diff options
authorAlex Young <alex@bytemark.co.uk>2015-04-20 11:47:02 +0100
committerAlex Young <alex@bytemark.co.uk>2015-04-20 11:47:02 +0100
commitd92499d23bdb591ecbe824db3064ec4ab5e8f4f5 (patch)
parent7be280018dde23596673d53d6639bbecb35c65f8 (diff)
Removed the Pop3 server
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 525 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/configuration_builders/server.rb b/lib/mauve/configuration_builders/server.rb
index ea12724..5004a85 100644
--- a/lib/mauve/configuration_builders/server.rb
+++ b/lib/mauve/configuration_builders/server.rb
@@ -106,24 +106,6 @@ module Mauve
- class Pop3Server < ObjectBuilder
- #
- # The IP adderess the Pop3 server listens on
- #
- is_attribute "ip"
- #
- # The POP3 server port
- #
- is_attribute "port"
- # Sets up a Mauve::Pop3Server singleton as the result
- #
- # @return [Mauve::Pop3Server]
- def builder_setup
- @result = Mauve::Pop3Server.instance
- end
- end
# This is the main Server singleton.
@@ -137,7 +119,6 @@ module Mauve
is_builder "processor", Processor
is_builder "notifier", Notifier
is_builder "heartbeat", Heartbeat
- is_builder "pop3_server", Pop3Server
# The name of the server this instance of Mauve is running on
diff --git a/lib/mauve/person.rb b/lib/mauve/person.rb
index 1158cbf..021a393 100644
--- a/lib/mauve/person.rb
+++ b/lib/mauve/person.rb
@@ -6,17 +6,13 @@ module Mauve
class Person
attr_reader :username, :password, :urgent, :normal, :low, :email, :xmpp, :sms
- attr_reader :last_pop3_login, :suppressed, :notifications
+ attr_reader :suppressed, :notifications
attr_reader :notify_when_off_sick, :notify_when_on_holiday
# Set up a new Person
def initialize(username)
@suppressed = false
- #
- # TODO fix up web login so pop3 can be used as a proxy.
- #
- @last_pop3_login = {:from => nil, :at => nil}
@notifications = []
@username = username
diff --git a/lib/mauve/pop3_server.rb b/lib/mauve/pop3_server.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 971adae..0000000
--- a/lib/mauve/pop3_server.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-require 'thin'
-require 'mauve/mauve_thread'
-require 'digest/sha1'
-module Mauve
- #
- # The POP3 server, where messages can also be read.
- #
- class Pop3Server < MauveThread
- include Singleton
- attr_reader :port, :ip
- # Initialize the server
- #
- # Default port is 1110
- # Default IP is
- #
- def initialize
- super
- self.port = 1110
- self.ip = ""
- end
- #
- # Set the port
- #
- # @param [Integer] pr
- # @raise [ArgumentError] if the port is not sane
- # ~
- def port=(pr)
- raise ArgumentError, "port must be an integer between 0 and #{2**16-1}" unless pr.is_a?(Integer) and pr < 2**16 and pr > 0
- @port = pr
- end
- #
- # Set the IP address. Unfortunately IPv6 is not OK.
- #
- # @param [String] i The IP address required.
- #
- def ip=(i)
- raise ArgumentError, "ip must be a string" unless i.is_a?(String)
- #
- # Use ipaddr to sanitize our IP.
- #
- IPAddr.new(i)
- @ip = i
- end
- # @return [Log4r::Logger]
- def logger
- @logger ||= Log4r::Logger.new(self.class.to_s)
- end
- #
- # This stops the server
- #
- def stop
- if @server.running?
- @server.stop
- else
- @server.stop!
- end
- super
- end
- #
- # This stops the server faster than stop
- #
- def join
- @server.stop! if @server
- super
- end
- #
- # Since Server.start doesn't return below, we can't check when the thread was last polled.
- #
- def last_polled_at
- Time.now
- end
- private
- #
- # This starts the server, and keeps it going.
- #
- def main_loop
- unless @server and @server.running?
- @server = Mauve::Pop3Backend.new(@ip.to_s, @port)
- logger.info "Listening on #{@server.to_s}"
- #
- # The next statment doesn't return.
- #
- @server.start
- end
- end
- end
- #
- # This is the Pop3 Server itself. It is based on the Thin HTTP server, and hence EventMachine.
- #
- class Pop3Backend < Thin::Backends::TcpServer
- #
- # @return [Log4r::Logger]
- def logger
- @logger ||= Log4r::Logger.new(self.class.to_s)
- end
- # Initialize a new connection to the server
- def connect
- @signature = EventMachine.start_server(@host, @port, Pop3Connection)
- end
- # Disconnect the server, but only if EventMachine is still going.
- def disconnect
- #
- # Only do this if EventMachine is still going.. The http_server may have
- # stopped it already.
- #
- EventMachine.stop_server(@signature) if EventMachine.reactor_running?
