diff options
authorPatrick J Cherry <>2014-05-14 14:27:50 +0100
committerPatrick J Cherry <>2014-05-14 14:27:50 +0100
commitbdb94fb6441df0e09b4e67f238476ec9993fb83b (patch)
parenta77c7ac455aea4d7d7f49d7bc9313a2ecc9cfec3 (diff)
Removed mess.
-rw-r--r--debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/ -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/changelog.Debian.gzbin203 -> 0 bytes
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/control b/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/control
deleted file mode 100644
index ee20a2e..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Package: byteback
-Version: 0.2.0-1
-Architecture: all
-Maintainer: Patrick J Cherry <>
-Installed-Size: 48
-Depends: ruby | ruby-interpreter, rsync, openssh-client
-Recommends: ruby-trollop | libtrollop-ruby
-Section: ruby
-Priority: optional
-Description: Maintenance-free client & server backup scripts for Linux
- byteback encapsulates Bytemark's "best practice" for maintenance-free backups
- with easy client and server setup.
- .
- "Maintenance-free" means that we'd rather make full use of a fixed amount of
- disc space. Management of disc space must be completely automatic, so the
- process never grinds to a halt for reasons that could be automatically
- resolved. Failed backups can be restarted in case of network problems.
- .
- We use the standard OpenSSH on the server for encrypted transport & access
- control, btrfs for simple snapshots and rsync for efficient data transfer
- across the network.
- .
- Backups should require as little configuration as possible to be safe - just
- the server address should be enough.
-Ruby-Versions: ruby1.9.1 ruby2.0
diff --git a/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/md5sums b/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/md5sums
deleted file mode 100644
index e9641f9..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/DEBIAN/md5sums
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-6f600d576b18b93e3bf43afd043f156e usr/sbin/byteback
-21a8bb0fb9fecf44bbf58e9bbceda2b7 usr/sbin/byteback-backup
-cee04f5b5f344d8ecb6ae0af488c5e0d usr/sbin/byteback-receive
-7a7899e4bc3c0ba13280b8cd6eca827c usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client
-cc78a3fd9b662e3db1e7fa801c4011dd usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client-receive
-54a8cd3305209c36446b63707e68d070 usr/sbin/byteback-snapshot
-538e288de3c0b5fdddcfb65840017482 usr/share/doc/byteback/
-09620c298fa07a984827d0bac4dd9cc3 usr/share/doc/byteback/changelog.Debian.gz
-4e261bda29e8364ad551d709a97162a0 usr/share/doc/byteback/copyright
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback
deleted file mode 100755
index 7418006..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# byteback backup script prototype
-# (c) Bytemark Hosting 2013
-HOSTNAME=`hostname -f`
-mode = ARGV.shift
-case mode
-when 'backup'
- @destination_host = HOSTNAME.split(".")[2..-1].join(".")
- system *<<-CMD.split(/\s+/)
- --rsync-path
- rsync --fake-super
- --rsh
- ssh -i /etc/bytebackup/bytebackup.key
- --delete
- --one-file-system
- --archive
- --exclude
- /swap.file
- /
- #{@destination_ssh}
-when 'backup-receive'
- print <<-SYNTAX
-byteback v#{VERSION}, a focused backup tool
-Usage: byteback <mode>
- server-setup
- client-setup
- backup
- backup-receive
-Type 'bytebackup help <mode>' for more information on a mode, or
-see the man page.
- exit 1
-require 'trollop'
-opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :mode, "Program mode to run",
- :default => :backup,
- :required,
- :type => String
- opt
-:end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-backup b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-backup
deleted file mode 100755
index 22fe0fb..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-backup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server (just some command line
-# tools and SSH setup). We aim to make sure this backups are easy, complete
-# and safe for most types of hosting customer.
-# See 'man byteback' for more information.
