path: root/lib/mauve/web_interface.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/mauve/web_interface.rb')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/mauve/web_interface.rb b/lib/mauve/web_interface.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4569cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/mauve/web_interface.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
+require 'sinatra/base'
+require 'sinatra-partials'
+require 'haml'
+require 'rack'
+require 'rack-flash'
+if !defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ require 'thin'
+module Mauve
+ # Our Sinatra app proper
+ #
+ class WebInterface < Sinatra::Base
+ class PleaseAuthenticate < Exception; end
+ use Rack::Session::Cookie, :expire_after => 604800 # 7 days in seconds
+ enable :sessions
+ use Rack::Flash
+ set :root, "/usr/share/mauve"
+ set :views, "#{root}/views"
+ set :public, "#{root}/static"
+ set :static, true
+ set :show_exceptions, true
+ logger = Log4r::Logger.new("Mauve::WebInterface")
+ set :logging, true
+ set :logger, logger
+ set :dump_errors, true # ...will dump errors to the log
+ set :raise_errors, false # ...will not let exceptions out to main program
+ set :show_exceptions, false # ...will not show exceptions
+ ########################################################################
+ before do
+ @person = Configuration.current.people[session['username']]
+ @title = "Mauve alert panel"
+ end
+ get '/' do
+ redirect '/alerts'
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ ## Checks the identity of the person via a password.
+ #
+ # The password can be either the SSO or a local one defined
+ # in the configuration file.
+ #
+ post '/login' do
+ usr = params['username']
+ pwd = params['password']
+ ret_sso = helper_auth_SSO(usr, pwd)
+ ret_loc = helper_auth_local(usr, pwd)
+ if "success" == ret_sso or "success" == ret_loc
+ session['username'] = usr
+ else
+ flash['error'] =<<__MSG
+<hr /> <img src="/images/error.png" /> <br />
+#{ret_sso} <br />
+#{ret_loc} <hr />
+ end
+ redirect '/alerts'
+ end
+ get '/logout' do
+ session.delete('username')
+ redirect '/alerts'
+ end
+ get '/alerts' do
+ #now = MauveTime.now.to_f
+ please_authenticate()
+ find_active_alerts()
+ #pp MauveTime.now.to_f - now
+ haml(:alerts2)
+ end
+ get '/_alert_summary' do
+ find_active_alerts; partial("alert_summary")
+ end
+ get '/_alert_counts' do
+ find_active_alerts; partial("alert_counts")
+ end
+ get '/_head' do
+ find_active_alerts()
+ partial("head")
+ end
+ get '/alert/:id/detail' do
+ please_authenticate
+ content_type("text/html") # I think
+ Alert.get(params[:id]).detail
+ end
+ get '/alert/:id' do
+ please_authenticate
+ find_active_alerts
+ @alert = Alert.get(params['id'])
+ haml :alert
+ end
+ post '/alert/:id/acknowledge' do
+ please_authenticate
+ alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
+ if alert.acknowledged?
+ alert.unacknowledge!
+ else
+ alert.acknowledge!(@person, 0)
+ end
+ content_type("application/json")
+ alert.to_json
+ end
+ # Note that :until must be in seconds.
+ post '/alert/acknowledge/:id/:until' do
+ #now = MauveTime.now.to_f
+ please_authenticate
+ alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
+ alert.acknowledge!(@person, params[:until].to_i())
+ #print "Acknowledge request was processed in #{MauveTime.now.to_f - now} seconds\n"
+ content_type("application/json")
+ alert.to_json
+ end
+ post '/alert/:id/raise' do
+ #now = MauveTime.now.to_f
+ please_authenticate
+ alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
+ alert.raise!
+ #print "Raise request was processed in #{MauveTime.now.to_f - now} seconds\n"
+ content_type("application/json")
+ alert.to_json
+ end
+ post '/alert/:id/clear' do
+ please_authenticate
+ alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
+ alert.clear!
+ content_type("application/json")
+ alert.to_json
+ end
+ post '/alert/:id/toggleDetailView' do
+ please_authenticate
+ alert = Alert.get(params[:id])
+ if nil != alert
+ id = params[:id].to_i()
+ session[:display_alerts][id] = (true == session[:display_alerts][id])? false : true
+ content_type("application/json")
+ 'all is good'.to_json
+ end
+ end
+ post '/alert/fold/:subject' do
+ please_authenticate
+ session[:display_folding][params[:subject]] = (true == session[:display_folding][params[:subject]])? false : true
+ content_type("application/json")
+ 'all is good'.to_json
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ get '/preferences' do
+ please_authenticate
+ find_active_alerts
+ haml :preferences
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ get '/events' do
+ please_authenticate
+ find_active_alerts
+ find_recent_alerts
+ haml :events
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ helpers do
+ include Sinatra::Partials
+ def please_authenticate
+ raise PleaseAuthenticate.new unless @person
+ end
+ def find_active_alerts
+ # FIXME: make sure alerts only appear once some better way
+ #@urgent = AlertGroup.all_alerts_by_level(:urgent)
+ #@normal = AlertGroup.all_alerts_by_level(:normal) - @urgent
+ #@low = AlertGroup.all_alerts_by_level(:low) - @normal - @urgent
+ ook = Alert.get_all()
+ @urgent = ook[:urgent]
+ @normal = ook[:normal]
+ @low = ook[:low]
+ # Get groups of alerts and count those acknowledged.