- end
- end
- #
- # This class represents and individual connection, and understands some POP3
- # commands.
- #
- class Pop3Connection < EventMachine::Connection
- # The username
- attr_reader :user
- # Default CR+LF combo.
- CRLF = "\r\n"
- # @return [Log4r::Logger]
- def logger
- @logger ||= Log4r::Logger.new(self.class.to_s)
- end
- # This is called once the connection has been established. It says hello
- # to the client, and resets the state.
- def post_init
- logger.info "New connection"
- send_data "+OK #{self.class.to_s} started"
- @state = :authorization
- @user = nil
- @messages = []
- @level = nil
- end
- # This returns a list of commands allowed in a state.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] The state to query, defaults to the current state.
- # @return [Array] An array of permitted comands.
- #
- def permitted_commands(state=@state)
- case @state
- when :authorization
- when :transaction
- when :update
- %w(QUIT)
- end
- end
- # This returns a list of capabilities in a given state.
- #
- # @param [Symbol] The state to query, defaults to the current state.
- # @return [Array] An array of capabilities.
- def capabilities(state=@state)
- case @state
- when :transaction
- when :authorization
- else
- []
- end
- end
- # This method handles a command, and parses it.
- #
- # The following POP3 commands are understood:
- # QUIT
- # USER
- # PASS
- # STAT
- # LIST
- # RETR
- # DELE
- # NOOP
- # RSET
- # CAPA
- # UIDL
- #
- # The command is checked against a list of permitted commands, given the
- # state of the connection, and returns an error if the command is
- # forbidden.
- #
- # @param [String] data The data to process.
- #
- def receive_data (data)
- data.split(CRLF).each do |cmd|
- break if error?
- if cmd =~ Regexp.new('\A('+self.permitted_commands.join("|")+')\b')
- case $1
- when "QUIT"
- do_process_quit cmd
- when "USER"
- do_process_user cmd
- when "PASS"
- do_process_pass cmd
- when "STAT"
- do_process_stat cmd
- when "LIST"
- do_process_list cmd
- when "RETR"
- do_process_retr cmd
- when "DELE"
- do_process_dele cmd
- when "NOOP"
- do_process_noop cmd
- when "RSET"
- do_process_rset cmd
- when "CAPA"
- do_process_capa cmd
- when "UIDL"
- do_process_uidl cmd
- else
- do_process_error cmd
- end
- else
- do_process_error cmd
- end
- end
- end
- # This sends the data back to the user. A CR+LF is joined to the end of
- # the data.
- #
- # @param [String] d The data to send back.
- def send_data(d)
- d += CRLF
- super unless error?
- end
- private
- # This deals with CAPA, returning a string of capabilities in the current
- # connection state.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete CAPA command sent by the client.
- #
- def do_process_capa(a)
- send_data (["+OK Capabilities follow:"] + self.capabilities + ["."]).join(CRLF)
- end
- # This deals with the USER command.
- #
- # Any of low, normal, urgent can be appended to the username, to select
- # only alarms of that level to be shown.
- #
- # e.g.
- # patrick+low
- #
- # will show only alerts of a LOW level.
- #
- # @param [String] s The complete USER command sent by the client.
- #
- def do_process_user(s)
- allowed_levels = Mauve::AlertGroup::LEVELS.collect{|l| l.to_s}
- if s =~ /\AUSER +(\w+)\+(#{allowed_levels.join("|")})/
- # Allow alerts to be shown by level.
- #
- @user = $1
- @level = $2
- #
- send_data "+OK Only going to show #{@level} alerts."
- elsif s =~ /\AUSER +([\w]+)/
- @user = $1
- send_data "+OK"
- else
- send_data "-ERR Username not understood."
- end
- end
- # This processes the PASS command. It uses the Mauve::Authenticate class
- # to authenticate the user. Once authenticated, the state is set to :transaction.
- #
- # @param [String] s The complete PASS command sent by the client.
- def do_process_pass(s)
- if @user and s =~ /\APASS +(\S+)/
- if Mauve::Authentication.authenticate(@user, $1)
- @state = :transaction
- send_data "+OK Welcome #{@user} (#{@level})."
- else
- send_data "-ERR Authentication failed."
- end
- else
- send_data "-ERR USER comes first."
- end
- end
- #
- # This just sends an "ERR Unknown command" string back to the user.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete command from the client that caused this error.
- def do_process_error(a)
- send_data "-ERR Unknown comand."
- end
- # This does a NOOP.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete NOOP command from the client.
- def do_process_noop(a)
- send_data "+OK Thanks."
- end
- # Delete is processed as a NOOP
- alias do_process_dele do_process_noop
- # This logs a user out, and closes the connection. The state is set to :update.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete QUIT command from the client.
- def do_process_quit(a)
- @state = :update
- send_data "+OK bye."