-require 'getoptlong'
-require 'resolv'
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
-def verbose(message)
- print "#{message}\n"
-def help
- puts <<EOF
-#{$0}: Back up this system to a byteback-enabled server
- --destination, -d <s>: Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)
- --source, -s <s>: Source paths (defaults: / and /boot)
- --exclude, -x <s>: Exclude paths (defaults: /swap.file, /var/backups/localhost, /var/cache)
- --verbose, -v: Show rsync command and progress
- --retry-number, -r <n>: Number of retries on error (default: 3)
- --retry-delay, -e <n>: Wait number of seconds between retries (default: 1800)
- --ssh-key, -k <s>: SSH key for connection (default: /etc/byteback/key)
- --help, -h: Show this message
- exit 0
-opts =
- [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--source', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--destination', '-d', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--retry-number', '-r', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--retry-delay', '-e', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
- [ '--ssh-key' ,'-k', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ]
-@ssh_key = nil
-@destination = nil
-@retry_number = 3
-@retry_delay = 1800
-@sources = nil
-@excludes = nil
-# Read the default destination
-if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/destination")
- @destination ="/etc/byteback/destination").chomp
-# Set the default SSH key
-if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/key")
- @ssh_key = "/etc/byteback/key"
-# Read in the default sources
-if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/sources")
- @sources = File.readlines("/etc/byteback/sources").map{|m| m.chomp}
-# Read in the default excludes
-if File.exists?("/etc/byteback/excludes")
- @excludes = File.readlines("/etc/byteback/excludes").map{|m| m.chomp}
- opts.each do |opt,arg|
- case opt
- when '--help'
- help = true
- when '--verbose'
- $VERBOSE = true
- when "--source"
- @sources ||= []
- @sources << arg
- when "--exclude"
- @excludes ||= []
- @excludes << arg
- when "--destination"
- @destination = arg
- when "--retry-number"
- @retry_number = arg.to_i
- when "--retry-delay"
- @retry_delay = arg.to_i
- when "--ssh-key"
- @ssh_key = arg
- end
- end
-rescue => err
- # any errors, show the help
- warn err.to_s
- help = true
-# Check our destination
-if @destination =~ /^(?:(.+)@)?([^@:]+):(.+)?$/
- @destination_user, @destination_host, @destination_path = [$1, $2, $3]
- error("Destination must be a remote path, e.g.")
-# Validate & normalise source directories
-@sources = ["/"] if @sources.nil?
-error("No sources specified") if @sources.empty?
-@sources = do |s|
- s = s.gsub(/\/+/,"/")
- error("Can't read directory #{s}") unless File.readable?(s)
- s
-# Validate and normalise excludes
-if @excludes.nil?
- @excludes = ["/swap.file", "/var/backups/localhost"]
- @excludes << "/var/cache/apt/archives" if"/var/cache/apt/archives")
-@excludes = do |e|
- e.gsub(/\/+/,"/")
-error("Must suply --destination or put it into /etc/bytebackup/destination") unless @destination
-# Test ssh connection is good before we start
-error("Could not read ssh key #{@ssh_key}") unless File.readable?(@ssh_key)
-def ssh(*ssh_args)
- args = ["ssh",
- "-o", "BatchMode=yes",
- "-x", "-a",
- "-i", @ssh_key,
- "-l", @destination_user,
- @destination_host
- ] +
- ssh_args.
- map { |a| a ? a : "" }
- print { |a| / /.match(a) ? "\"#{a}\"" : a }.join(" ")+"\n" if $VERBOSE
- system(*args)
-error("Could not connect to #{@destination}") unless
- ssh("byteback-receive", "--ping", ($VERBOSE ? "--verbose" : "" ))
-# Call rsync to copy certain sources, returns exit status (see man rsync)
-def rsync(*sources)
- # Default options include --inplace because we only care about consistency
- # at the end of the job, and rsync will do more work for big files without
- # it.
- #
- args = %w(rsync --archive --numeric-ids --delete --inplace --delete --one-file-system --relative)
- args += [ "--rsync-path", "rsync --fake-super"]
- args += [ "--rsh", "ssh -o BatchMode=yes -x -a -i #{@ssh_key} -l #{@destination_user}"]
- args << "--verbose" if $VERBOSE
- args += { |x| ["--exclude", x] }.flatten
- args += sources
- args << @destination
- print { |a| / /.match(a) ? "\"#{a}\"" : a }.join(" ")+"\n" if $VERBOSE
- system(*args)
- return $?.exitstatus
-RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON = [10,11,20,21,22,23,24,30]
-# Run the file copy, retrying if necessary
-loop do
- status = rsync(*@sources)
- if status === 0
- break
- elsif RSYNC_EXIT_STATUSES_TO_RETRY_ON.include?(status)
- if @retry_number > 0
- @retry_number -= 1
- sleep @retry_delay
- redo
- else
- error("Maximum number of rsync retries reached")
- end
- else
- error("Fatal rsync error occurred (#{status})")
- end
-# Mark the backup as done on the other end
-error("Backup could not be marked complete") unless
- ssh("sudo", "byteback-snapshot", "--snapshot", ($VERBOSE ? "--verbose" : ""))
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-receive b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-receive
deleted file mode 100755
index 05e6a7c..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-receive
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Program to receive backups and run rsync in receive mode. Must check that
-# user as authorised by SSH is allowed to access particular directory.
