * DELL
+ * [PowerConnect](lib/oxidized/model/powerconnect.rb)
+ * [AOSW](lib/oxidized/model/aosw.rb)
+ * D-Link
+ * [D-Link](lib/oxidized/model/dlink.rb)
+ * Ericsson/Redback
+ * [IPOS (former SEOS)](lib/oxidized/model/ipos.rb)
+ * Extreme Networks
+ * [Enterasys](/lib/oxidized/model/enterasys.rb)
+ * [WM](lib/oxidized/model/mtrlrfs.rb)
+ * [XOS](lib/oxidized/model/xos.rb)
+ * F5
+ * [TMOS](lib/oxidized/model/tmos.rb)
+ * Force10
+ * [DNOS](lib/oxidized/model/dnos.rb)
+ * [FTOS](lib/oxidized/model/ftos.rb)
+ * FortiGate
+ * [FortiOS](lib/oxidized/model/fortios.rb)
+ * Fujitsu
+ * [PRIMERGY Blade switch 1/10Gbe](lib/oxidized/model/fujitsupy.rb)
+ * Hatteras
+ * [Hatteras](lib/oxidized/model/hatteras.rb)
+ * Hirschmann
+ * [HiOS](lib/oxidized/model/hirschmann.rb)
+ * HP
+ * [Comware (HP A-series, H3C, 3Com)](lib/oxidized/model/comware.rb)
+ * [Procurve](lib/oxidized/model/procurve.rb)
+ * [BladeSystem (Onboard Administrator)](lib/oxidized/model/hpebladesystem.rb)
+ * [MSA](lib/oxidized/model/hpemsa.rb)
+ * Huawei
+ * [VRP](lib/oxidized/model/vrp.rb)
+ * Juniper
+ * [JunOS](lib/oxidized/model/junos.rb)
+ * [ScreenOS (Netscreen)](lib/oxidized/model/screenos.rb)
+ * Mellanox
+ * [MLNX-OS](lib/oxidized/model/mlnxos.rb)
+ * [Voltaire](lib/oxidized/model/voltaire.rb)
+ * Mikrotik
+ * [RouterOS](lib/oxidized/model/routeros.rb)
+ * Motorola
+ * [RFS](lib/oxidized/model/mtrlrfs.rb)
+ * MRV
+ * [MasterOS](lib/oxidized/model/masteros.rb)
+ * [FiberDriver](lib/oxidized/model/fiberdriver.rb)
+ * Netgear
+ * [Netgear](lib/oxidized/model/netgear.rb)
+ * Netonix
+ * [WISP Switch (As Netonix)](lib/oxidized/model/netonix.rb)
+ * Nokia (formerly TiMetra, Alcatel, Alcatel-Lucent)
+ * [SR OS (TiMOS)](lib/oxidized/model/timos.rb)
+ * OneAccess
+ * [OneOS](lib/oxidized/model/oneos.rb)
+ * Opengear
+ * [Opengear](lib/oxidized/model/opengear.rb)
+ * Palo Alto
+ * [PANOS](lib/oxidized/model/panos.rb)
+ * [PLANET SG/SGS Switches](lib/oxidized/model/planet.rb)
+ * [pfSense](lib/oxidized/model/pfsense.rb)
+ * Radware
+ * [AlteonOS](lib/oxidized/model/alteonos.rb)
+ * Quanta
+ * [Quanta / VxWorks 6.6 (](lib/oxidized/model/quantaos.rb)
+ * Siklu
+ * [EtherHaul](lib/oxidized/model/siklu.rb)
+ * Supermicro
+ * [Supermicro](lib/oxidized/model/supermicro.rb)
+ * Symantec
+ * [Blue Coat ProxySG / Security Gateway OS (SGOS)](lib/oxidized/model/sgos.rb)
+ * Trango Systems
+ * [Trango](lib/oxidized/model/trango.rb)
+ * TPLink
+ * [TPLink](lib/oxidized/model/tplink.rb)
+ * Ubiquiti
+ * [AirOS](lib/oxidized/model/airos.rb)
+ * [Edgeos](lib/oxidized/model/edgeos.rb)
+ * [EdgeSwitch](lib/oxidized/model/edgeswitch.rb)
+ * Watchguard
+ * [Fireware OS](lib/oxidized/model/firewareos.rb)
+ * Westell
+ * [Westell 8178G, Westell 8266G](lib/oxidized/model/weos.rb)
+ * Zhone
+ * [Zhone (OLT and MX)](lib/oxidized/model/zhoneolt.rb)
+ * Zyxel
+ * [ZyNOS](lib/oxidized/model/zynos.rb)