path: root/lib
diff options
authorPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-06-15 21:19:06 +0100
committerPatrick J Cherry <patrick@bytemark.co.uk>2011-06-15 21:19:06 +0100
commit3af526a34a0d53cde184134b68f2c241efe92483 (patch)
tree8710265616ab6bef3967781f4e84f376bec4079e /lib
parent13c75e73812927359ca8a1d606ed33bd6a75eea5 (diff)
* Alert detail now has default message.
* It is now interpreted as textile.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/alert.rb b/lib/mauve/alert.rb
index 6694fca..df10741 100644
--- a/lib/mauve/alert.rb
+++ b/lib/mauve/alert.rb
@@ -116,54 +116,6 @@ module Mauve
- def summary_one_line
- subject ? "#{subject} #{summary}" : "#{source} #{summary}"
- end
- def summary_two_lines
- msg = ""
- msg += "from #{source} " if source != subject
- if cleared_at
- msg += "cleared #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - cleared_at.to_time)}"
- elsif acknowledged_at
- msg += "acknowledged #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - acknowledged_at.to_time)} by #{acknowledged_by}"
- else
- msg += "raised #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - raised_at.to_time)}"
- end
- [summary_one_line, msg]
- end
- # Returns a better array with information about the alert.
- #
- # @return [Array] An array of three elements: status, message, source.
- def summary_three_lines
- status = String.new
- if "cleared" == update_type
- status += "CLEARED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - cleared_at.to_time)}"
- elsif "acknowledged" == update_type
- status += "ACKNOWLEDGED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - acknowledged_at.to_time)} by #{acknowledged_by}"
- elsif "changed" == update_type
- status += "CHANGED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - updated_at.to_time)}"
- else
- status += "RAISED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - raised_at.to_time)}"
- end
- src = (source != subject)? "from #{source}" : nil
- return [status, summary_one_line, src]
- status = String.new
- if cleared_at
- status += "CLEARED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - cleared_at.to_time)}"
- elsif acknowledged_at
- status += "ACKNOWLEDGED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - acknowledged_at.to_time)} by #{acknowledged_by}"
- else
- status += "RAISED #{time_relative(MauveTime.now - raised_at.to_time)}"
- end
- src = (source != subject)? "from #{source}" : nil
- return [status, summary_one_line, src]
- end
# AlertGroup.matches must always return a an array of groups.
@@ -176,6 +128,7 @@ module Mauve
def subject; attribute_get(:subject) || attribute_get(:source) ; end
+ def detail; attribute_get(:detail) || "_No detail set._" ; end
def subject=(subject); set_changed_if_different( :subject, subject ); end
def summary=(summary); set_changed_if_different( :summary, summary ); end