-#STDERR.print ARGV.inspect + "\n"
-require 'trollop'
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
- ARGV.concat(ENV['SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'].split(" "))
-#STDERR.print "after ARGV=#{ARGV.inspect}\n"
-byteback_host = ENV['BYTEBACK_HOST']
-error("BYTEBACK_HOST environment not set") unless byteback_host
-byteback_root = ENV['HOME'] + "/" + ENV["BYTEBACK_HOST"]
-error("#{byteback_root} does not exist") unless
-# force destination to be where we expect
-if ARGV[0] == 'rsync'
- ARGV[-1] = "#{byteback_root}/current"
- exec(*ARGV)
-elsif ARGV[0] == 'byteback-snapshot' || (ARGV[0] == 'sudo' && ARGV[1] == 'byteback-snapshot')
- ARGV.concat(["--root", "#{byteback_root}"])
- exec(*ARGV)
-opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :verbose, "Print diagnostics"
- opt :ping, "Check connection parameters and exit"
- opt :complete, "Mark current backup as complete"
-error("Please only choose one mode") if opts[:ping] && opts[:complete]
-if opts[:complete]
- system("byteback-snapshot", byteback_root)
-elsif opts[:ping]
- exit 0
- STDERR.print "byteback-receive failed\n"
- exit 9
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client
deleted file mode 100755
index ddb6672..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Run on a client machine to set up backups for the first time
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'trollop'
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
-def verbose(message)
- print "#{message}\n"
-opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :hostname, "Set host name for backups",
- :type => :string
- opt :destination, "Backup destination (i.e. user@host:/path)",
- :type => :string
-@destination = opts[:destination]
-@hostname = opts[:hostname]
-_dummy, @destination_user, @destination_host, colon, @destination_path =
- /^(.*)?(?:@)([^:]+)(:)(.*)?$/.match(@destination).to_a
-error("Must be a remote path") unless colon
-if !@hostname
- @hostname = `hostname -f`
- print "No hostname set, using #{@hostname}"
-error "This host already appears set up - you need to delete /etc/byteback if not" if
- File.readable?("/etc/byteback/key")
-error "Couldn't generate SSH key" unless
- system("ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -C \"byteback client key\" -N \"\" -f /etc/byteback/key")
-key_pub ="/etc/byteback/")
-error "Setup didn't work" unless
- system("ssh -i /etc/byteback/key -l #{@destination_user} #{@destination_host} byteback-setup-client-receive #{@hostname} #{key_pub}")
-"/etc/byteback/destination", "w") { |f| f.print @destination }
-print "Setup worked! To take your first backup run: byteback-backup --verbose\n"
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client-receive b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client-receive
deleted file mode 100755
index 35a3b65..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-setup-client-receive
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Called by byteback-setup-client to set up a new byteback-setup-client
-require 'fileutils'
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
-@hostname = ARGV.shift
-@pubkey = ARGV.join(" ")
-error("You must call this from byteback-setup-client on remote host") unless
- @hostname &&
- /^ssh/.match(@pubkey) &&
-@client_ip = ENV['SSH_CONNECTION'].split(" ").first
-Dir.chdir(ENV['HOME']) # don't know why we wouldn't be here
-error("Couldn't create btrfs subvolume (needs sudo)") unless
- system("sudo btrfs subvolume create #{@hostname}/current")
-error("This key already exists in .ssh/authorized_keys on server") if
- File.exists?(".ssh/authorized_keys") &&
-".ssh/authorized_keys", "a+") do |fh|
- fh.print <<-LINE.gsub(/\n/,"")
- #{@pubkey}
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-snapshot b/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-snapshot
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e5a362..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/sbin/byteback-snapshot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# Program to create a snapshot and/or rotate a directory of backup snapshots
-# using btrfs subvolume commands.
-require 'trollop'
-require 'time'
-def error(message)
- STDERR.print "*** #{message}\n"
- exit 1
-def verbose(message)
- print "#{}: #{message}\n" if @verbose
-# Icky way to find out free disc space on our mount
-class DiskFree
- def initialize(mount)
- @mount = mount
- end
- def total
- all[2]
- end
- def used
- all[3]
- end
- def available
- all[4]
- end
- def fraction_used
- disk_device, disk_fs, disk_total, disk_used, disk_available, *rest = all
- disk_used.to_f / disk_available
- end
- protected
- def all
- disk_device, disk_fs, disk_total, disk_used, disk_available, *rest =
- df.
- split("\n")[1].
- split(/\s+/).
- map { |i| /^[0-9]+$/.match(i) ? i.to_i : i }
- end
- def df
- `/bin/df -T -P -B1 #{@mount}`
- end
-# Represent a directory full of backups where "current" is a subvolume
-# which is snapshotted to frozen backup directories called e.g.
-# "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm+zzzz".
-class BackupDirectory
- attr_reader :dir
- def initialize(dir)
- @dir =
- current
- end
- # Return total amount of free space in backup directory (bytes)
- #
- def free
- df =
- - df.used
- end
- # Return an array of Times representing the current list of
- # snapshots.
