path: root/day06
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'day06')
2 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day06/day06.hs b/day06/day06.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa022f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day06/day06.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+data Cell = Clr | Obs deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Grid = [[Cell]]
+type Coo = (Int, Int)
+data Dir = U | R | D | L deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Guard = (Coo, Dir)
+(!?) :: Grid -> Coo -> Maybe Cell
+grid !? (row, col)
+ | row < 0 = Nothing
+ | row >= length grid = Nothing
+ | col < 0 = Nothing
+ | col >= (length $ head grid) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just (grid !! row !! col)
+findGuard :: Int -> [[Char]] -> Guard
+findGuard r (h:t)
+ | c == Nothing = findGuard (r + 1) t
+ | otherwise = ((r, (fromJust c)), U)
+ where c = elemIndex '^' h
+consume :: [Char] -> (Grid, Guard)
+consume file =
+ let toCell = \ln -> case ln of
+ '#' -> Obs
+ otherwise -> Clr
+ grid = map (map toCell) (lines file)
+ guard = findGuard 0 (lines file) in
+ (grid, guard)
+step :: Grid -> Guard -> Maybe Guard
+step grid (coo@(r,c), U)
+ | cell == Nothing = Nothing
+ | cell == Just Obs = Just (coo, R)
+ | cell == Just Clr = Just (ncoo, U)
+ where
+ ncoo = (r - 1, c)
+ cell = grid !? ncoo
+step grid (coo@(r,c), R)
+ | cell == Nothing = Nothing
+ | cell == Just Obs = Just (coo, D)
+ | cell == Just Clr = Just (ncoo, R)
+ where
+ ncoo = (r, c + 1)
+ cell = grid !? ncoo
+step grid (coo@(r,c), D)
+ | cell == Nothing = Nothing
+ | cell == Just Obs = Just (coo, L)
+ | cell == Just Clr = Just (ncoo, D)
+ where
+ ncoo = (r + 1, c)
+ cell = grid !? ncoo
+step grid (coo@(r,c), L)
+ | cell == Nothing = Nothing
+ | cell == Just Obs = Just (coo, U)
+ | cell == Just Clr = Just (ncoo, L)
+ where
+ ncoo = (r, c - 1)
+ cell = grid !? ncoo
+(?:) :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
+el ?: arr
+ | el `elem` arr = arr
+ | otherwise = el:arr
+route :: Grid -> [Coo] -> Guard -> [Coo]
+route grid seen guard@(coo, dir)
+ | nguard == Nothing = coo ?: seen
+ | otherwise = route grid (coo ?: seen) (fromJust nguard)
+ where
+ nguard = step grid guard
+part1 :: Grid -> Guard -> Int
+part1 grid guard = length $ route grid [] guard
+main = do
+ file <- readFile "day06.input"
+ let (grid, guard) = consume file
+ putStrLn ("Part 1: " ++ (show $ part1 grid guard))
+ --putStrLn ("Part 2: " ++ (show $ part2 lns))
diff --git a/day06/day06.input b/day06/day06.input
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..356b341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day06/day06.input
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@