- close_connection_after_writing
- end
- # This sends the number of messages, and their size back to the client.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete STAT command from the client.
- def do_process_stat(a)
- send_data "+OK #{self.messages.length} #{self.messages.inject(0){|s,m| s+= m[1].length}}"
- end
- # This sends a list of the messages back to the client.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete LIST command from the client.
- #
- def do_process_list(a)
- d = []
- if a =~ /\ALIST +(\d+)\b/
- ind = $1.to_i
- if ind > 0 and ind <= self.messages.length
- d << "+OK #{ind} #{self.messages[ind-1][1].length}"
- else
- d << "-ERR Unknown message."
- end
- else
- d << "+OK #{self.messages.length} messages (#{self.messages.inject(0){|s,m| s+= m[1].length}} octets)."
- self.messages.each_with_index{|m,i| d << "#{i+1} #{m[1].length}"}
- d << "."
- end
- send_data d.join(CRLF)
- end
- # This sends the UID of a message back to the client.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete UIDL command from the client.
- def do_process_uidl(a)
- if a =~ /\AUIDL +(\d+)\b/
- ind = $1.to_i
- if ind > 0 and ind <= self.messages.length
- m = self.messages[ind-1][0].id
- send_data "+OK #{ind} #{m}"
- else
- send_data "-ERR Message not found."
- end
- else
- d = ["+OK "]
- self.messages.each_with_index{|m,i| d << "#{i+1} #{m[0].id}"}
- d << "."
- send_data d.join(CRLF)
- end
- end
- # This retrieves a message for the client.
- #
- # @param [String] a The complete RETR command from the client.
- #
- def do_process_retr(a)
- if a =~ /\ARETR +(\d+)\b/
- ind = $1.to_i
- if ind > 0 and ind <= self.messages.length
- alert_changed, msg = self.messages[ind-1]
- send_data ["+OK #{msg.length} octets", msg, "."].join(CRLF)
- note = "#{alert_changed.update_type.capitalize} notification downloaded via POP3 by #{@user}"
- logger.info note+" about #{alert_changed}."
- h = History.new(:alerts => [alert_changed.alert_id], :type => "notification", :event => note, :user => @user)
- logger.error "Unable to save history due to #{h.errors.inspect}" if !h.save
- else
- send_data "-ERR Message not found."
- end
- else
- send_data "-ERR Boo."
- end
- end
- protected
- #
- # These are the messages in the mailbox. It looks for the first 100 alert_changed, and formats them into emails, and returns an array of
- #
- # [alert_changed, email]
- #
- # @return [Array] Array of alert_changeds and emails.
- #
- def messages
- if @messages.empty?
- @messages = []
- email = Configuration.current.notification_methods['email']
- alerts_seen = []
- #
- # A maximum of the 100 most recent alerts.
- #
- AlertChanged.first(100, :person => self.user, :was_relevant => true).each do |a|
- #
- # Not interested in alerts
- #
- next unless @level.nil? or a.level.to_s == @level
- #
- # Only interested in alerts
- #
- next unless a.alert.is_a?(Mauve::Alert)
- #
- # Only one message per alert.
- #
- next if alerts_seen.include?([a.alert_id, a.update_type])
- relevant = case a.update_type
- when "raised"
- a.alert.raised?
- when "acknowledged"
- a.alert.acknowledged?
- when "cleared"
- a.alert.cleared?
- else
- false
- end
- next unless relevant
- alerts_seen << [a.alert_id, a.update_type]
- @messages << [a, email.prepare_message(self.user+"@"+Server.instance.hostname, a.alert, [])]
- end
- end
- @messages
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/mauve/server.rb b/lib/mauve/server.rb
index 9745c28..90d5e77 100644
--- a/lib/mauve/server.rb
+++ b/lib/mauve/server.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ require 'mauve/mauve_thread'
require 'mauve/mauve_time'
require 'mauve/notifier'
require 'mauve/udp_server'
-require 'mauve/pop3_server'
require 'mauve/processor'
require 'mauve/http_server'
require 'mauve/heartbeat'
diff --git a/test/tc_mauve_configuration_builders_server.rb b/test/tc_mauve_configuration_builders_server.rb
index 072a0c4..fc245e4 100644
--- a/test/tc_mauve_configuration_builders_server.rb
+++ b/test/tc_mauve_configuration_builders_server.rb
@@ -85,25 +85,6 @@ EOF
assert_equal(session_secret, Mauve::HTTPServer.instance.session_secret)
- def test_pop3_server_params
- ip = "::1"
- port = 1101
- config=<<EOF
-server {
- pop3_server {
- ip "#{ip}"
- port #{port}
- }
- assert_nothing_raised { Mauve::ConfigurationBuilder.parse(config) }
- assert_equal(ip, Mauve::Pop3Server.instance.ip)
- assert_equal(port, Mauve::Pop3Server.instance.port)
- end
def test_listener_params
ip = "::"
port = 12341