- #
- def snapshot_times
- do |entry|
- begin
- Time.parse(entry)
- rescue ArgumentError => error
- nil
- end
- end.
- compact.
- sort
- end
- # What order to remove snapshots in to regain disk space?
- #
- # Order backups by their closeness to defined backup times, which are
- # listed in a set order (i.e. today's backup is more important than yesterday's).
- #
- BACKUP_IMPORTANCE = [0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 56, 112]
- def snapshot_times_by_importance
- now =
- snapshot_times_unsorted = snapshot_times
- snapshot_times_sorted = []
- while !snapshot_times_unsorted.empty?
- BACKUP_IMPORTANCE.each do |days|
- target_time = now + (days*86400)
- closest = snapshot_times_unsorted.inject(nil) do |best, time|
- if best.nil? || (time-target_time).abs < (best-target_time).abs
- time
- else
- best
- end
- end
- break unless closest
- snapshot_times_sorted << snapshot_times_unsorted.delete(closest)
- end
- end
- snapshot_times_sorted
- end
- # Returns the size of the given snapshot (runs du, may be slow)
- #
- # Would much prefer to take advantage of this feature:
- #
- # but it's not currently in Debian/wheezy.
- #
- def snapshot_size(time=snapshot_times.latest)
- `du -s -b #{snapshot_path(time)}`.to_i
- end
- def average_snapshot_size(number=10)
- snapshot_times.sort[0..number].inject(0) { |time, total| snapshot_size(time) } / number
- end
- # Create a new snapshot of 'current'
- #
- def new_snapshot!
- system_no_error("btrfs subvolume snapshot -r #{current.path} #{snapshot_path}")
- end
- def delete_snapshot!(time)
- system_no_error("btrfs subvolume delete #{snapshot_path(time)}")
- end
- def current
- end
- def snapshot_path(
- "#{dir.path}/#{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z")}"
- end
- protected
- def system_no_error(*args)
- raise"Command failed: "+args.join(" ")) unless
- system(*args)
- end
-opts = Trollop::options do
- opt :root, "Backups directory (must be a btrfs subvolume)",
- :type => :string
- opt :snapshot, "Take a new snapshot"
- opt :prune, "Prune old backups",
- :type => :string
- opt :list, "List backups (by 'age' or 'importance')",
- :type => :string
- opt :verbose, "Print diagnostics"
-@root = opts[:root]
-@verbose = opts[:verbose]
-@do_snapshot = opts[:snapshot]
-@do_list = opts[:list]
-@do_prune = opts[:prune]
-error("Must specify snapshot, prune or list") unless @do_snapshot || @do_prune || @do_list
-error("--root not readable") unless
-@backups =
-def get_snapshots_by(method)
- if method == 'importance'
- @backups.snapshot_times_by_importance.reverse # least important first
- elsif method == 'age'
- @backups.snapshot_times
- else
- raise"Unknown snapshot sort method #{method}")
- end
-if @do_snapshot
- last_snapshot_time = @backups.snapshot_times.last
- error("Last snapshot was less than six hours ago") unless
- !last_snapshot_time ||
- - @backups.snapshot_times.last >= 6*60*60 # FIXME: make configurable
- verbose "Making new snapshot"
- @backups.new_snapshot!
-if @do_list
- list = get_snapshots_by(@do_list)
- print "Backups in #{@root} by #{@do_list}:\n"
- list.each_with_index do |time, index|
- print "#{sprintf('% 3d',index)}: #{time}\n"
- end
-if @do_prune
- verbose "Counting last 10 backups"
- target_free_space = 1.5 * @backups.average_snapshot_size(10)
- verbose "Want to ensure we have #{target_free_space}"
- if >= target_free_space
- verbose "(we have #{} so no action needed)"
- else
- list = get_snapshots_by(@do_prune)
- while < target_free_space && !list.empty?
- to_delete = list.pop
- verbose "Deleting #{to_delete}"
- @backups.delete_snapshot!(to_delete)
- verbose "Leaves us with #{}"
- end
- end
-verbose "Finished"
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/ b/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d5e92a..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/changelog.Debian.gz b/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/changelog.Debian.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa0c0d..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/changelog.Debian.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/copyright b/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index daf38ac..0000000
--- a/debian/byteback/usr/share/doc/byteback/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Upstream-Name: byteback
-Source: <>
-Files: *
-Copyright: 2013-2014 Bytemark Computer Consulting Ltd
-License: GPL-2+
-License: GPL-2+
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- .
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
- PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- .
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with this package; if not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- .
- On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public
- License version 2 can be found in the file
- `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.