path: root/day07/day07.hs
diff options
authorNat Lasseter <>2024-12-07 15:32:58 +0000
committerNat Lasseter <>2024-12-07 15:33:52 +0000
commitc9bb2c96a2e2af800b59fe70bf0f982fc9b777f1 (patch)
tree0d8489c4ec35becb1a56d551c4b4d94b8db64b94 /day07/day07.hs
parent36c1d3c758815b5f3a62d4b527bddbce8805101d (diff)
[Day 07] Part 1 done, Part 2 slow (~60s)
Diffstat (limited to 'day07/day07.hs')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day07/day07.hs b/day07/day07.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f3cce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day07/day07.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.List
+import Data.List.Split
+type Eqn = (Int, [Int])
+data Op = Add | Mul
+data Op2 = Add2 | Mul2 | Cat2 deriving Show
+atoi :: String -> Int
+atoi = read
+process :: String -> Eqn
+process line =
+ let [targs, inss] = splitOn ": " line
+ targ = atoi targs
+ ins = map atoi $ words inss in
+ (targ, ins)
+opList :: [Op] -> Int -> Int -> [Op]
+opList acc 0 _ = acc
+opList acc w n =
+ opList ((case bit of {0 -> Add; otherwise -> Mul}):acc) dw n
+ where dw = w - 1
+ bit = n .&. (1 `shift` dw)
+reifies :: Eqn -> [Op] -> Bool
+reifies (targ, (h:t)) ops =
+ foldl operate h tasks == targ
+ where tasks = zip ops t
+ operate = \acc (op, arg) -> case op of {Add -> acc + arg; Mul -> acc * arg}
+reifiable :: Eqn -> Bool
+reifiable eqn@(_, args) =
+ any (reifies eqn) $ map (opList [] l) [0..(2^l - 1)]
+ where l = (length args) - 1
+op2List :: [Op2] -> Int -> Int -> [Op2]
+op2List acc 0 _ = acc
+op2List acc w n =
+ op2List ((case trit of {0 -> Add2; 1 -> Mul2; 2 -> Cat2}):acc) dw n
+ where dw = w - 1
+ trit = (n `div` (3 ^ dw)) `mod` 3
+reifies2 :: Eqn -> [Op2] -> Bool
+reifies2 (targ, (h:t)) ops =
+ foldl operate h tasks == targ
+ where tasks = zip ops t
+ operate = \acc (op, arg) -> case op of
+ Add2 -> acc + arg
+ Mul2 -> acc * arg
+ Cat2 -> atoi (show acc ++ show arg)
+reifiable2 :: Eqn -> Bool
+reifiable2 eqn@(_, args) =
+ any (reifies2 eqn) $ map (op2List [] l) [0..(3^l - 1)]
+ where l = (length args) - 1
+part1 :: [Eqn] -> Int
+part1 eqns =
+ foldl sumCar 0 $ filter reifiable eqns
+ where sumCar = \acc (i, _) -> acc + i
+part2 :: [Eqn] -> Int
+part2 eqns =
+ foldl sumCar 0 $ filter reifiable2 eqns
+ where sumCar = \acc (i, _) -> acc + i
+main = do
+ file <- readFile "day07.input"
+ let lns = lines file
+ eqns = map process lns
+ putStrLn ("Part 1: " ++ (show $ part1 eqns))
+ putStrLn ("Part 2: " ++ (show $ part2 eqns))