path: root/day7/day7gen.c
diff options
authorNæþ'n Lasseter <Næþ'n Lasseter nathan@bytemark.co.uk>2015-12-17 20:10:55 +0000
committerNæþ'n Lasseter <Næþ'n Lasseter nathan@bytemark.co.uk>2015-12-17 20:10:55 +0000
commit60ba2ffc498e7403a29c02aa23f078bb9da70c39 (patch)
tree4aa401ea8bd9774a09ae107c8e0f7b3a3588fbfe /day7/day7gen.c
parent7a0053a986d5e691a0432291b8e077c212bbfc24 (diff)
Day 7, doesnt return
Diffstat (limited to 'day7/day7gen.c')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/day7/day7gen.c b/day7/day7gen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86cd7c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/day7/day7gen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define ungetchar(ch) ungetc(ch, stdin)
+typedef enum { NONE, NUMBER, WIRE } SIGTYPE;
+typedef struct {
+ SIGTYPE type;
+ union {
+ char wire[20];
+ uint16_t number;
+ } value;
+SIGNAL wire() {
+ int i = 0, ch;
+ s.type = WIRE;
+ while((ch = getchar()) != ' ' && ch != '\n')
+ s.value.wire[i++] = ch;
+ s.value.wire[i] = '\0';
+ return s;
+SIGNAL number() {
+ int ch, num = 0;
+ while((ch = getchar()) != ' ')
+ num = (num * 10) + (ch - 48);
+ s.type = NUMBER;
+ s.value.number = num;
+ return s;
+void printfunction(OPTYPE op, SIGNAL in1, SIGNAL in2, SIGNAL out) {
+ char* b1 = (in1.type == WIRE ? "()\0" : "\0");
+ char* b2 = (in2.type == WIRE ? "()\0" : "\0");
+ char s1[25], s2[25];
+ switch(in1.type) {
+ case NUMBER:
+ sprintf(s1, "%d", in1.value.number);
+ break;
+ case WIRE:
+ sprintf(s1, "wire_%s", in1.value.wire);
+ }
+ switch(in2.type) {
+ case NUMBER:
+ sprintf(s2, "%d", in2.value.number);
+ break;
+ case WIRE:
+ sprintf(s2, "wire_%s", in2.value.wire);
+ }
+ dprintf(2, "uint16_t wire_%s();\n", out.value.wire);
+ printf("uint16_t wire_%s() {\n", out.value.wire);
+ printf("\tuint16_t out;\n");
+ printf("\tif(iscached(\"%s\"))\n", out.value.wire);
+ printf("\t\treturn getcache(\"%s\");\n", out.value.wire);
+ printf("\telse {\n");
+ switch(op) {
+ case ASSIGN:
+ printf("\t\tout = %s%s;\n", s1, b1);
+ break;
+ case AND:
+ printf("\t\tout = (%s%s & %s%s);\n", s1, b1, s2, b2);
+ break;
+ case OR:
+ printf("\t\tout = (%s%s | %s%s);\n", s1, b1, s2, b1);
+ break;
+ case NOT:
+ printf("\t\tout = ~%s%s;\n", s2, b2);
+ break;
+ case LSHIFT:
+ printf("\t\tout = (%s%s << %s%s);\n", s1, b1, s2, b2);
+ break;
+ case RSHIFT:
+ printf("\t\tout = (%s%s >> %s%s);\n", s1, b1, s2, b2);
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("\t\tputcache(\"%s\", out);\n", out.value.wire);
+ printf("\t\treturn out;\n");
+ printf("\t}\n");
+ printf("}\n");
+void preamble() {
+ dprintf(3, "#include <stdlib.h>\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <stdint.h>\n\n");
+ dprintf(3, "uint16_t* cache;\nchar* incache;\n\n");
+ dprintf(3, "int wtoi(char* wire) {\n\tint idx = 0, i;\n\tfor(i = 0; wire[i] != '\\0'; i++) {\n\t\tidx *= 26;\n\t\tidx += wire[i];\n\t}\n\treturn idx;\n}\n");
+ dprintf(3, "char iscached(char* wire) {\n\treturn incache[wtoi(wire)];\n}\n");
+ dprintf(3, "uint16_t getcache(char* wire) {\n\treturn cache[wtoi(wire)];\n}\n");
+ dprintf(3, "void putcache(char* wire, uint16_t value) {\n\tcache[wtoi(wire)] = value;\n}\n\n");
+void postamble() {
+ char* len = "26*26";
+ printf("\nint main() {\n");
+ printf("\tcache = (uint16_t*) malloc(%s*sizeof(uint16_t));\n", len);
+ printf("\tincache = (char*) malloc(%s*sizeof(char));\n", len);
+ printf("\tmemset(incache, 0, %s);\n\n", len);
+ printf("\tprintf(\"Value of wire a: %%d\\n\", wire_a());\n\n");
+ printf("\tfree(cache);\n");
+ printf("\tfree(incache);\n");
+ printf("}\n");
+int readline() {
+ SIGNAL in1, in2, out;
+ OPTYPE op;
+ int ch;
+ ch = getchar();
+ if(ch == EOF) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if(ch <= 'z' && ch >= 'a') {
+ ungetchar(ch);
+ in1 = wire();
+ } else if(ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') {
+ ungetchar(ch);
+ in1 = number();
+ } else if(ch == 'N') {
+ ungetchar(ch);
+ in1.type = NONE;
+ }
+ ch = getchar();
+ switch(ch) {
+ case '-': op = ASSIGN; break;
+ case 'A': op = AND; break;
+ case 'O': op = OR; break;
+ case 'N': op = NOT; break;
+ case 'L': op = LSHIFT; break;
+ case 'R': op = RSHIFT;
+ }
+ while((ch = getchar()) != ' ');
+ if(op == ASSIGN)
+ out = wire();
+ else {
+ ch = getchar();
+ if(ch <= 'z' && ch >= 'a') {
+ ungetchar(ch);
+ in2 = wire();
+ } else if(ch <= '9' && ch >= '0') {
+ ungetchar(ch);
+ in2 = number();
+ }
+ while((ch = getchar()) != ' ');
+ out = wire();
+ }
+ printfunction(op, in1, in2, out);
+ return 1;
+int main() {
+ preamble();
+ while(readline());
+ postamble();
+ return 0;