+ @grouped_ack_urgent = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_ack_normal = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_ack_low = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_new_urgent = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_new_normal = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_new_low = Hash.new()
+ @count_ack = Hash.new()
+ @count_ack[:urgent] = self.group_alerts(@grouped_ack_urgent,
+ @grouped_new_urgent,
+ @urgent)
+ @count_ack[:normal] = self.group_alerts(@grouped_ack_normal,
+ @grouped_new_normal,
+ @normal)
+ @count_ack[:low] = self.group_alerts(@grouped_ack_low,
+ @grouped_new_low,
+ @low)
+ @grouped_ack = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_new = Hash.new()
+ @grouped_ack_urgent.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_ack[k] = v}
+ @grouped_ack_normal.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_ack[k] = v}
+ @grouped_ack_low.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_ack[k] = v}
+ @grouped_new_urgent.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_new[k] = v}
+ @grouped_new_normal.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_new[k] = v}
+ @grouped_new_low.each_pair {|k,v| @grouped_new[k] = v}
+ end
+ ## Fill two hashs with alerts that are acknowledged or not.
+ # @param [Hash] ack Acknowledge hash.
+ # @param [Hash] new Unacknowledged (aka new) hash.
+ # @param [List] list List of alerts.
+ # @return [Fixnum] The count of acknowledged alerts.
+ def group_alerts(ack, new, list)
+ count = 0
+ list.each do |alert|
+ #key = alert.source + '::' + alert.subject
+ key = alert.subject
+ if true == alert.acknowledged?
+ count += 1
+ ack[key] = Array.new() if false == ack.has_key?(key)
+ ack[key] << alert
+ else
+ new[key] = Array.new() if false == new.has_key?(key)
+ new[key] << alert
+ end
+ if false == session[:display_alerts].has_key?(alert.id)
+ session[:display_alerts][alert.id] = false
+ end
+ if false == session[:display_folding].has_key?(key)
+ session[:display_folding][key] = false
+ end
+ #session[:display_alerts][alert.id] = true if false == session[:display_alerts].has_key?(alert.id)
+ #session[:display_folding][key] = true if false == session[:display_folding].has_key?(key)
+ new.each_key {|k| new[k].sort!{|a,b| a.summary <=> b.summary} }
+ ack.each_key {|k| ack[k].sort!{|a,b| a.summary <=> b.summary} }
+ end
+ return count
+ end
+ def find_recent_alerts
+ since = params['since'] ? MauveTime.parse(params['since']) : (MauveTime.now-86400)
+ @alerts = Alert.all(:updated_at.gt => since, :order => [:raised_at.desc, :cleared_at.desc, :acknowledged_at.desc, :updated_at.desc, ])
+ end
+ def cycle(*list)
+ @cycle ||= 0
+ @cycle = (@cycle + 1) % list.length
+ list[@cycle]
+ end
+ ## Test for authentication with SSO.
+ #
+ def helper_auth_SSO (usr, pwd)
+ auth = AuthSourceBytemark.new()
+ begin
+ return "success" if true == auth.authenticate(usr,pwd)
+ return "SSO did not regcognise your login/password combination."
+ rescue ArgumentError => ex
+ return "SSO argument error: #{ex.message}"
+ rescue => ex
+ return "SSO generic error: #{ex.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ ## Test for authentication with configuration file parameter.
+ #
+ def helper_auth_local (usr, pwd)
+ person = Configuration.current.people[params['username']]
+ return "I did not recognise your local login details." if !person
+ return "I did not recognise your local password." if Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(params['password']) != person.password
+ return "success"
+ end
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ error PleaseAuthenticate do
+ status 403
+ session[:display_alerts] = Hash.new()
+ session[:display_folding] = Hash.new()
+ haml :please_authenticate
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ # @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2239240/use-rackcommonlogger-in-sinatra
+ def call(env)
+ if true == @logger.nil?
+ @logger = Log4r::Logger.new("mauve::Rack")
+ end
+ env['rack.errors'] = RackErrorsProxy.new(@logger)
+ super(env)
+ end
+ end