path: root/spec/githubrepo_spec.rb
diff options
authorWild Kat <>2018-04-25 16:56:20 +0200
committerWild Kat <>2018-04-25 16:56:20 +0200
commit57348a626811688eb014d97d5aa401a10b3898bd (patch)
treeb1f53cd584883df15ce4e6d0ff185662c91db73b /spec/githubrepo_spec.rb
parent8afffb852b55dfa74f2e694e5c27d9db4cc34373 (diff)
move hook tests into own directory and regen rubocop todo
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/githubrepo_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/spec/githubrepo_spec.rb b/spec/githubrepo_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c99f0..0000000
--- a/spec/githubrepo_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'rugged'
-require 'oxidized/hook/githubrepo'
-describe GithubRepo do
- let(:credentials) { mock }
- let(:remote) { mock }
- let(:remotes) { mock }
- let(:repo_head) { mock }
- let(:repo) { mock }
- let(:gr) { }
- before do
- Oxidized.asetus =
- Oxidized.config.log = '/dev/null'
- Oxidized.setup_logger
- Oxidized.config.output.default = 'git'
- end
- describe '#validate_cfg!' do
- before do
- gr.expects(:respond_to?).with(:validate_cfg!).returns(false) # `cfg=` call
- end
- it 'raise a error when `remote_repo` is not configured' do
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook = { type: 'githubrepo' }
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- proc { gr.validate_cfg! }.must_raise(KeyError)
- end
- end
- describe "#fetch_and_merge_remote" do
- before(:each) do
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.remote_repo = ''
- Proc.expects(:new).returns(credentials)
- repo_head.expects(:name).returns('refs/heads/master')
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- end
- it "should not try to merge when there is no update in remote branch" do
- repo.expects(:fetch).with('origin', ['refs/heads/master'], credentials: credentials).returns(
- repo.expects(:branches).never
- repo.expects(:head).returns(repo_head)
- gr.fetch_and_merge_remote(repo).must_equal nil
- end
- describe "when there is update considering conflicts" do
- let(:merge_index) { mock }
- let(:their_branch) { mock }
- before(:each) do
- repo.expects(:fetch).with('origin', ['refs/heads/master'], credentials: credentials).returns(total_deltas: 1)
- their_branch.expects(:target_id).returns(1)
- repo_head.expects(:target_id).returns(2)
- repo.expects(:merge_commits).with(2, 1).returns(merge_index)
- repo.expects(:branches).returns("origin/master" => their_branch)
- end
- it "should not try merging when there's conflict" do
- repo.expects(:head).twice.returns(repo_head)
- their_branch.expects(:name).returns("origin/master")
- merge_index.expects(:conflicts?).returns(true)
- Rugged::Commit.expects(:create).never
- gr.fetch_and_merge_remote(repo).must_equal nil
- end
- it "should merge when there is no conflict" do
- repo.expects(:head).times(3).returns(repo_head)
- their_branch.expects(:target).returns("their_target")
- their_branch.expects(:name).twice.returns("origin/master")
- repo_head.expects(:target).returns("our_target")
- merge_index.expects(:write_tree).with(repo).returns("tree")
- merge_index.expects(:conflicts?).returns(false)
- Rugged::Commit.expects(:create).with(repo,
- parents: ["our_target", "their_target"],
- tree: "tree",
- message: "Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'",
- update_ref: "HEAD").returns(1)
- gr.fetch_and_merge_remote(repo).must_equal 1
- end
- end
- end
- describe "#run_hook" do
- let(:group) { nil }
- let(:ctx) { node) }
- let(:node) do
- '', group: group, model: 'junos', output: 'git')
- end
- before do
- Proc.expects(:new).returns(credentials)
- repo_head.expects(:name).twice.returns('refs/heads/master')
- repo.expects(:head).twice.returns(repo_head)
- repo.expects(:path).returns('/foo.git')
- repo.expects(:fetch).with('origin', ['refs/heads/master'], credentials: credentials).returns(
- end
- describe 'when there is only one repository and no groups' do
- before do
- Oxidized.config.output.git.repo = '/foo.git'
- remote.expects(:url).returns('')
- remote.expects(:push).with(['refs/heads/master'], credentials: credentials).returns(true)
- repo.expects(:remotes).returns('origin' => remote)
- Rugged::Repository.expects(:new).with('/foo.git').returns(repo)
- end
- it "will push to the remote repository using https" do
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.remote_repo = ''
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.username = 'username'
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.password = 'password'
- Proc.expects(:new).returns(credentials)
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- gr.run_hook(ctx).must_equal true
- end
- it "will push to the remote repository using ssh" do
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.remote_repo = ''
- Proc.expects(:new).returns(credentials)
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- gr.run_hook(ctx).must_equal true
- end
- end
- describe "when there are groups" do
- let(:group) { 'ggrroouupp' }
- before do
- Proc.expects(:new).returns(credentials)
- Rugged::Repository.expects(:new).with(repository).returns(repo)
- repo.expects(:remotes).twice.returns(remotes)
- remotes.expects(:[]).with('origin').returns(nil)
- remotes.expects(:create).with('origin', create_remote).returns(remote)
- remote.expects(:url).returns('url')
- remote.expects(:push).with(['refs/heads/master'], credentials: credentials).returns(true)
- end
- describe 'and there are several repositories' do
- let(:create_remote) { 'ggrroouupp#remote_repo' }
- let(:repository) { '/ggrroouupp.git' }
- before do
- Oxidized.config.output.git.repo.ggrroouupp = repository
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.remote_repo.ggrroouupp = 'ggrroouupp#remote_repo'
- end
- it 'will push to the node group repository' do
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- gr.run_hook(ctx).must_equal true
- end
- end
- describe 'and has a single repository' do
- let(:create_remote) { 'github_repo_hook#remote_repo' }
- let(:repository) { '/foo.git' }
- before do
- Oxidized.config.output.git.repo = repository
- Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook.remote_repo = 'github_repo_hook#remote_repo'
- Oxidized.config.output.git.single_repo = true
- end
- it 'will push to the correct repository' do
- gr.cfg = Oxidized.config.hooks.github_repo_hook
- gr.run_hook(ctx).must_equal true
- end
- end
- end
- end